Early recruitment of Thane, Samara and Tali. Early access to Illium. Early access to Tuchanka if Wrex is the clan leader.

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Early Recruitment 2.0 restructures the entire mod and adds Early Legion in a narratively immersive way!

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Early Recruitment has undergone a major overhaul, fully rebuilding all audio content in a more technically robust way, updating dialogue for early recruits on Horizon to make use of the new ability to use new, spliced dialogue, and creating a custom timer so that loyalty missions do not trigger immediately for some squadmates.

Additionally, Legion can now be recruited almost immediately, at the Normandy Crash Site!

Bring Legion to recruit Jack, Mordin, Garrus and Grunt and experience previously inaccessible dialogue.

Legion has no dialogue for conversations on Horizon, but spliced and reused lines have been implemented to allow players to bring him on the mission.

However, Legion does have vanilla dialogue during the Collector Ship mission.

This is an extensive narrative overhaul to Legion's plotline which allows players to recruit him in an immersive way, complete with adjusted conversations, and new and edited cinematic cut scenes.

Conversations with Legion aboard the Normandy have been edited to account for the new storyline.

An alternate path into Legion's loyalty mission is presented during a brand new cinematic conversation at the end of the Collector Ship debrief.

The Derelict Reaper mission will account for multiple plot states. Here is Legion in the squad:

The scene is amended if Legion remains aboard the Normandy:

Legion must be recruited before the Collector Ship mission. After this point he will no longer be available at the Crash Site and will instead be encountered on the Derelict Reaper ship as in vanilla. This is to ensure all players encounter Legion by the end of the game (in order to avoid issues importing to LE3). This mod therefore provides a complete, optional alternative pathway to recruiting Legion, while still preserving the possibility of following the original, vanilla path.

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