Contra is a freeware modification for Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour real-time strategy game and one of the first mods for this game. It adds many new units as well as numerous new upgrades, new general's powers and buildings. It also adds new sounds, maps, bug fixes, enhanced graphics, and other effects, as well as three new generals.

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Contra X Beta changelog. Fixed errors, Balance changes, Challenge mode changes, AI changes, Maps, etc.

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Contra X Beta Changelog:

Fixed errors:

- Fixed a crash caused by applying a Cyber Strategy Center Battle Plan for the second time and certain units being on screen. Fixed.
- Fixed a crash in Skirmish and Challenge caused by GLA AI tunnel team behavior.
- General coding changes to reduce mismatch occurrences (tested and proved).
- Control Rods were displayed on really damaged Cold Fusion Reactors even if they were not upgraded. Fixed.
- Control Rods upgrade icon was missing on USA Boss Cold Fusion Reactor. Fixed.
- Strategy Center cannon did not attack targets ordered by player. Fixed.
- Super Weapon general's Airfield model had Laser Airfield's objects on snow really damaged condition. Fixed.
- Ion beams sometimes remained visible in the fog of war. Fixed.
- Ion Tower model had some issues and animation was missing on damaged conditions. Fixed.
- Ion Tower could not pack up anymore when the player selects hold fire mode. Fixed.
- Atlas scaffolding healed infantry. Fixed.
- Rangers spawned on building destruction automatically switched between rifle and flashbangs quickly. Fixed.
- Navy SEALs did not have dust particles when moving and damaged SEAL moving animation was too fast. Fixed.
- Terminator bomb was shown when cheering. Fixed.
- Builder Mech had over-water particle effects displayed on moving aflame condition. Fixed.
- Defense Cores were very vulnerable to small arms weapons. Fixed.
- Scout and Spy Drones were more resistant to anti-air missiles than intended. Fixed.
- Scout Drones upgraded with Advanced Data Transmission Codes took no damage from silicon fields and AA Laser GP. Fixed.
- Laser Avenger and MTHEL could attack the ground when selected with anti-ground units and given force fire order. Fixed.
- Laser Avenger did not attack enemies automatically when GPS Scrambled. Fixed.
- Spider Tank and Dominator stopping animation was incorrect. Fixed.
- Seraph Drone machine gun had a minimum attack range which often made the drone not fire. Fixed.
- Saturn cryo beam did not disable units if an attack order was issued while Saturn was not in range. Fixed.
- Saturn cryo beam could not disable very close units because of minimum attack range. Fixed.
- Saturn cryo beam could disable the Saturn and cause a game crash. Fixed.
- Some aircraft could not be disabled by cryo beams. Fixed.
- 2 Robo Raptors could not destroy a Gauss Tank and left it at 1 HP because on an error. Fixed.
- Thors had a minimum attack range. Fixed.
- Thor 20mm cannon did not attack if an attack order was issued while Thor was not in range. Fixed.
- China Boss Artillery Battery had no select sound. Fixed.
- Hadron Collider ring of blast was invisible for the enemy if the area around the Collider was not revealed. Fixed.
- Artillery Barrage initiation sound was not heard when there was too much sounds playing. Fixed.
- Satellite Hack One does not reveal newly built Command Centers. Fixed.
- Propaganda Officer could attack with his dummy weapon when garrisoned, thus stick a Garrison gun out of buildings. Fixed.
- Some of Propaganda Crawler's wheels were defined incorrectly. Fixed.
- A-100 and Earth Shaker gained experience very slowly. Fixed.
- Flame Listening Outpost blinking light was not positioned correctly. Fixed.
- Listening Outposts became unstealthed permanently after being hit by shockwave weapons such as Earth Shaker's. Fixed.
- Destroyed Listening Outpost radar dish flied high into the air. Fixed.
- Guan Yu fired at the ground below nearby enemy aircraft when ordered to attack ground targets out of range. Fixed.
- Yan Wang exhaust pipes also emitted normal smoke while moving. Fixed.
- Elbrus Storm and Temple toxin goo particles did not change color after Anthrax Beta and Gamma upgrades. Fixed.
- Demo Elbrus Storm did not damage itself when fired at its own position. Fixed.
- Toxin Worker repaired buildings twice faster. Fixed.
- Alshain was immune to silicon fields and AA Lasers. Fixed.
- Booby Traps could be pushed around by shockwave weapons such as seismic shells. Fixed.
- Assault Rebel Biker had wrong firing bone name defined, thus the unit fired from its center instead. Fixed.
- Dying Technical had a Rebel holding the turret. Fixed.
- Ratel II upgraded with two salvage crates drove closer to targets because the machine gun weapon had less range. Fixed by equalizing weapon ranges.
- Grad artillery backblast particles appeared from wrong position. Fixed.
- Karakurt toxin, acid and air defiling buttons were visible when multiple Karakurts were selected even if pollution GPs were not purchased. Fixed.
- Dolphin and Zipper didn't grant experience for killing enemies. Fixed.
- Dolphin had no secondary damage because of an error. Fixed.
- Zipper range was less than intended. Fixed.
- Some infantry got stuck while playing cheering animations because they didn't loop. Fixed.
- Some buttons (such as Generals Promotion ones) were sometimes unresponsive requiring players to click multiple times. Fixed.
- General's powers became unusable when owning multiple Command Centers. Fixed.
- China Boss Cluster Mines; USA Boss Cluster Tomahawks and EMP Pulse shortcut buttons did not appear. Fixed.
- Microwave Tank and Irradiator did not clear buildings while moving to attack a different target. Fixed.
- Neutron weapons cleared fuel. Fixed.
- Elbrus Storms and Tomahawk Storm launching process could be cancelled when the player clicked twice when selecting target. Fixed.
- GLA Stealth "Panic" general's power caused "Unit under attack" alerts when attacked by enemy units. Fixed.
- Microwave Tank and snipers could attack Battle Mechanic drone while it was repairing units. Fixed.
- Many errors with armors fixed.
- CivilianVehiclePTBoat was not visible on minimap. Fixed.
- AmericanDriveInSpeaker had too much health, large damage FX as well as blocked projectiles and prevented building placement. Fixed.
- Some voices and sound effects had too much volume. Fixed.
- Firestorm loop sounds were broken. Fixed.
- Fake Flak Gun had no Deploy and Undeploy sound. Fixed.
- Dong Feng's flame drips disappeared when colliding with buildings thus dealt less damage to them than intended. Fixed.
- Dong Feng had Black Napalm upgrade icon shown even though it didn't benefit from it. Removed icon.
- Attack Outpost had Subliminal Messaging icon shown even though it didn't benefit from it. Removed icon.
- Crop Duster's left wing housecolor object was flickering. Fixed.
- Dust damage fx appeared on infantry hit by flashbangs. Fixed.
- Super weapons had their countdown timer increased and had animation issues when disabled while in construction. Fixed.
- Assault vehicle recycle objects could be cleared by scaffoldings. Fixed.
- Recycling abilities could destroy scaffoldings. Fixed.
- The voice announcer warned about enemy GPS scrambler being used when the enemy used Recycling power. Fixed.
- War Factory production doors open instantly when vehicles with build time of 7 seconds and lower come out in chain, thus resulting in faster total build times for such units (besides being visually wrong). Fixed.
- GPS Scrambled Demo BTR Engineer did not reveal itself when deploying mines. Fixed.
- Acid Lunas dealt no damage to amphibious units in water. Fixed.
- Libra light pulse FX colors were wrong. Fixed.
- Coconut props were indestructible. Fixed.
- USA Boss Spider Web spawned Cyborgs instead of Boss Rangers on destruction. Fixed.
- In case of two Cyber opponents with different technology paths selected, a player can build the super unit(s) from a captured enemy War Factory and end up with two super units (Widow and Seraph - one built from the player's own War Factory and one built from the captured War Factory). Fixed.

New units/buildings/upgrades/GPs:

- Crusader Tank
- Tomahawk Launcher
- Power Generator
- Fire Base
- Tomahawk Fire Base (SSM Site)
- Valanx
- Wuldor
- Hydra
- Sonic Turret
- Cryo Turret
- Lightning AIDE
- Lightning Thor
- Cryo Aurora
- Missile Avenger
- Sirius
- M113 APC
- Dragon Crawler
- ECM Crawler
- Cloning Vats
- Watch Tower
- Missile Silo
- GLA Boss Power Plant (Windmill).
- Tech Chinese Reinforcement Pad.
- New GP: GLA Defense Training.
- New Assault GP: Drug Infantry. Heals infantry and boosts their rate of fire by 50% for 20 s.
- New AF GPs: Puma Reinforcement (3 levels), Pave Low Reinforcement (3 levels).
- New Cyber GP: Cluster Bomb.
- New Toxin GP: Crop Duster Drop (3 levels).
- New Infantry GPs: Engineer Team Paradrop, Spec Ops Team Paradrop, Breakthrough Team Paradrop.
- New Infantry GPs: Engineer Team Training, Spec Ops Team Training, Breakthrough Team Training.
- New Demo GP: Exploders Elite Training.
- New Vortex gun addon for Flame Helix.
- New Stealth upgrade: Jammer Missiles. Available at rank 5 from Jammer Station. Adds a jamming pulse to Elbrus Missiles.

Gameplay changes:

- Rank 1 artillery units (Chinese Howitzers, GLA Dana, US Libra and others) no longer need to deploy and undeploy when shooting. This change makes artillery more viable early on, as well as fixes artillery getting stuck (especially in tunnels). Their armor is also more resistant to small arms, AP shells, poisons, radiation and flame.
- Rank 4 requires more experience, creating a bigger gap between rank 3 and rank 4, as rank 3 general's powers boost experience gaining rate of players more than usual.
- Stationary AA defenses have less range but more damage against aircraft. This makes them acquire aircraft consistently. Previously, because of an original game bug, they could not acquire air units further than the anti-ground weapon's range, which made them weaker than intended.
- Stinger Soldiers and Red Arrows have more anti-ground and less anti-air range - they are equalized. That makes them more responsive against aircraft when idle as well as allows them to target aircraft from greater range when garrisoned.
- Sandbag Piles no longer block building placement and infantry pathfinding.
- All traps can be now detected and cleared by engineers, and damaged by conventional weapons.
- All charges have more health and are not disarmed by engineers instantly. Damage FX indicates when a charge is being disarmed.
- Booby Traps can now be disarmed by engineers. One engineer does in 30 seconds. More engineers disarm faster.
- SW Burton's Power Disabler charge can no longer be disarmed by engineers.
- Money transfer has a 20% fee. Players must spend $6000 to drop $5000.
- Heroes are not crushable by heavy tanks (Overlord-class) anymore. Heavy super units are not affected by this change.
- Small civilian buildings have less health and less garrison slots.
- Infantry general paradrop and Air Force Spartan infantry can now be selected and controlled while parachuting.
- Radar Van Scan, Spy Satellite and Spy Drone can no longer be used on shrouded areas such as those shrouded by Jammer Station.

- US Security Turrets are no longer auto attackable. They will not draw fire of enemy units to them.
- Dozer is buildable at War Factory but requires a live Command Center.
- Ambulance given to Super Weapons Conventional path.
- Cyber Missile Defense no longer targets infantry.
- Stinger Drone Drop GP is available in 3 levels. They spawn in a more chaotic formation.
- Laser Defense Turrets no longer shoot down ballistic missiles.
- Laser Paradrop now drops one Ambulance per level in addition.
- USA Amphibious Transport is now buildable at Command Centers instead of War Factories. Has 8 slots instead of 12.
- Tokamak moved from Laser to Super Weapons general Futuristic Path.
- Super Weapons Strategy Center does not produce power anymore. Instead, it requires power like the rest.
- SDI Cannon range is now indicated to all players by a decal.
- Leech disable weapon removed, gains new ability to hack cash, use dummy as default in order not to run into enemies when used in a group with combat units unless intended.
- Spider Nest reveals itself for a bit when spawning spider mines.
- Laser Fence upgrade for Laser Power Plant removed.
- EMP Mines removed from Super Weapons general.
- Sentry Droids do not detect mines and traps anymore.
- Saturn now disables aircraft and buildings as well.
- Sparrowhawks no longer repairs themselves. They get repaired near Colossus and repair icon is now visible.
- Cyber Drone Uplink Chip upgrade removed. Cyber infantry can upgrade with drones by default.
- Laser vehicles don't use power anymore.
- Laser Power Plant supplies less power, equal to other US Plants.
- MTHEL and Antares can now move backwards.
- Cyber Drop Pods don't block movement anymore.

- Chinese Dozer minimum turn speed rolled back to 0, but acceleration increased.
- Infantry Hackers and Black Lotus now have Attack Move and Guard buttons.
- Vortex Tanks do not instantly reload when gaining rank anymore.
- Vortex Tanks do not need to reload when switching between ground and air targets anymore.
- Sniper Cannon no longer has target pitch restrictions in order to fire.
- Artillery Caller now gains experience.
- Artillery Caller infantry training ability removed.
- Earth Shaker does not attack while moving anymore. This helps prevent it from automatically engaging and doing serious harm to allied units (often case with ambush and Panic).
- Flame and Nuke Field Engineers replaced by Engineering Crawlers.
- Flame Combustion upgrade makes Fuel Tubes ignite the fuel they spill.
- Dragon Tails renamed as Magma Cannon, now it can target infantry and create a small magma pool on detonation.
- Signal Mine fireworks are no longer visible on the minimap.
- Speaker Towers and ECM Towers do not count to victory anymore.

- Toxin general's toxin and acid pollution drops are available in 3 levels.
- Toxin Crop Dusters removed from Arms Dealers, but are available as GPs. Experience value increased by 100%.
- Toxin general no longer has Quad Cannon and Quad Defense Site. Wasp is available at rank 1 replacing Quad Cannon. SAM Site remains as the only AA defense site.
- Terrorists and Terrorist Bikers removed from Assault general.
- Cluster, AA and AT Mines now grant experience when disarmed, like Demo Traps do.
- Assault vehicle Smoke Barrage upgrade removed. Abilities are available by default.
- Stealth general's Elbrus missiles are high-explosive and do not contain toxins anymore.
- Assassins no longer target airborne infantry and drones.
- S-60 Flak Guns can no longer be Q selected in order for players not to undeploy them by mistake.
- Hijackers are not crushable anymore. They behave like heroes.
- Stealth Ratel does not spawn a jamming field on death anymore.
- Assault Obstacle GP deploys faster, has more obstacles and a circular shape, perfect for enclosing enemy units. Obstacles have a lifetime of 5 minutes.
- Fortified Structure upgrade now grants protection vs. anti-tank weapons but no protection vs. strong explosions such as those of super weapons. Made other small adjustments.
- Flak Gun does not attack ground targets anymore. That makes it a more reliable anti-aircraft unit.
- Assault Command Truck can no longer be recycled because it allows the player to have multiple Command Trucks.
- Poison and Acid clouds now grant experience when cleared.

- AF Carpet R5 GP removed.
- Mosquito Drop GP removed.
- Kill Garrison GP removed.
- Jammer Pulse GP removed.

Rollback changes:

- Pathfinders removed from Air Force.
- Oil Derricks supply $200 again.
- Laser units can build anti-personnel drones again.
- Saboteur Ambush brought back for Stealth general. Rank 5 power, creates 3 Saboteurs.
- Uriel cost and build time increased ($1400 -> $1600), (14 s -> 16 s).
- Flame Battlemaster cost and build time reduced ($750 -> $700), (7.5 s -> 7.0 s).
- Rebel Equipment Upgrade removed. Previous weapons rolled back.

Balance changes:

-- Global
- Oil Derrick experience granted increased by 50%.
- Humans have more resistance to acids.
- Toxin and Demo Rebels, and Flamethrower now clear garrisons by default, both of them cost $350 now.
- Tanks are more resistant to anti-building aircraft missiles and flame.
- BTR-50 Engineer and ARV vision and mine detection range increased, China Engineering Crawler and Bobcat - decreased.
- All Rank 3 artillery with weak armor have extra resistance vs. small arms, radiation, poison, flame and stealth jet's bomb.
- Hazael, Yan Wang and Widow explosion resistance decreased.
- Emergency Repair level 2 and level 3 heal more points (600 -> 650, 900 -> 1400).
- Carpet Bombs, HE Bomb, Volume Detonation Bomb and Microwave Beam GPs deal more damage.
- Rank 1 artillery units are more resistant to bullets, explosions, flame, radiation and poisons.
- Vehicles with build time of 7 seconds and lower no longer get produced faster than intended because of the door closing delay time bug.
- Sniper infantry range decreased by 10%.

-- USA
- Strategy Centers have 50% more health.
- USA Chinook speed increased (100 -> 115) (damaged 60 -> 80).
- USA Rangers Flash Bang weapon damage decreased (60 -> 40).
- Colonel Burton rifle damage increased by 100%.
- Humvees takes less radiation and poison damage.
- Humvees have less resistance to rockets.
- Humvee healing rate decreased by 50%.
- AMOS and Phobos range increased by 9%, delay between shots increased (200 -> 400).
- Air Force Comanches, Laser Thor & Super Weapon Conventional Thors have new anti-tank weapon with similar DPS and ROF. Deal more damage to AA units and Structures but less damage to tanks.
- Stealth Fighter and Pegasus turn stealth 1 second slower.
- AIDE range decreased by 2%.
- AIDE cost increased ($500 -> $600). Requires power to operate and consumes 1 energy point.
- Airforce Patriot and Laser Defense Turret cost reduced ($1000 -> $900).
- AA Lasers damage increased by 50%.
- Particle Cannon is now weaker vs. units and stronger vs. buildings.
- Amphibious Transport health decreased 2 times, but armor is more resistant to explosions and bullets.
- Countermeasures now also grant 20% resistance to flame damage (Vortex cannons) and silicon clouds.
- Auroras no longer have supersonic invulnerability, but have more health, more speed, cost less and are built faster.

-- USA Airforce
- Coyote cost and build time increased ($800 -> $900), (8 s -> 9 s). Damage and rate of fire slightly increased.
- King Raptor cost and build time increased ($1000 -> $1200), (11 s -> 12 s). Require rank 3.
- F16XL health increased by 14%, equalizing with F18. Damage decreased by 11%, range increased by 9%, damage radius increased.
- Comanche turn rate increased by 33%.
- Comanche Rocket Pod range and projectile speed increased.
- Eye Designator requires rank 3.
- Pave Low range increased by 19% (210 -> 250).
- Combat Puma requires rank 3.
- F35 weapon damage increased (119 -> 123), a single F-35 now destroys a single Gattling/Vortex Tank.
- Chimera and Pave Low missiles are resistant to ECM.
- Chimera cost and build time reduced ($3500 -> $3000), (35 s -> 30 s).
- Wyvern takes less damage from AA Lasers and silicon fields.
- Levitation Pad cost increased ($1500 -> $1750).
- Colossus health increased by 33%. Cost and build time decreased ($2800 -> $2500), (56 s -> 50 s). Consumes 4 energy units.
- Sparrowhawk missile health increased, thus it is less likely to be intercepted by PDL.
- Sparrowhawk bomb is now immune to ECM.
- Sparrowhawk respawn delay increased (10 s -> 15 s).
- Burton Fighter launches high-explosive missiles. They have a higher damage radius.
- Airforce general Seal bring more exp when killed.
- Comanche Reinforcement cooldown decreased (5 min -> 4 min).
- Strategic Bombing cooldown decreased (6 min -> 5 min).

-- USA Laser
- Laser Defender delay between shots decreased (1.2 s -> 1 s).
- Laser Burton cost and build time reduced ($2500 -> $2000), (25 s -> 20 s).
- Laser Crusader turret turn rate increased by 50% (180 -> 270).
- Laser Crusader health increased by 10%. Weapon range decreased by 3%.
- Microwave Tank anti-infantry beam has now has a small damage radius.
- Laser Avenger DPS decreased by 29%.
- Laser ARV mine clearing radius increased.
- Paladin cost and build time increased ($1600 -> $1800), (16 s -> 18 s).
- Laser Thor health increased by 25%.
- Laser Thor delay between shots reduced by 27%.
- F-6 Jet damage increased by 60%. Can now engage aircraft too.
- Laser Defense Turret consumes 3 energy (was 4).
- Omega Cannon & Annihilator bolt and beam weapon damage increased. Bolt weapon range decreased (equalized with beam weapon). Health increased, movement speed decreased.
- Omega Cannon & Annihilator Blast weapon damage radius increased.
- Omega Cannon Cost and build time increased ($5500 -> $6500), (55 s -> 65 s).
- Annihilator health increased.
- Annihilator requires rank 5.
- Microwave Beam cooldown decreased (8 min -> 6 min).

-- USA Superweapon
- SW Burton can now place 10 timed charges (was 3) and 10 remote charges (was 1) at once.
- Superweapon Dozer cost and build time increased ($800 -> $1000), (8 s -> 10 s), equalizing it with other Dozers.
- Centurion and Saturn no longer benefit from Composite Armor. The upgrade is only available to Conventional path and affects Crusaders and Tomahawk Launchers.
- Centurions now use sonic weapon, cost and build time increased ($900 -> $1000), (9 s -> 10 s).
- Thor missile weapon now have a secondary damage radius.
- Patriot and Ion defenses now grant as much experience when packing up and deploying as their deployed state (was less).
- Ion Tower grant less experience when destroyed.
- EMP Patriot weapon damage decreased by 20%, equalized with Air Force Patriot.
- Ion Tower damage increased by 13%, damage radius increased.
- SDI Cannon range decreased by 17% (600 -> 500).
- Atlas cost and build time increased ($2200 -> $2500), (44 s -> 50 s). Consumes more power (4 -> 6).
- Countermeasures doesn't require rank 3 anymore for Super Weapons general.
- EMP Warheads upgrade moved to Strategy Center and only available when player picks Conventional Path. Require rank 5. Cost and build time reduced ($4000 -> $3000), (120 s -> 90 s).
- All carpet bombing ranks now use AmericaJetB3 stealth bombers.
- Thor and Bolt Thor health increased by 25%.
- EMP Pulse disable duration reduced (40 s -> 30 s).
- Tomahawk Storm moved to rank 3
- Lightning strike disable duration reduced (45 s -> 30 s).
- ICBM cooldown increased (5 min -> 6 min).
- Lightning Storm cooldown decreased (7 min -> 6 min).
- All super weapons' weapon stats rebalanced.

-- USA Cyber
- Cyborg flame resistance removed.
- Terminator delay between shots decreased (3 s -> 2 s).
- Cyber Builder Mech health decreased by 17%, equalizing it with other Dozers.
- Droids have more small arms, gatling and flame resistance.
- Guardian Droid TOW missile reload time increased (9 s -> 12 s).
- Guardian Droid damage incresed by 20%, no longer benefit from PELE Amunition Upgrade.
- Lancer damage decreased by 17%.
- Phobos locomotor improved, speed increased by 17% (30 -> 35).
- Drone Controller cost and build time decreased ($3000 -> $2000), (30 s -> 20 s). Health decreased by 25%.
- Drone Controller's Insectoid drones' health decreased by 50%.
- Dominator reload time increased by 40% (10s -> 14s).
- Dominator turret turn and pitch rate increased by 100%.
- Exoskeletons upgrade requires rank 3.
- Raven cost and build time reduced ($800 -> $600), (8 s -> 6 s). 20mm cannon is more effective vs. infantry and light vehicles but less effective vs. tanks and buildings. Anti-air missiles available by default.
- Robo Raptor experience value decreased.
- Cepheus range increased by 7%.
- Seraph health increased by 16%.
- Seraph Railgun damage increased by 2 times. Damage radius increased by 3 times.
- Cyborg Paradrop cooldown decreased (5:00 -> 4:30).
- Cybernetic Stinger Drone drop GP timer decreased (3:30 -> 3:00)
- Cyber Cluster Bomb cooldown reduced from 7 to 5 min.
- Cyborg Commando health increased by 63%. Flying speed increased by 50% (40 -> 60).
- Widow railgun damage increased by 19%, damage radius increased by 100%. Added a short delay between shots in order to prevent it from firing both shots on low health targets. Clip auto reload added.
- Widow missile system damage type changed to anti-tank, damage radius decreased by 33%.

-- China
- Propaganda Centers have 50% more health.
- Black Lotus health increased by 67%.
- All Black Lotus have more vehicle hack range and capture buildings 2 seconds faster.
- Chinese AA defenses' cost decreased ($1000 -> $900).
- Improved ECM Technology upgrade also increases ECM weapon range by 33%.

-- China Infantry
- Propaganda Officer no longer benefits from Infantry Training power.
- Field Engineer cost and build time increased ($350 -> $400), (3.5 s -> 4.0 s).
- ATGM Operator damage decreased by 33%.
- Grenadier primary damage increased by 33%.
- Sniper is visible while moving and stealth while shooting, like US Pathfinder.
- Sniper can no longer attack vehicles and structures. On the bright side, the player doesn't have to manually pick infantry targets.
- Rank 1 Troop crawlers sitplaces reduced to 2 except Propaganda Crawlers, they kept 4 sitplaces.
- Troop Crawlers have extra flame, poison and radiation resistance. Health increased by 7%.
- Troop Crawlers cost and build time increased ($700 -> $800), (7 s -> 8 s). Experience value increased. Experience required decreased.
- Grenade Troop Crawler weapon range increased by 14%.
- Shandian troop exit delay reduced (troops exit faster).
- Artillery Caller targetting decal removed.
- Artillery Caller weapon range reduced by 7%.
- Harbin speed when damaged decreased. Health decreased by 17%.
- Chain Guns Upgrade moved to rank 3.
- Advanced Engineering upgrade cost and build time reduced ($2500 -> $2000, 60 s -> 50 s).

-- China Tank
- Tank General Tank Hunter cost and build time decreased ($450 -> $400), (4.5 s -> 4 s).
- War Master health increased by 2%.
- Dragon Tank damage increased by 18%.
- Sniper cannon movement speed decreased by 9% (22 -> 20), health increased by 11%.
- Emperor Sniper Cannon addon cost increased ($800 -> $1000).
- Overlord based units require either Propaganda Center or Overlord HQ.
- Manticore AA damage increased by 57%.
- Earth Shaker shockwave weapon base damage reduced by 33%, but brings extra damage vs. tanks and buildings.
- ECM Tower requires Power Plant instead of War Factory.
- ECM Tower radius increased. Cost and build time increased ($500 -> $750), (10 s -> 15 s).
- Black Napalm research time decreased (40 s -> 30 s).
- Emperor Drop changed. Drops 2 Emperors and 1 Manticore instead of 3 Emperors. Cooldown reduced (9 min -> 6 min).
- Tank Paradrop levels now drop 3, 6, 9 tanks instead of 2, 4, 6.

-- China Flame
- Flamethrower infantry damage slightly increased.
- Flamethrower infantry ROF increased by 67%, Range decreased by 13%.
- Fuel Truck is now immune to flame. Health reduced (equalized with Supply Truck). Spill ability cooldown decreased (60 s -> 45 s). Reveals itself when spilling fuel.
- Dragon Tank damage increased by 32%.
- Vortex Tank anti-ground weapon damage increased by 16%.
- Inferno Cannon scatter radius increased by 100%. Health decreased by 17% (Stealth Fighter now kills veteran Inferno).
- Inferno Cannon causes firestorm in group of 4.
- Immolator armor vs. infantry missiles slightly increased.
- Immolator resistance to jet missiles removed.
- Dragon Tail weapon range decreased by 29% (275 -> 190)
- Dragon Tail's projectile now follows targets, attack delay removed.
- A-100 MLRS cost and build time reduced ($2750 -> $2200), (27.5 s -> 22 s). Missile speed and health increased.
- A-100 Long volley range increased(420 -> 450), same as Short volley.
- Fuel duration reduced (4 min -> 2 min). Long duration allowed Fuel Tubes to stack 2 fuel pools since their cooldown reduction.
- Fuel Tube cost and build time decreased ($400 -> $300), (8 s -> 6 s).
- Flame Combustion research time decreased (40 s -> 30 s).
- Thermite Shells cost decreased ($2500 -> $2000).
- Thermobaric Mixtures and Nuclear Tanks upgrades moved from Atmospheric Lens to Propaganda Center for Flame general. Require rank 5.
- Atmospheric Lens cooldown decreased (6 min -> 5 min).
- Flame Reinforcement Pad drop changed from 1 Dragon, 1 Vortex and 1 Battlemaster to 3 Battlemasters.
- Dong Feng missile creates 5 more flame drips resulting in more total damage.

-- China Nuke
- Nuke Howitzer weapon scatter removed.
- Irradiator weapon range increased by 8% (125 -> 135).
- Nuke Overlord can now build Gattling addon.
- Nuclear ATGM and Irradiator addon weapon range slightly increased.
- White Dragon cost and build time decreased ($2000 -> $1800), (20 s -> 18 s).
- Hadron Collider damage and damage radius increased by 31%.
- Hadron Collider cost and countdown reduced ($5000 -> $3500), (5 min -> 3:30 min).
- Radioactive Shells upgrade requires rank 3.
- Nuke Cannon range increased by 4%.
- Isotope Stability cost and build time decreased ($1500 -> $1000), (60 s -> 40 s).

-- GLA
- Jarmen Kell health increased by 25%.
- RPG Bikers cost and build time increased ($400 -> $600, 4 s - 6 s), and fire in bursts of 2 rockets.
- Stinger Bikers fire in bursts of 2 missiles.
- Technical takes more gattling and small arms damage.
- Technical dies to 3 Vortex cannon shots (was 4).
- Technical level 3 salvage weapon clip size added. Shoots 3 rockets at once.
- Scorpion Rocket damage radius decreased by 33%.
- Toxin Tractor weapon range decreased by 7% (150 -> 140).
- GLA Mortar buggy cost ($800 -> $700), build time (8 -> 7).
- Mortar Buggy health increased by 33%. They survive a single ion strike now.
- GLA Mortar buggy weapon projectile speed increased (150 -> 200).
- GLA Mortar buggy vision range increased (170 -> 230).
- GLA Mortar buggy damage to structures decreased by 19%.
- Assault and Toxin scorpion idle turrent recenter time decreased (5000 -> 3000).
- Level 2 salvage no longer makes Battle Bus immune to kill pilot ability.
- Battle Bus movement speed decreased by 14%.
- Worker Shoes upgrade build time increased (20 s -> 30 s).
- Scorpion Rocket upgrade build time reduced (35 s -> 25 s).
- Scorpion Rocket reload time reduced (20 s -> 15 s).
- Flak Gun and Aladdin range decreased by 9% (275 -> 250).
- Aladdins and Flak Guns are no longer extra effective vs. tanks. They use the same damage type as Quads, Gattlings, etc.
- Tunnel Networks now have base defense armor. They are more resistant to small arms, but more vulnerable to explosions and stealth bombers.
- Sneak Attack cooldown decreased (4 min -> 3 min).
- BTR Driller and Rig Launcher tunnel dig ability cooldown decreased (1:30 min -> 1 min).
- BTR armor is more resistant to explosions and bullets.
- Corvus plane's health gets increased by 50% with each next GP level. The ones which deliver Sneak Attack rigs have +100% more health.

-- GLA Demo
- Saboteur unit removed from GLA Demolition general.
- Demo Jarmen Kell cost and build time decreased ($2500 -> $2000), (25 s -> 20 s), equalizing it with other Jarmen Kells.
- Suicide Scorpion experience value reduced by 32%.
- Suicide Scorpion main weapon damage decreased by 4%.
- Ratel upgraded movement speed slightly decreased.
- Ratel cost and build time decreased ($1250 -> $1000), (12.5 s -> 10 s).
- Ratel explosion damage decreased 2 times.
- Efreet has extra explosion and land mine armor.
- Dolphin damage increased by 33%. Damage radius decreased by 2 times.
- Zipper damage radius decreased by 33%.
- Efreet health decreased by 17%.
- Demo infantry suicide damage decreased. Equalized inconsistent suicide damage and damage radius across vehicles.
- Demo GLA suicide ability upgrade available at Arms Dealer.
- High Explosive Bomb upgrade moved from Elbrus Storm to Palace. Requires rank 5.
- Dolphin and Zipper now benefit from Exploders Training, but Efreet no longer does.
- Demo Exploders GP has level 2 available at Rank 3, cost 1 General Point.
- Demo AA Mines GP cooldown increased (2:30 min -> 3:00 min).
- Demo Trap and Cluster Mines GP drops 2 objects in a row.
- Demo GLA generals powers (AT mines, Demo trap, Cluster mine) are chained, meaning selecting another will override previous GP, reload time decreased (3:30 -> 3:00)
- Demoralize GP cooldown decreased (6 min -> 5 min).

-- GLA Toxin
- Wasp anti-air range decreased by 17% (300 -> 250).
- Scolopendra speed increased. Health reduced by 10%.
- Scolopendra and Poisoner no longer benefit from Tank Camouflage.
- Sturm-S speed increased (20 -> 25).
- Small and medium acid field health decreased.
- Small acid field damage decreased by 50%, small sulfur acid field damage decreased by 55%.
- Medium and large sulfur acid field damage decreased by 11%.
- Chemical Warheads cost and build time increased ($1500 -> $2000), (40 s -> 60 s).
- Neutralizers upgrade cost and build time increased ($2500 -> $3000), (80 s -> 90 s).
- Tank Camouflage upgrade cost and build time decreased ($2500 -> $2000), (80 s -> 60 s), it was moved to Palace. Requires rank 5.
- Concentrates upgrade removed. Poison longivity is upgraded by Anthrax Gamma.
- Karakurt Turbodiesel upgrade removed.

-- GLA Assault
- Demolisher is no longer immune to mines, but has double the resistance compared to tanks.
- Jarmen Kell Ambush ability cooldown reduced (4 min -> 2 min).
- Demolisher cost and build time increased ($700 -> $1200), (5 s -> 10 s).
- Rig Launcher cost and build time decreased ($1000 -> $900), (10 s -> 9 s). Range increased by 33%.
- Dana delay between shots decreased by 28%.
- Dana health decreased by 29%.
- Marauder cost and build time decreased ($1350 -> $1000), (13.5 s -> 10 s).
- Marauders are no longer immune, but have resistance to mines.
- Aladdin cost and build time increased ($1000 -> $1200), (10 s -> 12 s).
- Aladdins have gattling tank armor which is more resistant to bombers, poisons, radiation, flame and bullets.
- Grad MLRS range increased by 11% (360 -> 400), health increased by 15% (260 -> 300).
- Grad MLRS cannot enter tunnels anymore.
- Karkadann Recycling ability cooldown decreased (5 min -> 3 min).
- Karkadann weapon damage decreased by 19% (160 -> 130).
- Assault buildable Obstacle cost and build time increased ($200 -> $300), (7 s -> 10 s). Health decreased.

-- GLA Stealth
- Warrior cost and build time increased ($250 -> $300), (2.5 s -> 3 s). Health decreased by 6%.
- Saboteurs can no longer enter to sabotage factories, command centers and super weapons. They can only enter supply centers to steal cash. They can disable all vehicles and buildings for 30 seconds via a new Sabotage Power Link ability.
- Stealth Jarmen Kell and Saboteurs can plant Parasite charges. Parasite deals damage over time and disappears after 10 seconds.
- Radar Van vision and detection range decreased by 20%. It still have bigger range than vanilla one by 11%.
- Scorpion II experience value reduced by 20%.
- Scorpion II base and salvaged weapon damage decreased, ROF increased. Health increased (same as Aslt & Toxin Scorpion).
- Scorpion II no longer loses rate of fire with salvage upgrades.
- Scorpion II cost and build time increased ($550 -> $600), (5.5 s -> 6 s).
- Elbrus Launcher cost increased ($1200 -> $1500).
- Elbrus Launcher health increased by 67%, equalized with Lunas.
- Jammer Station was moved to rank 3, it can no longer shroud the entire map, but a medium area around it.
- Stealth general's GPS Scrambler effect radius reduced by 17%.
- Temporary Blackout GP cooldown decreased (5 min -> 3 min).
- High Precision Sniper Rifle upgrade cost and build time decreased ($2400 -> $2000), (72 s -> 60 s).
- Anti-Radar Missile Launcher health decreased by 11%, equalizing it with Anti-Tank Defense Site. It can now be destroyed by 4 J-10s without Black Napalm.

Other changes:

- Added 8 new colors: Claret, Brown, Lime, Lochmara, Dodger Blue, Slate Blue, Aquamarine and Roman.
- Infa Howitzer shoots canister shells (visual change).
- Obstacle GP no longer plays a spawn sound.
- Neutral supply drop zone crates can now be picked up by dozers and workers.
- Earth Shaker no longer acquires nearby targets if ordered to attack a specific target manually.
- Saturn produces 10 energy units.
- Added trail to Rebel grenades to improve visibility.
- Garrison gun will no longer display muzzle flash. Because of its global application, weapons like biohazard stream, ECM beam, lasers, etc. also had muzzle flash displayed, which was wrong and didn't look good.
- Added missing cheering animations on Rebels, Snipers, Flamethrowers, Tank Hunters and Missile Defenders.
- Added a missing poisoned female sound.
- Air Force Patriot and Super Weapon defenses cannot produce drones anymore.
- Terminator BFG weapon no longer causes blood FX on impact with infantry. Dead infantry explode into bits instead of burn.
- Anti-radar missile launcher is no longer able to damage Jammer Station.
- Purchased upgrade tooltips show the initial upgrade description instead of "This upgrade has already been purchased".
- Cleaned 14 000+ lines of unused code.

Performance changes:

- Option to disable special building props in Contra Launcher.
- Destroyed units no longer spawn dead crew.
- Burning infantry no longer emit smoke particles.
- Some particle effects have been completely redone and optimized or just optimized.
- Coyote tank optimized.
- Laser Challenge map performance optimizations.
- Skirmish AI optimizations.

Challenge mode:

- Each challenger has a unique color.
- Super weapon and super unit limits are now tied to Difficulty. Easy - unlimited, Normal - 2 SWs and 2 SUs at a time, Hard - 1 SW and 1 SU at a time.
- Air Force: Added a break from attacks when player reaches rank 3. The break will be interrupted if the player attacks the AI. Afterwards, the AI will perform a small paradrop.
- Air Force: Fixed a mistake in scripts that caused one voice line to never play.
- Air Force: Changed some priorities and reduced some teams to slightly decrease difficulty overall.
- Air Force: Fixed a bug where the AI would speak about scuds storms when the player built elbrus launchers as Stealth general.
- Air Force: Fixed a bug where most bomber-type units would ignore GLA defences.
- Air Force: Made some speech more likely to occur.
- Air Force: Enabled even more speech, fixed some other outdated speech scripts.
- Air Force: Added a War Factory in his base, and he now also uses ground vehicles.
- Air Force: Added Sentry Drones across his base and the map for detection.
- Air Force: Fixed the Puma infantry teams to actually fit inside.
- Air Force: Fixed one bugged script with the AI not using carpet bombing. Now uses Carpet on Medium and Hard mode, as well as on the starting paradrop on Hard.
- Air Force: Fixed a script that checked for troops on easy and medium but was only useful for hard mode.
- Air Force: Added a scripted wave of Spartans on Hard.
- Laser: Omega Cannons were more aggressive than intended. Fixed.
- Laser: Improved game performance when looking at player's and AI's base.
- Super Weapons: Now has different amount of SDI depending on difficulty.
- Super Weapons: Implemented Conventional and Futuristic paths.
- Super Weapons: Now has some late-game emergency $$$ and an extra SDZ. She would almost completely stop anything because she would run out of money around the 25 minute mark.
- Super Weapons: Adjusted the ridiculous amount of money in the player main supply (122k -> 80k).
- Super Weapons: Removed redundant spy drones across the map.
- Super Weapons: Cleaned up some ugly terrain texture overlaps.
- Super Weapons: Made some small corners that should be impassable actually impassable.
- Super Weapons: She now occasionally builds a heavy dozer, not only normal ones.
- Super Weapons: Slightly adjusted height of some islands and areas. High water showed some very small bits of water in the player and AI base and it looked ugly, as well as completely submerged some islands that it shouldn't.
- Super Weapons: Overall removal of jank and unused scripts, areas and waypoints that were leftovers from ZH version of the map.
- Super Weapons: A special surprise team was never used because of a bugged script. Fixed.
- USA Boss: Changed a minor attack priority so that the AI fighters and mosquito drones attack aircraft instead of drones.
- USA Boss: Made the small base's supply selfdestruct when no Command Center or dozers are left so the player cannot spam saboteurs for unlimited cash anymore.
- USA Boss: Added a wave of SW-hunting auroras when the player is winning.
- Tank: Replaced Banshees with small ECM tanks in guard teams.
- Tank: Some speech didn't play. Fixed.
- Tank: Added more speech.
- Tank: Delayed MiG and Helix attacks a bit.
- Tank: Now researches upgrades during the battle, not prior.
- Tank: Removed unused and redundant teams.
- Tank: Shuffled some team units around and adjusted unit number.
- Nuke: Some nuke cannons were idling in the AI base. Fixed. Now they guard their position.
- Nuke: Replaced Bunkers with the new Nuke Watch Towers.
- Nuke: Garrison teams sometimes had too many members to fit in towers entirely, and other towers weren't garrisoned at all. Fixed.
- Nuke: AI was scripted to fire artillery barrage on Easy but was never granted the GP in the first place. Fixed. He only tries to fire barrage on Normal and Hard now.
- Nuke: Fixed a lot of jank with the intro: missing speech, weird reveals and camera action, music cuts, clunky vehicle behaviour, etc...
- Nuke: Potentially fixed some speech scripts playing during the intro while they shouldn't.
- Nuke: AI now expands to mountain supply.
- Nuke: Some voice lines triggered when a cargo plane or GP projectile entered an area. Fixed.
- Nuke: Fixed a line where the AI says you're selling buildings.
- Nuke: Fixed a bug where the Yan Wang would attack immediately after you started the match (Easy mode only).
- Flame: Could not always rebuild Supply Center because of limited space. Fixed.
- Flame: Moved a random flame drip out of the player's base.
- China Boss: Map overhaul.
- China Boss: Completely revised all 3 AI attack scripts, and 90% of the teams have been updated.
- China Boss: AI used GPs after very predictable moments (i.e., after player hit rank 3 or rank 5). Updated to be less obvious.
- China Boss: More trains! You better watch out where you place your stuff!
- China Boss: Enemy has more or less super weapons ready to fire on you, depending on difficulty.
- China Boss: All 3 AIs are active from the start. If you defeat one, the others will compensate by building more.
- China Boss: The Chinese Reinforcement Outpost was attackable. Fixed.
- Demo: Full map revision.
- Toxin: Has Neutralizers upgrade by default.
- Toxin: Now sends radar vans.
- Toxin: Added rank 3 peace time.
- Toxin: Now uses Acid Carpet Bomb at rank 5.
- Toxin: Now uses Crop Dusters to defend his base.
- Toxin: Will build another Chemical Lab near his main base soon after his first Lab gets destroyed.
- Toxin: Will try to use Lunas to prevent player from advancing through bridges (On Medium and Hard).
- Toxin: Builds Elbrus Storm eariler. Cooldown on Easy mode reduced to 12 minutes.
- Toxin: All pre-placed units except Karakurt are no longer recruitable.
- Toxin: Adjusted the timing of AI upgrades. AI will try to research again if upgrades are cancelled by destroying technology buildings.
- Toxin: GasStorageTank spawns acid cloud when dead. One of the toxin bunkers replaced with 2 GasStorageTanks.
- GLA Boss: Added GLA power plants in each base. The AI will build them when the player reaches rank 5. The main base has power from the moment you reveal it.
- GLA Boss: Hopefully fixed a bug that prevented the AI from building the scud storm halfway through.
- GLA Boss: Fixed a condition that prevented the AI to rebuild the temple in the last base.
- GLA Boss: Refined a condition that let the player win even if they didn't destroy all buildings in the last base.


- New maps: The Survivors (1v1), Lagoon Christmas (1v1), Freedom Oil (2v2), Hell on Rails (2v2), Tournament Island Night (4), Pagasa Fortress (6).
- Removed bad maps: Alpine Assault, Desert Fury, Summer Arena, Winter Arena, Heartland Shield, Bombardment Beach, Leipzig Lowlands, Hard Winter, North America, Tournament Plains, The Frontline, Flash Fire, Tournament City (NMC), Seaside Mutiny.
- Updated many map previews.
- New props for use on maps.
- BaikonurGroundControlCenter is no longer capturable on official maps as it served no purpose and was confusing.
- Lagoon, Lagoon Day: Visual updates.
- Forgotten Forest, Forgotten Forest Snow: Added large supply piles. Visual updates.
- Scaraa, DeDuSu: Added missing AI areas and waypoints.
- Gorge Drought: Moved the Artillery Platforms closer together and flattened the terrain around. Removed Nuclear Bunkers threatening US Chinooks. Added a Bunker near the third supply sources (supply piles).
- Snowy Drought: Moved the Artillery Platforms closer together and flattened the terrain around.
- Desert Storm: Removed the two supply piles in the middle next to the tower.
- Hidden Treasures: Flattened the high ground to the south of the Hospital.
- Forgotten Ruins: Supply piles moved further away from the map edges.
- Area J1: Flattened the terrain in various locations and moved some of the supply piles.
- Naval Port Reyes: Visual and waypoint improvements.
- Nuclear Combat: Removed some middle obstacles. Removed tech field bunkers in player bases. Added extra Oil Derricks. Improved visuals.
- Night Sky: Added extra ramps leading to Reinforcement Pads. Moved the Guard Towers from near the unsafe supplies to near the Reinforcement Pads.
- Plant Waste: Removed one of the two supply pile areas in player bases. Main supply docks now contain $60 000 (was $38 000).
- Tournament Desert: Flattened terrain leading to flanks.
- Bitter Winter: Flattened terrain in the northwest area. Removed part of the structures near the east flank. Added a Reinforcement Pad and an Oil Refinery. Reduced amount of resources.
- Embattled Land: Moved one of each base's Supply Docks closer to player starting positions.
- Winter Wolf: Added a big Supply Pile in each player base. Relocated the Wood Towers. Replaced the Sequoia with an obstacle.
- Killing Fields: Fixed incorrect AI perimeter area definitions. Changes to supplies. Added some tech buildings. Flattened some hills. Added bridges across the river.
- Wasteland Warlords: Added a big Supply Pile in each player base.
- Melting Snow: Reworked the south part of the map.
- Vendetta: Reduced amount of forward supply piles.
- Fallen Empire: Increased the wall gaps.
- Heavy Casualties: Added extra supply piles.
- Maguso: Supply Docks now have default supply amount.
- Ocean Riptides: Added extra supply piles.

Skirmish AI:

- A notification will warn the player if the map he is playing on has no trigger areas and waypoints defined.
- Implemented measures to make the AI more active on maps with no trigger areas and waypoints defined.
- Fixed attack priorities. Anti-air units now stop to engage aircraft; dragon tanks focus on buildings and infantry, etc.
- AI sometimes clogged their base with units from complementary teams. Fixed.
- Assault AI tried to use Recycling immediately after building Salvage Plant, before researching the upgrade. Fixed.
- GLA AI Supply Stash trucks will now attempt to crush nearby enemy infantry and run away from nearby enemy vehicles.
- All GLA Workers now repair distant buildings.
- China AI could not upgrade Command Centers with radar upgrade. Fixed.
- China AI often used Frenzy on idle units in base. Fixed. They'll now use Frenzy only in combat.
- Infantry AI used Neutron Bomb GP instead of ECM Bomb GP. Fixed.
- GLA AI will build an additional backup Factory if they lose their main one.
- GLA AI will now upgrade Radar Vans with camo netting.
- Air Force AI's mine clearer team (AI variant of Bobcat) had a build time of 700 seconds instead of 7. Fixed.
- All AI have new building placements. Important buildings are built in the back away from the base front which means they have a higher chance to get built/rebuilt.
- AI will no longer build stealth invasion alert teams if they already have stealth detectors belonging to other teams in the inner perimeter.
- Other minor fixes and adjustments.


- Laser Defense Turret model changed.
- Omega Cannon and Centurion models changed.
- Coyote model upscaled.
- Humvee class units, Centurion and Heavy Construction Dozer texture color now matches with the majority of other US units' color.
- Added side mirrors to Humvee class units.
- Many new cameos.
- Improved locomotor physics of various vehicles.
- Improved mipmaps and shading of various units.

-- New voice acting for the following units:
- Cyborg
- M270
- Thor (plus additional lines for Laser, Missile and Lightning variants)
- ECM Trooper
- Fuel Truck
- Shandian
- War Master
- Dana
- Crop Duster
- Stinger Soldier
- Flak Cannon
- Cobra Cannon

-- New sound effects:
- Immolator Magma Cannon (previously called Dragon Tail)
- Zhu Rong cannon
- USA heavy truck engine (MTHEL, Antares, Sirius)
- Mammoth tank engine
- Scolopendra engine
- Burton beacon
- F-6 weapon
- Carbon laser weapon

-- New Select sounds for Oil Derrick, Oil Refinery, Hospital and Repair Bay. Added shared sounds to Field Bunker, Radar and Artillery Platform.


- Fresh new interface.
- Refactored old code and fixed bugs.
-- More customization options:
- Anisotropic Filtering implementation, allowing to see the true texture quality of every surface.
- Disable Extra Building Props for extra performance;
- Set max particle count;
- Set texture resolution;
- Switch between Standard, Contra and Pro Control Bar;
- Switch between Standard and HD Cameos.

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hzfisinkiller - - 51 comments

Epic! what a huge update. Thanks all

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SirWeffington - - 5 comments

Did you guys intend to leave the description of Aurora bombers as "Invulnerable"? It still has the same description as in previous versions, I think.

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

No, it makes no sense that we left it intentionally. There are some other such texts, but it is to be expected in Beta releases as long as such things are not game-breaking.

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Guest - - 698,232 comments

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