Dark Interval is a campaign mod created as an alternate take on Half-Life 2, incorporating selected early story drafts and cut content. We're creating new maps, assets, characters and story beats to fill in the blanks, and to build a coherent story of its own. The mod is released in episodes, the most recent being Dark Interval: Part I - an intro chapter to the bigger picture.

RSS Reviews  (20 - 30 of 281)

CrazyBubba says

Early access review Agree (4) Disagree (1)

This mod captures the feel of all that old concept art better than any WC map ever could. The absolute madman even managed to integrate FUN gameplay and interesting storytelling into the City 17 chapter. Definitely give this mod a shot if you can.


MrNick2020 says

Early access review Agree (4) Disagree (1)

The Best HL2 Beta Recreation


Kys says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree (5) Disagree (2)

Dark Interval is pretty cool guy


_]MyCbEH[_ says

Early access review Agree (12) Disagree (9)

Look like dev-maps that isnt ready to release


graygeorge says

Early access review Agree (16) Disagree (13)

all looks, no substance.

starts off promising, but falls apart as soon as you exit the Borealis, as it's a cinematic sequence after a walking sequence all the way until the end, with the very little 'gameplay' in between being more boring than retail's whack-a-mole shooting galleries, because DI only throws the occasional headcrab at you which dies in 1-2 hits. the most action-packed sequence is where it throws a whooping 3 stalkers in a pretty large corridor, meaning you can just avoid all the lasers by holding 'D'.

oh and even the walking sequences weren't even properly tested either as you can come across T-posing combine or go out of the intended playable area pretty easily

if you take 'artistic liberties' with the alpha material, then at least do something interesting or entertaining with it. there is no reason to play this over Missing Information other than to gawk at the environments

hell, chances are, you'll be more entertained trying to fix wc maps than playing this piece of ****


oden33390 says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Go play it and stop reading ratings


ebird2003 says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Amazing recreation of the Half-Life 2 beta. There are parts i this mod that look better than some things Valve has released. I'm looking forward for more soon.


Bozz92 says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

This game is holy goddamn amazing!


ShadScurry says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

Absolutely loved chapter 1 Excited for chapter 2 keep it up with the old storyline


thx134 says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

This mod has obviously had a ton of effort put into it, and I believe that it might go places. It's not perfect however as some textures and resources need some refinement. but with a few tweaks this mod and it's episodes may be the next Black Mesa.