A mod for Age of Empires 2 DE based on the history of warfare, trade, and cultures of the Indosphere. The aim of this mod is to showcase the diversity of Indian continent in the medieval period as well as the cultures influenced by the greater cosmopolis that existed during this period.

Post feature Report RSS Unit Overview - Ratha

Nepali Unique Unit - Bhikshu (Background History).

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Ratha Indian war chariots are ancient vehicles that were used in warfare during the ancient and medieval period of India. These chariots were driven by skilled charioteers and carried armed soldiers to the battlefield. In this article, we will explore the history and characteristics of Ratha Indian war chariots.

The use of chariots in warfare dates back to ancient times. The Ratha Indian war chariots were first mentioned in the Indian epic, the Mahabharata, which was written between 400 BCE and 400 CE. The Mahabharata describes the chariots as being used in battles between various kingdoms and clans in ancient India.

During the early medieval period, Ratha Indian war chariots were widely used by the Palas of Bengal,that ruled much of Eastern India.

The Ratha Indian war chariots were typically drawn by two to four horses and had a platform on which the charioteer and the armed soldiers stood. The chariots were made of wood and were designed to be lightweight and maneuverable.

The charioteer was typically an experienced driver who could handle the horses and maneuver the chariot with ease. The armed soldiers standing on the platform were typically archers, who would use their bows and arrows to attack enemy soldiers from a distance.

The Ratha Indian war chariots were also equipped with weapons such as swords and spears, which could be used in close combat. The wheels of the chariots were often equipped with sharp blades, which could be used to maim or kill enemy soldiers.

The Ratha Indian war chariots were used in a variety of military situations. They were often used in large-scale battles, where they would be deployed to attack enemy soldiers from a distance. The chariots could be used to disrupt enemy formations, sow confusion, and distract enemy soldiers.

In addition to their use in large-scale battles, Ratha Indian war chariots were also used in smaller skirmishes and raids. They were particularly effective in hit-and-run tactics, where they could quickly attack enemy soldiers and withdraw before they could mount an effective counterattack.

The Ratha Indian war chariots played a significant role in Indian history and culture. They were an important part of the military strategy of ancient and medieval Indian kingdoms and were celebrated in literature and art.

Today, Ratha Indian war chariots are still used in traditional festivals and celebrations throughout India. They are often adorned with bright colors and decorations, and are pulled by horses or even elephants. These chariots are a testament to the ingenuity and skill of their creators, and serve as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of India.

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