Dawn of War II: Elite is a multiplayer mod for Dawn of War II: Retribution. Originally envisioned by Caeltos (a competitive player with a wealth of experience spanning through vanilla to Retribution) as an experimental balance mod for high-level players, Elite evolved into making bolder changes as THQ cut the official support of DOW 2 in their dive toward bankruptcy. The addition of new abilities and units became commonplace, from Space Marine Sternguard Veterans, Eldar Fire Dragons, Chaos Raptors to the Ork Flash Gitz, finalising in the introduction of an entirely new faction - the Grey Knights, based on Bloodravage’s Destroyer 40k mod – all designed from a competitive PvP angle. Coupled with continuous development and an active community dedicated to casts, coverage and regular events, the Elite mod continues to preserve and enrich the de facto Warhammer 40K RTS to this day.

Post news Report RSS Elite Mod Patch 2.9.11 April 5th 2024 [2.9.10 Patch Notes Included]

This is our newest full release patch released now on April 5th 2024. This is the final comprehensive patch that includes both 2.9.10 and patches. We appreciate your patience as we uploaded two previous builds recently but this builds seems much better. For all other questions find us at our discord server!

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Visit Community Discord Discord.com for Questions and Answers!

Important Notice

-- The game now runs from a dedicated EXE file --
This part is exceptionally important please don't overlook it. The game will not warn you that you have run it incorrectly by not doing this and you'll only find out when you try to load a skirmish (or certain army painter races).

This change was necessary for the splitting of Ordo Malleus from Space Marines, and will allow us to do the next big race much more cleanly.

Much love, Noot


Something to note, if you have Test Build installed and switch back to Live Build, DO NOT run the game via the Injector Shortcut (The one with the Windows Shield on it). This will brick your game and only let you play as Inq.

Solution for if you still have Test Build installed, simply switch that folder to be the active one and run the injector again and you will be good.
If you don't have the Injector installed anymore, then delete your My Games > Retribution folder to fix it. Then run the Attached Elite shortcut.

Attached is a copy of the Live Build desktop shortcut to be used with Elite again, you will need to repoint it to look at your current Steam directory, mine is on C: Drive for example.

File Download Link
- Open the link below while your Discord desktop app is running.

grey knights

2.9.11 Patch Notes


Third time’s the charm right?
We do appreciate your patience while we frantically worked the last remaining kinks out over the last week or so. With all those teething issues finally sorted, this should be the eminent patch for a while now.

Major amendments are OM Turrets being restored, a few animations tweaked, and we’ve talked some sense back into the OM AI. The ability to create Custom Colouring has also been remedied. We’ve also applied proper Team Colourings for OM in Team Games too. And just a minor adjustment to a slightly undertuned Psyker auto-attack to round the patch off.

Also, we’re adding a separate installer which updates the 2.9.10 build to the new one, 2.9.11. This incremental installer will take less time to download compared to the full installer due to its smaller file size.

Build Organization and Compiling: Arthurcloud
Programming (Units, Abilities): Arthurcloud, Inekura, Noot, Mickey, Olev, Atlas, Enlargingcloud, Snowkip
Models, Animation, Visuals: Garrick, Enlargingcloud, Noot, Prism, Clocktickin, Kekoulis, Yreeeet
Visual Effects: Enlargingcloud, Noot
Speech / Voices: Garrick
New Game Modes: Noot
New Race Infrastructure / Code Injector: Bruiser Banned, Kharos, Garrick
Original Music Score: Josh aka Voxcaster
Website / Forums / Moderation: Arthurcloud, Adeptus, Impregnable, Dark Riku, Meta
Portraits, Icons & Art: Knall
Internal testing: Mickey, Deimos, Arthurcloud, Flynn Stone
Tooltip Review: Olev
Maps: Flynn Stone
Patchlogs / internal logs: Arthurcloud, Impregnable, Inekura, Mickey
External Thanks: Alerion, Tvanges, Bezerk

General Changes / QOL:

Scatter values for Primaris Psyker were far too high. This wasn’t noticeable in as once target-tracking was enabled scatter became redundant. To balance this to a usable state, values changed as follows.
Angle Scatter 5 -> 2
Distance Scatter Max 10 -> 2
Distance Scatter Ratio 0.3 -> 0.18
Tilt Max Distance 10 -> 2

- We vastly reduced the scatter variables with his tracer attack. Now, he is fairly reliable vs stationary targets while being less so against moving targets as originally intended. The initial change in made him too unreliable even vs stationary targets so we fixed this.


Fixed a bug with the Free-For-All game mode which was causing crashes.
- This also means the game will recall your most recently played map rather than defaulting to Ashes of Typhon every time you create a new lobby after finishing a game or switch between Game Modes after you host a lobby.

Camera Max Zoom limitation of 60 now correctly applied to all Game Modes.

Custom Colour Scheme functionality now re-enabled via the Elite > Config .bat updates.

Correct Bordering applied to Force Commander in-game loading screen.
- When you start a match, you get a loading screen where you can see the list of players participating in the match. Here, your team’s chosen heroes are shown. Each hero gets a bluish border around one’s portrait but our newly added Force Commander portrait did not have this so we fixed it.

AI Space Marines can no longer upgrade Sternguard Veteran Squad with a Missile launcher.
- Usually changing things for players apply the same for AI but some parts of AI files need to be separately tweaked when making changes as they are allowed to do different things from human players via these AI only files. This bug happened because the Missile Launcher upgrade option was deleted for the human players but not for AI and this file that determines it was tucked away in a usually not used random obscure corner of the game files.

Fixed weird animation issues Terminator Squad models had when equipped with Cyclone Missile Launcher or Assault Cannon upgrades.

Ordo Malleus faction Team Coloring issue fixed.
- There are certain parts of a model that change based on what scheme a player chooses in the Army Painter. The file used for this is named Team Coloring. Colours in these parts of Ordo Malleus models were bugging out and showing weird colours.

Missing Ordo Malleus AI returned.
- Previously, we omitted files required for Ordo Malleus AI to work. This caused AI Ordo Malleus player to simply not do anything standing idly.

Fixed an issue where Ordo Malleus HQ would not spawn with base turrets.
- We forgot to add a proper portrait for turrets. Fixing it in the next patch.

Fixed a bug where the Psychic Lash ability animation caused Brother-Captain to freeze for several seconds before being able to move again.
Sanctuary ability animation no longer causes Terminator Librarian to become frozen and T-pose around the map for a short time like a chad.

2.9.10 Patch Notes


Large bug the size of a small bug had been identified with the initial release. Most custom 3v3 maps were missing,(along with Jarilo’s Forge bizarrely). So an urgent hotfix was needed. Also, there were some other critical issues we had to address at the same time.

Other key issues that we addressed or tried to address are as follows.
- Autarch getting stuck while trying to use Skyleap ability.
- Rangers getting stuck after using Kinetic Pulse ability.
- VFX not registering properly on the new Terminator-based models for Ordo Malleus. For example, you could not see when Brother-Captain Mind Blades global or Warboss Use Yer Choppas! global were casted on those specific models.
- Army Painter issue some people had where you cannot edit certain factions.

Because of how long it took to correct the above changes in the code, we were able to make some other smaller QOL changes in the meantime. Such as slightly increasing the default camera zoom, removing The Last Stand options, and a number of portraits / skins / models / animation adjustments. Oh and we also added a spicy new Game Mode purely for testing and messing around.

Build Organization and Compiling: Arthurcloud
Programming (Units, Abilities): Arthurcloud, Inekura, Noot, Mickey, Olev, Atlas, Enlargingcloud, Snowkip
Models, Animation, Visuals: Garrick, Enlargingcloud, Noot, Prism, Clocktickin, Kekoulis, Yreeeet
Visual Effects: Enlargingcloud, Noot
Speech / Voices: Garrick
New Game Modes: Noot
New Race Infrastructure / Code Injector: Bruiser Banned, Kharos, Garrick
Original Music Score: Josh aka Voxcaster
Website / Forums / Moderation: Arthurcloud, Adeptus, Impregnable, Dark Riku, Meta
Portraits, Icons & Art: Knall
Internal testing: Mickey, Deimos, Arthurcloud, Flynn Stone
Tooltip Review: Olev
Maps: Flynn Stone
Patchlogs / internal logs: Arthurcloud, Impregnable, Inekura, Mickey
External Thanks: Alerion, Tvanges, Bezerk

New Game Modes:

New Game Mode added named [VPC] Sandbox Mode, courtesy of another fine addition from Noot.
- All production timers for unit build times, upgrades, Wargears, tier ups etc have all been radically shortened to a second or two.
- Therefore, if you want to test specific match ups or situations with a friend, you no longer need to wait around to reach T2 / T3, or for units with long build time to complete.
- Don’t forget that the new High Resources mode allows you to start with 999 Red too.

General Changes / QOL:

New logo added for the main menu screen.
- The logo is located on the top left side of the main menu screen.

Removed the option to play The Last Stand via Elite.
- We decided to remove last stand as it´s having some issues if played in elite anyways and elite offers nothing new to it.
- If you want to play Last stand you can still do that by launching DoW 2 Retribution via Steam.

You can no longer see others’ or your player statistics by left clicking on the player ID to bring out that option. Left click on the player ID function can happen in many different places but all are blocked for the injector to work.

Increased max camera zoom from 55 to 60.
Increased default camera zoom from 47 to 55.
- We chose 55 as default zoom in case people want to play with what they got used to.
Disabled the option to use edited local files to change the camera height.

Our tooltip professional fixed and defined even more tooltips.

Updated the icon and portrait for Terminator Assault Squad.

Ordo Malleus post game loading screen added in replaced with a new one.
Changed the Ordo Malleus faction icon used in the in-game player list to match the style of other factions.
- When having a pvp match, you have a button on the top left corner of the screen which you can click to see the list of players participating in the game. Faction icons are present next to each player’s ID listed in it.
Slightly refined the Ordo Malleus icon that is used when selecting a faction.

Vortimer Razorback was using an old portrait so replaced it with a new updated one.

Updated Space Marines terminator variants head models to be of slightly higher quality.

Brother-Captain now has a new animation while casting Battle Rites ability.
- Previously, the ability had no animation when casting it.
Brother-Captain now has a new animation while casting Psychic Lash ability.
- Previously, the ability had no animation when casting it.

Changed the model of the Acolyte squad leader of Inquisitorial Storm Troopers to no longer show drastic similarities with a specific cult.

New Grey Knight Dreadnought model added.

Tyranoformation global now has a new overlay preview so you can see where the towers will emerge from.
- Infestation global is not affected.

Mind Blades global received visual changes to make them show more clearly on affected units.
- Blue light shown above affected units is brighter and a blue sword icon appears above affected units.

Buff and debuff effects on all models wearing Terminator Armour are now more visible. Following models were affected.
Terminator Librarian
Grey Knights Terminators


Re-added missing maps.

Addressed several errors with the army painter.
- Should now work as in previous iterations of Elite.
Faction names and army names such as Chapter(Space Marines) and Clan(Orks) are matching again.
Dark Angels army painter scheme change in green shading has been reverted back to normal colouring.

- This was an accidental change and therefore, we reverted it.
Raven Guard elite skin once again made visible.

Fixed an issue where Apothecary Laramans Blessing global could not revive friendly Ordo Malleus heroes.

Terminator Squad models no longer leave BAD SPLATS text on the ground upon death.

Enemy players are no longer able to see infiltrated Slugga Boyz using the Goff elite skin.
- Goff elite skin had an issue where Slugga Boyz equipped with Burnas upgrade had flame vfx on spikes on its backpack visible to enemy players while infiltrated. Removed flame vfx to fix this.

Kommando Nob Gretchins global power cost changed from 15 to 5. The previous number was wrong so we fixed it.
- Gretchins was formerly added in 2.9.8 patch with below attributes.
Gretchin Mob (NEW UNIT) FOLLOWING STATS (150/15/50):
Gretchin mobs start off by default having 6 pop, 75hp, 6 speed, 5dps in range (range 22) and 3dps in melee. They are unable to cap and decap at half speed.
The gretchin mob is spawnable only through the gretchin global - a new t2 global for all ork heroes. This global costs 150/15/50 and has a cooldown of 180 seconds. All Gretchin mobs are capable of repairing at 5hp/s rate. Can create waggh banners and bunkers.

Gretchin mobs may be upgraded with the following 3 upgrades all of which are mutually exclusive and cost 50/15 each:
Repair krew: Can build bunkers and mekboy turrets (there are little gretchins in them). Repair rate boosted to 10 hp/s.
Orderly grots: passively increases hp regen of friendly units by 50% in radius 15. Can apply a 10 hp/s over 10 seconds stunning for the first 5 seconds of the duration.
Gun grots: Swap out grot stabbas for grot gunz. Deal 10 dps per model at range and 0.5dps in melee. Range increase from 22 to 38.
They also come with the Ability Ammo Runs which boosts the ranged damage of a targeted friendly ork squad of 10% for 8 seconds.

Fixed an issue where Guardian Squad reinforces without health increase given by Battle Equipment upgrade.

Rangers should no longer get stuck.
- The way Kinetic Pulse ability works is like this. The lead model is given a dummy rifle that files a single shot that does knock back then switches back to the normal rifle after the shot is done. For your information, there are other abilities that works this way such as High Powered Shot ability of Techmarine. In short, before the fix, Rangers had 1) setup and teardown on all weapons when not using the ability and 2) no setup or teardown on 1 weapon that is using the skill and setup+teardown on 2 weapons when the ability. This is what was causing the bug.
- In order to fix this, we made it so that the whole team has 1) setup and teardown on their weapons when not using Kinetic Pulse ability and 2) no setup time and no teardown time on all their weapons when using the ability. Of course, this means the squad no longer has to teardown before retreating after using the ability. That is why we manually added 1.25 seconds of cannot move time after using the ability to match the exact duration required for teardown before retreating or moving again.
- Also, ability parameters changed slightly as in switch back duration is 0 for the dummy rifle equip and change back to the normal rifle actions. Not sure how much this is helping though.

Autrach Skyleap ability should no longer break when energy is decreased by getting hit while using Forceshield ability.
- For some reason, Skyleap ability was granting Autarch 80 energy and triggering another ability called skyleap_execute that costs 80 energy. In cases where energy was decreased via damage below 80 by whatever means such as energy decreasing by getting hit while using Forceshield, the game would lose its mind. After the fix, neither Skyleap ability grants 80 energy, nor does the skyleap_execute costs energy. Both of them cost 0 energy now. Added knockback resistance to Skyleap ability for good measure.

Fixed an issue where a broken jump interaction could cause Interceptor Squad to lose energy and cooldown without actually using Furious Intervention ability.
- Furious Intervention is the name of the squad’s teleport ability.

Patch casting animation restored for Terminator Librarian Sanctuary ability.
- Thought we added new animation in but it got omitted so we added the new animation properly this time but it had a problem of being too long and made the model slide around not walking after using the ability. Therefore, we reintroduced old working animation for now.

Rally point markers not appearing properly above Terminator Armour wearing models bug fixed. Following models were affected.
Terminator Librarian
Grey Knights Terminators


- New 1v1 Map “Mining Site Gamma” added. - Creator Flynn Stone

Image Tyranids

Ravener Alpha:
On game start, Ravener Alpha Tunnel ability now starts with 45 seconds cooldown instead of 120 seconds.
- We will keep monitoring this one.

  • Old Map Vision:

old map vision

  • New Map Vision:

new map vision

  • Image with comparison, shown in purple:

map vision contrast

  • Tyranoformation new overlay preview.

tyranoformation targeting ui

  • New Grey Knight Dreadnought model.

Grey Knight Dreadnought close

  • New model for Acolyte squad leader of Inquisitorial Storm Troopers.

Ordo Malleus Acolyte

  • Raven Guard elite skin.

Raven Guard Wide Shot

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