Dawn of War II: Elite is a multiplayer mod for Dawn of War II: Retribution. Originally envisioned by Caeltos (a competitive player with a wealth of experience spanning through vanilla to Retribution) as an experimental balance mod for high-level players, Elite evolved into making bolder changes as THQ cut the official support of DOW 2 in their dive toward bankruptcy. The addition of new abilities and units became commonplace, from Space Marine Sternguard Veterans, Eldar Fire Dragons, Chaos Raptors to the Ork Flash Gitz, finalising in the introduction of an entirely new faction - the Grey Knights, based on Bloodravage’s Destroyer 40k mod – all designed from a competitive PvP angle. Coupled with continuous development and an active community dedicated to casts, coverage and regular events, the Elite mod continues to preserve and enrich the de facto Warhammer 40K RTS to this day.

Post news Report RSS Elite Mod Patch March 26th 2024

This is one of the biggest patch for Elite Mod only rivaled by 2.9.8. It is an exceptional patch in a sense that there were great advancements made in modding and technical aspects. Due to the sheer size of the changes made, we inevitably found a ton of bugs and had to make two more patches ( -> 2.9.10 -> 2.9.11) in a quick succession to fix them. As such, we no longer provide and 2.9.10 downloads to avoid confusion about which one is the newest patch.

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grey knights


First of all, we appreciate your patience while this one was in the oven; it’s been a long time since the Release in July-23 and there have been some unfortunate bugs that have had to be lived with in the meantime. There were a lot of changes behind the scenes which proved to be very unexpectedly difficult to tackle, and delayed typical patch turnaround time significantly.

Firstly is the Injector, we now have a totally different method for booting and running the mod. Due to the size of the mod, and our desire to add additional armies to the game in due course; we had to create a totally new solution for opening and running the mod. It no longer piggybacks off the DOW2 Shortcut using parameters, it instead runs the game via it’s own .exe file that uses Injection to push the mod features upon boot. If you have used Codex Mod before it’s the same kind of system.

"As part of moving forward, I have come to the decision to step down as balance lead due to a mixture of other obligations making me unable to put in the time and effort necessary to fill the role at a quality that you all deserve. I plan to still contribute in the more technical aspects as time permits, but I have the highest faith that Inekura, supported with the rest of our great team, will take Elite Mod to newer heights. There's lots of extremely exciting things happening behind the scenes and the Elite Mod team will continue to deliver them to you."

Furthermore Adeptus Noobus will step back from most of the website responsibilities and Arthurcloud will pick that up.
(He will also pay for the website hosting so a huge thanks to him from all the team).

"We have decided to break the Balance Lead role into 3 distinct roles and people, which will be:

Tech Lead - Arthurcloud
Design Lead - Enlargingcloud
Balance Lead - Inekuracloud

Each will have a look after their respective area in terms of Mod Development, and PubCord will be managed as a triumvirate.

Now to the patch. The most obvious change you will notice in the game is that Ordo Malleus are now a completely unique faction, they have been fully divorced from Space Marines and no longer have to be tied to that race in any way. The separation of OM from SM means we can once again use the traditional Hero Selector view once more:

As well as mechanically separating out OM, they’ve also been given a visual overhaul, as you can see by the resplendent BC above. Changes so far include:

Ordo Malleus as Independent Faction
New Grey Knight Power Armor Models
New Grey Knight Terminator Armor Models and Animations
New Brother-Captain Model and Animations
New Unit voiceovers
New Ordo Malleus Generators
Full New Ordo Malleus Soundtrack by Josh AKA Voxcaster

We have also done a long overdue review of all the in-game tooltips, whether they were out of date, had the incorrect Damage Type, or just plain wrong (Looking at you Ork Trukk Reinforced Plating). These have all been updated along with the normal changes to Tooltips as part of a patch. Thank you to everyone who reported any incorrect tooltips in the Balance Thread in the Community Discord, it made it so much easier to hunt them down.

Now to Bugs and general changes. Along with the usual tweaks that are made during a patch cycle, a great deal of time and effort has been spent on reviewing a big list of some long standing issues with bugs and mechanics that do not work as intended. Some of the highlight changes are as follows.

- Corrected Squads upgrading with the wrong Melee Resistance Aura.
Chaos Space Marines (Chaos Dreadnought, Chaos Terminators)
Ordo Malleus (Grey Knight Dreadnought)

- Fixed abilities with incorrect targeting parameters. These abilities were able to target or affect units that they were not supposed to be able to.
Orks (Warboss Trophy Rack)
Eldar (Farseer Guide, Fortune)
Ordo Malleus (Daemonhunter Sundering / Grey Knight Dreadnought Incinerate)

- Fixed upgrades not applying the correct values.
Chaos Space Marines (Chaos Lord Daemonic Visage)
Ordo Malleus (Brother-Captain Psychic Lash)

- Fixed Scout Squad A-moving issue with default bolters, where two backline members stayed out of range while only the lead model properly attacked, so that now all members shoot when ordered to A-move.

- Adjusted Chaos Lord, Hive Tyrant and Brother-Captain properties in order to make them less of a menace with the path blocking mechanics.

- Adjusted Inspire Mechanics to not stack indefinitely for Space Marines and Ordo Malleus.

- Changed some super units that were large size to huge size to fix accuracy issues for some anti vehicle weapons when used against them.

- Set health leveling % to standard rate for many units that had incorrect scaling.

- Introduced Minimum range of 8 on all frag grenades type of abilities.

- Finally, casted away the dreaded health regeneration bug on Strike Squad and Purifiers into the shadow realms.

Build Organization and Compiling: Arthurcloud
Programming (Units, Abilites): Arthurcloud, Inekura, Noot, Mickey, Olev, Atlas, Enlargingcloud, Snowkip
Models, Animation, Visuals: Garrick, Enlargingcloud, Noot, Prism, Clocktickin, Kekoulis, Yreeeet
Visual Effects: Enlargingcloud, Noot
Speech / Voices: Garrick
New Game Modes: Noot
New Race Infrastructure / Code Injector: Bruiser Banned, Kharos, Garrick
Original Music Score: Josh aka Voxcaster
Website / Forums / Moderation: Arthurcloud, Adeptus, Impregnable, Dark Riku, Meta
Portraits, Icons & Art: Knall
Internal testing: Mickey, Deimos, Arthurcloud
Tooltip Review: Olev
Patchlogs / internal logs: Arthurcloud, Impregnable, Inekura, Mickey
External Thanks: Alerion, Flynn Stone

General Changes / QOL:

All races start with 999 red in High Resource Mode.

New Icons and Portraits added.
New Force Commander portrait added to below places.
Army Painter
Hero Selection Screen
Match Lobby
Match Loading Screen
In-game Squad List
In-game UI when selecting the hero
Post Game Score Screen
New portrait added for Librarian.
New portrait added for Sternguard Veteran Squad.
New portrait added for Terminator Assault Squad.
New portrait added for Tier 3 Lictor unit.
New icon added for Summon Chaos Terminators global.
New icon added for Chaos Raptors Jump ability.
New icon added for Chaos Terminator Teleport ability.
New post game loading screen added for Ordo Malleus.
New icon added for Ordo Malleus Power Generator.
New icon added for Brother-Captain We Are the Hammer! ability.
New icon added for Brother-Captain We Are the Hammer! (Improved) ability.
New icon added for Brother-Captain Nemesis Force Sword Wargear.
New icon added for Brother-Captain Nemesis Force Halberd Wargear.
New icon added for Brother-Captain Bulwark Wargear.
New icon added for Brother-Captain Mantle of Terra Wargear.
Daemonhunter Armour of Fortitude Wargear now uses Emperor’s Torch Wargear icon from Patch.
New icon added for Daemonhunter Emperor’s Torch Wargear.
New icon added for Crusaders Battle Frenzy ability.
New icon added for Purifiers Cleansing Flame ability.
New icon added for Vortimer Razorback Reinforced Armor Plating upgrade.

Mind Blades global has a new above-head VFX.

Changed We Are the Hammer! ability VFX color from yellow to blue.

Merciless Strike ability now can be casted with fewer clicks. It now starts at the Sergeant squad leader location and you just need to choose the direction for the ability to fire towards.
- Check the below comparison between patches for the detailed explanation. You will notice that the current version requires way less clicks.

Previous Patch
Step A/ Left click the ability icon.
- Your mouse cursor changes to a typical red targeting cursor that every targetable ability uses.

Step B/ Left click on a location.
- Let us call this Location A.
- On Location A, you get an arrow pointing outward from that place.
- You can move your mouse around to move this arrow to point towards any direction you want it to point towards.

Step C/ Choose a location and do a left click one more time.
- Let us call this Location B.
- The squad does things differently based on the distance between Location A and where the Sergeant model is at upon completion of Step C click.
- If the distance between them is close, the Sergeant model fires off the ability right away towards the direction of Location B.
- If the distance between them is beyond a certain range, the Sergeant model along with the rest of the squad firstly moves to Location A. Once reaching Location A, the Sergeant model fires off the ability towards the direction of Location B.
- While the Sergeant model is performing the ability, the whole squad stops for a second only firing range weapons, not using melee and getting into a formation.
- If you issued a command such as a move command before doing this, the squad will keep on moving following your previous order until you click on Location B. Clicking on the ability icon or clicking again to set Location A, does not cancel what the squad is doing.

Current Patch
Step A/ Left click the ability icon.
- Your mouse cursor changes to a typical red targeting cursor that every targetable ability uses.

Step B/ Left click on a location.
- The whole squad stops for a second and the ability fires out of the Sergeant model towards the location you chose with the targeting cursor.
- While the Sergeant model is performing the ability, the whole squad stops for a second only firing range weapons, not using melee and getting into a formation.
- If you issued a command such as a move command before doing this, the squad will keep on moving following your previous order until you click on a location. Clicking on the ability icon does not cancel what the squad is doing.
- With this, we also fixed the problem where other squad members would idle around just taking damage while the Sergeant is trying to reach the exact position the players chose for the ability casting.

Changed UI order of upgrades for Tactical Marine Squad by changing UI positions of Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher and Sergeant upgrade. Now, weapon upgrades are clustered together and Sergeant upgrade is at the bottom separately.

Removed the legacy visual decorator from Shoota Boyz which was given to them when the squad had Nob squad leader from T2 onward.
- This decorator was for a buff used to be given to the squad by its Nob Leader from T2 onward. A balance change in the ages past removed the buff but the decorator stayed unwittingly and now it is being removed.

Swapped positions of Hide da Gunz ability and Waaagh!!! ability buttons on the ability bar for Lootas.

Wartrukk now has a Cease Fire ability like other tanks to improve its ability to run away from anti-vehicle.

Guardian Squad now gets the Grenade Decorator above the squad after getting upgraded with Battle Equipment upgrade.

Swapped positions of Servo Skull and Inquisitorial Mandate in the Wargear UI of Inquisitor.

Swapped positions of Empyrean Brain Mines and Tome of Tranquility in the Wargear UI of Daemonhunter.

Minimum range of 8 implemented for all Frag Grenade type of abilities. Abilities that are affected by this change are as below.
Scout Squad Frag Grenade
Kommando Nob Stikkbomb
Melee Kommando Squad Throw Em Close
Guardian Squad Plasma Grenade
Storm Trooper Squad Frag Grenade
Cadian Kasrkin Squad Frag Grenade

All Transport Smoke Launchers had both incoming and outgoing ranged damage reduction effects reduced from 80% to 60%.

Corrected some non-standard health leveling on the following units. How much health % is increased at level 4 compared to level 1 state is given for comparison.
Sternguard Veteran Squad now ends with 33% instead of 52%.
Warrior Brood now ends with 33% instead of 52%.
Catachan Devils now ends with 52% instead of 128%.
Chimera now ends with 33% instead of 52%.
Inquisitorial Storm Troopers now ends with 52% instead of 33%.
Crusaders now ends with 52% instead of 33%.

- The standard health increase % follows the below rules.
- A reminder that there are a few exceptions that do not fit the description of each rule despite following the said rule for health % increase for each level. For example, some units may not be low model heavy infantry armor despite following the first rule.
Low number of models / Heavy Infantry Armor
100% -> 110.0% -> 121.1% -> 133.1%
High number of models / Infantry Armor
100% -> 115.0% -> 132.5% -> 152.5%

Fixed inconsistencies in stun abilities that had no balance reason to be different from the standard rule.
- As a set rule, any and all stun abilities should apply 95% speed debuff on affected units and disable affected units abilities.
Dreadnought Emperor’s Fist ability speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.
Venerable Dreadnought Emperor’s Fist ability speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.

Warboss Big Stomp ability now disables abilities of affected targets.
Mekboy Mega-Rumblah ability speed debuff decreased from 100% to 95%.
Stormboyz upgraded with Nob Leader squad leader Jump ability now disables abilities of affected targets. Speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.
Weirdboy Warp Vomit ability speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.

Burrow Trap planted by Ravener Alpha Burrow Trap ability now disables abilities of affected targets when detonated.
Ravener Brood Burrow ability now disables abilities of affected targets. Speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.

- We are not talking about Ravener Alpha ability here. It has the ability with the exactly same name that it gets from a Wargear named Burrow. We are NOT changing this hero ability.

Chaos Lord Sweeping Doom ability speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.
Plague Champion Pestilent Strike ability speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.
Great Unclean One Foul Snare ability now disables abilities. Speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.

Inquisitor Hammer of the Witches ability now disables abilities of affected targets.

Grey Knight Dreadnought Emperor’s Fist ability speed debuff increased from 90% to 95%.

Following units had their size changed from Large to Huge.
- This is for fixing accuracy issues against these units for some anti vehicle weapons stated below.
Great Unclean One

3 AV weapon family types are impacted by this change.
- For your information, Weapon Family determines accuracy against sizes and Damage Type determines damage dealt to each armor type. You can check this for each weapon and ability at Codex.
rocket (0.75 -> 1)
Used by Tankbustas default weapon, Kommando Nob Hero Rokkit Launcha Wargear, Kommando Squad Nob Leader default weapon, and Looted Tank Boomgun ability.
bolter_vengeance (0.9 -> 1)
Used by Sternguard Veteran Squad Vengeance Rounds ability.
pulse_lazer_pvp (0.75 -> 1)
Used by Falcon Pulse Laser.

In order to reduce some of the pathing dominance and problems caused by them, Chaos Lord, Brother-Captain and Hive Tyrant had the following properties applied to their entity_blueprint and melee properties.
size override 1
use collision mesh disabled
melee_base_size small

- This change will not completely get rid of pathing-priority on chonky heroes but it will decrease the amount of models pushed away in radius around the hero that is occupied by their mighty aura leading to less path blocking in general.

Ordo Malleus and Space Marine Inspire effects changed to make them not stack infinitely.
- Inspire abilities from Ordo Malleus and Space Marines sources now max at 5 simultaneous effects and the stacks are applied on a first-come first-served basis. Any inspire stack beyond 5 is ignored.
- Multiple units with the same inspire effect contribute to increasing these stacks up to 5.
- The Ordo Malleus and Space Marines buff stacks are handled separately, so you can have up to 5 of each present in any game, including team games from multiple armies.
- For example, your Tactical Marine Squad cannot have more than 5 Space Marines inspiration stacks, whether they come from your own Dreadnought or from your allies’ one. However, it can receive 5 Space Marines stacks and 5 Ordo Malleus stacks at the same time.
- Inspire for the following Space Marines and Ordo Malleus Weapons set from apply_to_squad to apply_to_entity.
~dev note: This change prevents stacking inspire above 100% damage resistance which makes affected units get healed from taking damage by making inspired Space Marines and Ordo Malleus units get the correct inspire value instead of multiplying it with their model count.


Deleted courage damage on all Eldar fake sniper weapons.
- These were still unintentionally doing some amounts of courage damage, which may be the explanation behind certain surprise suppression incidents that have been observed during the last patch cycle. All courage damage has now been removed.
- We use these fake sniper weapons generally when we want to stop people running ahead when you do not want them too. Non lead models on set up teams tend to have them, as otherwise they will run along ahead of the lead model until they reach their natural weapon range making the whole squad vulnerable to getting meleed.

Following units from black_templar_elite skin had their loincloth triangle bug fixed.
Devastator Marine Squad
Devastator with Lascannon upgrade
Devastator Plasma Cannon Squad

- Previously had a weird bug where the loincloth on the model looked absurdly pointy and its tip was burrowing into the ground. This was because these specific models had no animations for the loincloth set.

Fixed an issue where Terminator Commander Inspire passive ability lacked vfx on units that are affected by it. Now, which units received buff from his inspire effect is clearly visible by vfx.
Terminator Commander and Terminator Squad Heavy Flamer no longer activate Inspire passive ability.

Apothecary Full Auto ability cannot target buildings.

Devastator Marine Squad Vengeance Rounds ability effect now stops upon Lascannon upgrade completion.
Devastator Marine Squad Vengeance Rounds ability button no longer disappears once the Lascannon upgrade has been queued up, instead of disappearing after the Lascannon upgrade is completed. Now, players are able to see the ability icon and click on it to use the ability while upgrading to Lascannon.

Scout models no longer stay back if issued with an attack command in their default formation with bolters equipped. Before the current change, only one member properly engaged while the other two members were idling behind. They will regain this behavior if they are upgraded with the Sniper Rifle upgrade.

Librarian Force Barrier ability is no longer refundable.
- This is a necessary evil to get rid of its Hammer of the Witches bug. It is a bug that allows you to use an ability without a cool down and energy cost if you move the unit using the ability at the right moment during the ability casting animation.

Terminator Squad with Assault Cannon upgrade no longer leaves the barrels hanging in mid-air.
Terminator Squad with Cyclone Missile Launcher upgrade no longer vibrates.
Hands poking out of Terminator Squad default melee weapon power fist fixed.

Weirdboy can no longer be consumed by Chaos Sorcerer when under the effect of Chaos Sorcerer Subjugate ability.
- Added Unit Class Type no consume.

Warlock Immolate ability is no longer refundable.
- This is a necessary evil to get rid of its Hammer of the Witches bug. It is a bug that allows you to use an ability without a cool down and energy cost if you move the unit using the ability at the right moment during the ability casting animation.

Rangers should no longer get stuck.
- We made an attempt to fix it to be fair. This bug is very stubborn as it is hard to reproduce and thus, is annoyingly hard to fix.

Autarch should no longer get stuck while trying to use the Skyleap ability.
- This is also an attempt to fix it to be fair. This bug is very stubborn as it is hard to reproduce and thus, is annoyingly hard to fix.

Wraithguard Spiritseer backlash bug fixed. Damage application type changed from SimHit to Apply Damage and Damage Type from spore to penetrating.
- Backlash mechanic upon death of Wraithguard squad leader Spiritseer was doing huge damage to literally any unit in garrisons and cover. We fixed this by changing damage application mechanic as described above. The former method of dealing spore damage could be affected by modifiers and thus, led to bugs but the current method that applies true damage cannot be affected by modifiers and thus, causes no bugs.
Spiritseer backlash damage increased from 100 to 150.
- This is to make sure Wraithguard is taking the same damage they used to take from 100 spore damage backlash. For your information, Wraithguard has heavy infantry armor and takes 1.5x damage from spore Damage Type as a result which means it used to take 150 damage from the 100 damage backlash. Now that we are using true damage that is not affected by damage modifiers, we need to manually increase the amount of damage dealt by backlash.

Chaos Lord Wargear Daemonic Visage damage reduction debuff is now applying 25% as intended instead of 15%.

Fixed an issue where Chaos Dreadnought Mark of Khorne upgrade did not apply 40% Melee Resistance Aura upon upgrading.

Chaos Dreadnought with Mark of Tzeentch upgrade was wrongly retaining minor Melee Resistance Aura which gives 20% melee resistance. It is now completely removed as intended upon upgrade completion.

Chaos Terminators was wrongly retaining Minor Melee Resistance Aura of 20% upon upgrading to Lightning Claws. The unit now correctly gains 40% Melee Resistance Aura when upgraded with Lightning Claws.

Attempted to fix Death Korps of Krieg DLC voicelines having weird beeps.

Fixed an issue where retreat modifiers would not affect Incendiary Shell ability.
- The initial impact damage was getting affected by the modifiers properly but the follow up damage over time damage part was not doing so and as such, it had to be fixed.
Incendiary Shell ability impact damage increased from 8 to 15.
- This is a two part change. One is a bugfix and the other is a balance change. The ability was supposed to be doing 20 damage on impact but a distance modifier was permanently applying 0.4 due to a bug making it do 8 damage. We fixed this. Damage increase part is a balance change.
Incendiary Shell ability damage over time delayed by one second.
- Damage over time was wrongfully being applied a second before the actual impact.

Attempted to fix Inquisitorial Storm Trooper voicelines having weird beeps.

Brother-Captain Psychic Lash was coded incorrectly and doing less damage than it should so it has been fixed. It now does 25 dps instead of 17.5 dps as intended. Against retreating units which take 30% less damage from Psychic Lash ability, it now does 17.5 dps instead of 12.225 dps as intended. Ability duration remains the same at 8 seconds.
Brother-Captain Demolishing Strike stun VFX duration changed from 10 seconds to 5 seconds to match the actual stun effect duration.

Daemonhunter Sundering ability can now only be cast on Allied units with Infantry Unit Class Type as intended.
- Sundering was only castable on Daemonhunter in the beginning and then, a recent balance change allowed it to be casted on allies classified as infantry. Unfortunately, a mistake was made somewhere in the patching process and it was made to be able to be used on enemies and non infantry as well.
Daemonhunter Rift Tear ability was disabling all abilities that it should not such as entering a transport, ceasing worship, and teleporting. Effect has now been altered to only apply the intended effects of slowing units, disabling melee charges and leaps.

Strike Squad and Purifiers out of combat health regeneration are now applying the correct amounts.

Purifiers Justicar has a 25% chance to do a weapon knockback special attack with each attack. It was formerly missing from Justicar hammer which is its default weapon so we fixed it.
Purifiers Cleansing Flame ability can no longer affect vehicle armor type.
- It can still affect Sentinels and Tyrant Guards as they do not have vehicle armor type.

Grey Knight Terminators Incinerate ability was not affecting units with either Armour Types of Super Heavy Infantry or Fire Resist Infantry and Spore Mines. Fixed it by changing Targeting Parameters to check Unit Class Type Infantry that do not have Does not Retreat trait at the same time and Spore Mines.
- This means it will now work on most squads, but not on vehicles, terminator class units and super units. Vehicles, terminators and super units are not Unit Class Type Infantry and also, have Does not Retreat trait at the same time.
Grey Knight Terminators and Paladins Incinerator no longer activate Inspire passive ability.

Image Space Marines

Drop Pod global requirement changed from T1 to T2.
Drop Pod global now summons a Sternguard Veteran Squad instead of a Tactical Marine Squad.
- Drop Pod global is now the only way to get a Sternguard Veteran Squad as it no longer is an upgrade available to Tactical Marine Squads.
Drop Pod global cost increased from 350/0/125 to 450/45/150.

Force Commander / Apothecary / Techmarine:
Drop Pod ability cost increased 200/0/100 -> 200/0/150.
- Drop Pod hero ability requirement is not affected by this change and remains the same at Tier 1.

Assault Squad:
Merciless Strike ability damage reduced from 20 to 15.

Scout Squad:
Scout Sergeant squad leader health reduced from 250 to 230.

Tactical Marine Squad:
Plasma Gun dph reduced from 75(30.88 dps) to 63.75(26.25 dps).
Sternguard Veteran Squad upgrade removed from the squad.

Assault Cannon Barrage ability retreat damage modifier reduced from 5 to 2.5.

Max energy reduced for all levels. (200 / 230 / 260 / 300) -> (150 / 172.5 / 195 / 225)
Force Staff ranged dph reduced from 50(35 dps) to 42.85(30 dps).
Ranged kills no longer trigger Inspire passive.
Force Barrier ability energy cost increased from 30 to 45.

Smoke Launcher ability incoming and outgoing ranged damage reduction effect reduced from 80% to 60%.

Sternguard Veteran Squad:
Health leveling adjusted for per model and Sternguard Sergeant squad leader so that their health end up in 33% in level 4 compared to level 1 state instead of 52%.
Health per model for each level.
(350 / 402.5 / 462.875 / 532.3) -> (350 / 385 / 423.5 / 465.85)
Sternguard Sergeant health for each level.
(400 / 460 / 529 / 608.35) -> (400 / 440 / 484 / 532.4)

Image Orks

Kommandos Iz Da Sneakiest requirement changed from T3 to T2.
Squad spawned from Kommandos Iz Da Sneakiest global changed from a default Kommando Squad to a Melee Kommando Squad.
- Melee Kommando Squad is the same squad you were able to get by upgrading Kommando Squad with Mando Stabem’s upgrade in the previous patch. It is just that it got renamed to Melee Kommando Squad.
- Kommandos Iz Da Sneakiest global is now the only way to get a Melee Kommando Squad as it no longer is an upgrade available to Kommando Squads.
Spawn delay increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.
More Dakka red cost reduced from 75 to 50.

Trophy Rack Wargear no longer affects vehicles and buildings.

Kommando Nob:
Plant Booby Trap ability cast range increased from 0 to 10.
- This should allow the Kommando Nob to plant his IEDs more easily and closer to cover if necessary.

Melee Kommando Squad:
Kommando Nob squad leader upgrade requirement set to T3.
Melee skill reduced from 70 to 65.
Kommando Nob squad leader 25% chance Weapon knockback on-hit effect on his weapon removed.
- This is the same squad you were able to get by upgrading Kommando Squad with Mando Stabem’s upgrade in the previous patch.
Minimum range on Throw Em Far ability changed to match Stikkbommaz Stikkbomb ability minimum range.

Deff Dread:
Burnaz 'n Bitz upgrade cost reduced from 140/20 to 100/20.
Special attacks no longer track targets.

Stikkbomb ability minimum range reduced from 20 to 15.
Stunbomb ability acceleration increased from 5 to 6.25.
Stunbomb ability max speed increased from 30 to 37.5.
- In a gist, Stunbomb flies faster as its max speed is increased and it reaches that max speed faster.

Warpath ability speed buff reduced from 2 to 1.5.
Warpath upgrade cost reduced from 70/30 to 50/25.
Melee skill reduced from 70 to 60.

Kommando Squad:
Mando Stabem’s upgrade removed.
Kommando Squad with Mando Stabem’s upgrade is now made independent from Kommando Squad as a separate unit named Melee Kommando Squad.
- Mando Stabem’s upgrade was formerly added in 2.9.8 patch with below attributes.
Now have access to “‘Mando Stabem’s” upgrade (75/20).
‘Mando Stabem’s - These kommandoes prefer to get close.
Upgrade changes mandoes to a melee loadout where they wield assassins knives with sluggas and the kommando knob gets a Hammer.
Carry stunbombz, stikkbombs and a orky krak grenade instead of burna bombs.
You´ll be able to choose between a close range bundle of stikks or 2 long range ones. Their Cooldown is linked so choose carefully.
The Upgrade also boosts their melee skill by 10 and their health per model to 275 at lvl 1.
Melee Kommando Weapons:
60 dps Hammer
30 dps choppas

Nob Squad:
Reinforcement cost changed from 75/15 to 62.5/12.5 to fit the standard multiplier of 0.5.
- Reinforcement cost of a unit is decided by multiplying a certain number to the cost of a single model. The standard number is 0.5. Very few units are exempt from it.
- Decimal numbers will show as a rounded down number in game (62/12) but no worries as the in game calculation actually takes decimal numbers into account when doing things.

Image Eldar

Guide ability can no longer be cast on vehicles.
Fortune ability can no longer be cast on vehicles.

Guardian Squad:
Out of gate per model health increased from 100 to 110.
Health for each level adjusted accordingly as below.
(100 / 115 / 132.25 / 152.09) -> (110 / 126.5 / 145.47 / 167.3)
Battle Equipment upgrade health increase reduced from 33% to 20% to keep the squad total health after the upgrade to be the same as before.

Howling Banshees:
Banshee Exarch out of gate health increased from 240 to 290.
Health for each level adjusted accordingly as below.
(240 / 276 / 317 / 365) -> (290 / 333.5 / 383.5 / 441)

Leap ability energy cost reduced from 55 to 45.
Skyleap ability energy cost reduced from 50 to 0.
Fusion Gun upgrade cost reduced from 65/15 to 50/10.

- Below tweaks are aimed at making Wraithguard be a little more responsive.
Wraithcannon dph reduced from 122 to 97.6. Dps not changed.
Wind Down reduced from 2.25 to 1.5.
Wind Up reduced from 1 to 0.75.
Rotation Rate increased from 400 to 500.

Unit now has a melee charge with the following attributes.
1.5 speed over 4 seconds
Maximum range 12
Cooldown 8 seconds

D-Cannon Platform:
Dph increased from 110 to 165 which is 75% of retail dph.
Damage over time effect removed.
Retail tracer / VFX restored.
Can no longer shoot through shot blockers.
Purchase cost increased from 360/35 to 400/40.
Maximum scatter distance increased from 5 to 10.

Fire Prism:
Purchase cost reduced from 450/135 to 450/125.

Seer Council:
Reinforcement cost multiplier changed from 0.6 to 0.5 to fit the standard multiplier of 0.5. Reinforcement cost changed from 66/12 to 55/10 accordingly.
- Check dev note on Nob Squad balance entry in case you do not know what it means by standard multiplier.
Squad now has access to Empowered Spears upgrade.

Empowered Spears
Changes squad Damage Type to Heavy Melee.
Cost 100/30.
Same damage values as their default weapons. (dph 80 / dps 40)
Displays heavy melee decorator on the squad after the upgrade is done.
- Upgrade icon and the announcement upon upgrade completion is the same one from Merciless Witchblade Wargear of Warlock commander.

Image Tyranids

Catalyst damage increase reduced from 100% to 75% and damage received reduced from 2.5% to 2%.

Ravener Alpha:
Tunnel ability now starts on cooldown when the match begins.

Hormagaunt Brood:
Speed reduced from 6.5 to 6.25.
Adrenal Glands upgrade now increases the speed of the squad by 0.25.

Warrior Brood:
Health leveling adjusted per model so that each model health ends up in 33% in level 4 compared to level 1 state instead of 52%.
(325 / 374 / 430 / 494) -> (325 / 357.5 / 393.25 / 432.5)

Tyrant Guard:
Energy regeneration set to 0 while using Shieldwall ability.
- We are aware that this will likely not be enough to bring this unit in line and are still considering more options for nerfing the unit in the future.
Removed possibility to turn while activating shieldwall ability.

Sight range reduced from 55 to 40.

Image Chaos Space Marines

Summon Chaos Terminators cost increased from 550/100/350 to 550/125/350.

Chaos Lord:
Drain Life ability cooldown increased from 40 seconds to 50 seconds.
Icon of Khorne Wargear health regeneration per melee hit increased from 2% to 2.5%.

Chaos Heretics:
Khorne Worship ability speed bonus reduced from 2 to 1.75.

Chaos Raptors:
Jump ability energy cost decreased from 60 to 55.

Chaos Space Marines:
Mark of Khorne Aspiring Champion Melta Pistol dph increased from 12(5.41 dps) to 17.35(7.82 dps).

Special attacks removed.

Image Imperial Guard

Hammer of the Witches ability now disables abilities for the duration of the effect on its target.

Lord Commissar:
Aura of Discipline Wargear adjusted.
When Lord Commissar is surrounded by (1 / 10 / 20 / 30) allied infantry models, the below effects happen to allied infantry models around him.
Healed for x% of their health.
Changed from (16% / 12% / 8% / 4%) to (14% / 11% / 8% / 5%).
Heal waves happen every x seconds.
Changed from (8 / 8 / 12 / 12) to (10 / 10 / 10 / 10).
- It is now weaker for 1 and 10 models thresholds but stronger for 20 and 30 models thresholds.
Stubbornness Wargear cost reduced from 120/35 to 115/30.

Lord General:
Sniper Rifle Damage Type changed from (sniper) to (sniper_hi).
- Following damage modifiers got changed as a result.
Commander 0.6 -> 1
Heavy Infantry 1-> 1.3
Super Heavy Infantry 1-> 1.5
Courage damage vs light cover 0.25 -> 1
Courage damage vs heavy cover 0.5 -> 1
Storm Trooper retinue model reinforcement cost reduced from 25 to 20.

Catachan Devils:
Improvised Explosives ability knockback type changed from ability knockback to weapon knockback.
A model which previously had just a knife, is now equipped with a shotgun and as a result, the damage output is now spread over 5 models instead of 4 models.
Default range weapon shotgun dph per model reduced from 22(12.94 dps) to 17.6(10.35 dps) in order to make the damage output of the squad stay the same as before.
- Catachan Devils had a really weird trait where one model just had a knife and no ranged weapon while the other 4 models had shotguns and melee weapons normally. When a normal squad member with a shotgun died, the knife only model inherited the shotgun. This way, regardless of whether the knife only model dies first or a normal model dies first, the squad had no penalty to its ranged damage output. We fixed this by giving a shotgun to the knife only model and adjusting squad ranged output as a whole to remain the same as before the fix.
Health leveling adjusted per model so that each model health ends up in 52% in level 4 compared to level 1 state instead of 128%.
(1 / 1.15 / 1.52 / 2.28) -> (1 / 1.15 / 1.32 / 1.52)

Artillery Spotter Squad:
Incendiary Shell ability now can damage turrets.
Incendiary Shell ability can no longer be targeted into the fog of war.
- Above two changes will allow the Imperial Guard to deal with turret cheese in t2 without threatening base turrets too much.
- Other abilities of the Artillery Spotter Squad are not affected by this change and still can be targeted into the fog of war.
Incendiary Shell ability impact damage increased from 8 to 15.
- This is a two part change. One is a bugfix and the other is a balance change. The ability was supposed to be doing 20 damage on impact but a distance modifier was permanently applying 0.4 due to a bug making it do 8 damage. We fixed this. Damage increase part is a balance change.
- Incendiary Shell ability stats are as below.
Initial Impact / 15 flame damage in radius 10
Damage over time / 10 flame_aoe_ability_pvp damage every second for 10 seconds in radius 10
Incendiary Shell ability damage over time delayed by one second.
- Damage over time was wrongfully being applied a second before the actual impact.

Health leveling adjusted so that the unit health ends up in 33% in level 4 compared to level 1 state instead of 52%.
(500 / 575 / 661 / 760) -> (500 / 550 / 605 / 665.5)

Primaris Psyker:
Sight range reduced from 50 to 40.
Melee skill reduced from 70 to 60.
Disabled Psyker default attack tracking on the moving targets.
- This will be similar to how Zoanthropes and Wraithguards shoot as in the attack can miss on moving targets.
Primaris Psyker now starts with Terrifying Visions ability instead of Strip Soul ability. Strip Soul ability is now unlocked when Earthshaker Helm upgrade is purchased
Ethereal Shockwave ability dph reduced from 80 to 50.

Innate ranged damage resistance increased from 15% to 25%.
Use yer ‘Shield ability no longer reduces squad speed.
Squad is now immune to weapon knockback by default.

Image Ordo Malleus

Bulwark Wargear damage resistance reduced from 35% to 25%.
Demolishing Strike ability now stuns affected targets for 5 seconds. Weapon knockback removed.

Eversor Assassin:
Chem-Cloud Grenades Wargear cost increased from 100/20 to 110/25.

Empyrean Brain Mines Wargear requirement changed from T2 to T1.

Inquisitorial Storm Troopers:
Squad size reduced from 5 to 4.
Health per model increased from 100 to 125 to keep the total health same.
Health leveling per model adjusted to fit squad size change, health increase change and health leveling change.
(100 / 110 / 121 / 133) -> (125 / 143.75 / 165.3 / 190.1)
- Previously, Inquisitorial Storm Troopers was not following the standard health leveling rate. Now, we changed it so that it follows the standard rate which means per model health ends up in 52% in level 4 compared to level 1 state instead of 33%.
Default melee weapon fist dph increased from 6 to 7.5.
Default range weapon lasgun dph increased from 15 to 18.75.
Reinforcement cost increased from 23 to 28.75.
Acolyte squad leader is no longer a die-last model.
Acolyte squad leader health increased from 250 to 275. Health leveling adjusted accordingly as below.
(250 / 275 / 303 / 333) -> (275 / 316.5 / 363.6 / 418.2)
Sergeant and Acolyte squad leader population cost increased from 2 to 3.
- The total population for a fully kitted squad with 2 leaders remains at 14 as it was before the patch.
- The stats when all models are alive are the same as the previous patch.

Interceptor Squad:
Furious Intervention ability delay increased from 0 second to 0.25 seconds.
- This way, the jump time of the squad vaguely matches that of an Assault Squad of Space Marines.
Build time decreased from 32 seconds to 30 seconds.

Purgation Squad:
In order to understand what changes to this squad actually mean, you need to understand what range modifiers and aoe modifiers are and how they work. Including an in depth explanation below so that viewers can understand these notes better.
- Range modifiers determine how much damage / courage damage a target takes when hit by a weapon at a certain range. Range modifier value of 1 means 100% damage taken. Smaller than 1 means less damage than 100% and bigger than 1 means more damage than 100%. These values can be set separately for health damage and courage damage.
- Separate stats exist to determine what is distant, long, medium and short ranges for a weapon. We did not touch this and it remains the same as in patch at (distant 26 / long 23 / medium 20 / short 13). Maximum range is 26 and minimum range for this weapon does not exist which means the squad can fire at point blank no problem.
- Now, to area of effect part. Flames that shoot out are just an eye candy. What the weapon actually does is that it fires invisible bullets at the enemy. When that bullet hits the target, it creates an invisible aoe circle around that target that does health damage and courage damage in an area. The possible shapes of this area are line, cone and circle. Names themselves are self explanatory. Flamers use the circle type of aoe.
- Flamers are a tracer weapon meaning it is a hitscan. As Flamer is a tracer weapon, aoe happens right around the target the moment it fires the bullet. Aoe damage dealt when the hit happens can be set differently by radius. Radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to any point on its circumference. Basically, you can set how much damage a target takes depending on how close they are standing to the center of the area of effect circle.
- For health damage, we set it so that it does not differ by radius within circle aoe. As such, the target will always take the same health damage no matter where they are standing in the aoe circle when it happens. However, we set it so that it differs by radius within circle aoe for courage damage. It interacts with range modifiers this way. Range modifier is calculated first. If the target was in distant range when being hit, the modifier of 0.6 is applied first which results in 18 courage damage. Then, aoe modifier kicks in. If the target was standing within an area distant of a circle which is in between radius 3.1 ~ 5, the modifier of 0.1 is applied. This results in the final courage damage of 1.8. In short, courage damage taken by a target standing in range distant and area distant is like below.
30(base damage) x 0.6(range modifier) x 0.1(aoe modifier) = 1.8

Squad now uses 1 Flamer instead of 3.
Side models now have below weapons.
- Default melee weapon nemesis halberds. 18 dph(13.85 dps)
- Default range weapon storm bolters. 16 dph(9.33 dps)
Flamer scatter values changed to match other flamers.
Flamer firing arc changed to match other flamers.
- This decides how wide a firing arc a unit has. Units need to turn towards targets outside of their firing arc in order to shoot them. Having a wider firing arc makes it more likely that units either do not have to turn or turn less before firing at targets.
Post idle delay lowered from 0.5 to 0.
- This decides how fast a unit reacts to your orders.
Area of effect radius increased from 3 to 5.
Flamer courage damage set to 30.
Courage range modifiers set to (distant 0.6 / long 0.8 / medium 1.8 / short 4).
- In patch, Purgation was using on hit effect to do courage damage so had no range modifiers.
Courage damage multiplier for area of effect set to (distant 0.1 / long 0.1 / medium 0.1 / short 1) at (area distant 5 / area long 3 / area medium 2.25 / area short 0.1).
- Now, only the main target takes full courage damage while other units in the area take drastically decreased courage damage. This is to prevent units with more squad members from getting suppressed faster than ones with less squad members.
Flamer damage set to 15.75 dph(10.62 dps).
- We got this value by multiplying x2.25 to the previous single flamer damage.
- The single flamer the squad uses now deals 75% DPS of a full purgation squad from
Damage range modifiers changed.
(distant 1 / long 1 / medium 1.1 / short 1.75) -> (distant 1 / long 1 / medium 1 / short 1)
Purged by Fire! ability removed.
Purge Soul ability added to replace it.

Purge Soul
Concentrates the stream of flames on a single enemy infantry class type model. Cannot be cast on buildings.
Shoots 50 shots in a quick succession with a fire rate of 10 shots per second.
Channeled ability. Cancels upon moving or retreating. It also cancels when the target enemy model gets into range 2 of the squad. The squad members do not move while the ability is being channeled.
Minimum cast range 2 / Maximum cast range 20
All hit targets suffer below.
- 50% rotation rate decrease for 1.5 seconds. The effect is refreshed each shot but does not stack with itself.
- 75% speed decrease for 1.5 seconds. The effect is refreshed each shot but does not stack with itself.
- Heroes additionally suffer 0.5% (50% less damage when retreating) of their maximum health as damage per shot. If not interrupted, the ability full damage to a hero equals 25% of that hero maximum health.
For example, if a hero with 100 maximum health currently suffered 50 damage and has 50 health left, it will disregard current health and always do 100 x 0.5% = 0.5hp per shot. Since this ability does 50 shots total, it will do 25 hp damage in total if not interrupted in the middle.
- Ability is removed when upgraded to Psycannon or Conversion Beamer.

Strike Squad:
Strike Squad Justicar upgrade cost increased from 75/20 to 75/25.

Battle Frenzy ability is now a toggled ability which costs 20 energy to activate and drains 10 energy per second.
Health leveling adjusted per model so that each model health ends up in 52% in level 4 compared to level 1 state instead of 33%.
(225 / 247.5 / 272.25 / 300) -> (225 / 258.75 / 297.57 / 342.2)

Rhino default weapon storm bolter dph reduced from 37.5(25 dps) to 22.5(15 dps).
Smoke Launcher ability incoming and outgoing ranged damage reduction effect reduced from 80% to 60%.

Terminator Librarian:
Build time increased from 24 seconds to 25 seconds.

Vindicare Assassin:
Purchase cost increased from 350/30 to 350/35.
Cameleoline Stealth Suit upgrade cost increased from 75/15 to 75/20.
Build time increased from 24 seconds to 25 seconds.
Upkeep increased from 20.4 to 25.5.
Experience yield upon death reduced from 300 to 250.

Grey Knight Terminators:
The squad no longer does a teleport charge. They now do a regular charge with below attributes.
2 speed over 4 seconds
Maximum range 12
Cooldown 10 seconds

Shockwave ability now deals 5 piercing damage and 10 courage damage per hit.

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Centzontotochtin - - 3 comments


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dow2_cloud Author
dow2_cloud - - 41 comments

Time to install it again now that it's hotfixed :P

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments

New factions, eh? Will you be borrowing models from Codex Edition? They already have Necron, Tau, and Admech, but it'd be cool to see them with that Elite Mod level of polish.

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dow2_cloud Author
dow2_cloud - - 41 comments

we also share/work on things for them, and yes we have been given permission to use models they've used!

Can't say yet which faction it will be but we also will be developing more visual assets for whatever we release, and sharing those with others who want to use them if they contact us and get permission directly.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Dando[SVK] - - 682 comments

does this change anything for the last stand?

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dow2_cloud Author
dow2_cloud - - 41 comments

This mod does not affect last stand and now actually crashes with it, so we've removed it from the interface. We've just updated the mod so this version is no long available.

Forgotten Emerald is one of the more active Last Stand mods, they have a moddb page and a discord server, I recommend heading over there to find more last stand players!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Dando[SVK] - - 682 comments

Thank you for information, but me and my team have already played Emerald mod ^_^

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dow2_cloud Author
dow2_cloud - - 41 comments

This patch is now updated, overall changes are now viewable in the April 2nd release article and in the download in files.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 700,100 comments

Looks like recoloring of Elite skins stopped working for me with this version, and isn't fix with the 2.9.10 patch.
Is there a different way to do that now than editing the defaultchaptercolors.lua?

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dow2_cloud Author
dow2_cloud - - 41 comments

the real fix is in 2.9.11 being uploaded very soon, sorry for the trouble. tested it myself and it worked quite well

the method is the same as before, you can find the batch file in Elite>Config, after following the readme. for all other help find us at our discord

Reply Good karma+1 vote
EinarTheHammer - - 1 comments

I found some units with names like $1000 No Range names, i think this is a error or something. On the Space Marine Squads and Inquisition Name. Maybe is a problem with the language? Cause i am Spanish and maybe this makes troubles with the names :d

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