The goal of this mod is to make combat look more realistic while maintaining balance by adjusting squad cost and training speed. To determine how strong a unit or weapon is I consider how its described in the lore, how it looks ingame and its relative strength on the tabletop. Most units do not use squad or vehicle cap, and the few that are limited have a lore reason (like the leman russ vanquisher) or balance reason (artillery). - No squad limits on most units. - Dozens of new units. - The AI can use all the new units. - New AI profiles for all factions. - Campaign and multiplayer compatible. - Greater emphasis on macro-management and aggressive gameplay. - Knockdown is now very rare. - Better vehicle pathfinding. - Research removed. Each races traits are more pronounced, space marines are more elite, eldar are faster, imperial guard and orks are big horde armies, necrons are hard to kill but slow, tau still like their gunlines.

Post news Report RSS v1.3 patchnotes

Version 1.3 adds the Sisters of Battle, several units for other factions and many other improvements.

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Extract Cinematic_battles folder and .module to your dark crusade directory

added the sisters of battle
added two squads of battle sisters and a confessor named Hieronymus Rex to the imperial guard's honor guard.
buffed all flamers, which now do 30dps to everything except tanks, heavy flamers do 40dps
changed ap of nearly all weapons to be more uniform
changes to weapon ap has made abilitys that reduce damage (such as the tau shield drone) more effective
completely new map made by me, 3p_Holy_Ground

added tank trap for imperial guard
added razorback for space marines
added wierdboy for orks
adjusted the ai rating of units, ai will use a wider variety of units now
guard infantry hq no longer provides additional squad cap
most guard units now default to the stand ground stance
added flight to tau piranhas and increased their cost
reduced firewarrior squads to 8 men
demolisher cannons now do 50 aoe damage and 700 direct hit damage
fixed unpainted bolter CSMs in campaign
all chaos honor guard infantry can now reinforce
reduced training times to discourage building too many structures, indirectly improving pathfinding
fixed basilisk projectile not exploding
new firing animation for thunderfire cannon
new firing animation for hydra aa tank
made new icon and minimap for 4p_Abandoned Mining Facility, 4p_deamonworld, 4p_trench warfare, 6p_academy state canal, 6p_apocalypse day and night, and 6p_ancient keep
made new icon for 4p_cityscape, 4p_obelisk and 4p_Pech Marsh
added distant land to bunker 149 and bunker 149 chaos besieged
removed some weird and gimmicky maps
adjusted the armor types of many necron units
reduced necron warrior hp to 80
reduced necron immortal hp to 120
reduced necron wraith damage against vehicles and buildings
increased the cost of necron immortals from 50 to 60
nerfed necron phalactary wargear from 50% ranged damage reduction and 5hp per second regen to 30% ranged damage reduction and 4hp per second
reduced training time of space marine infantry
reduced training time of chaos space marine infantry
reduced training time of eldar guardians to 9 seconds
reduced eldar rangers to 25hp
firewarrior shasui and vespid leaders now improve squad morale
increased the speed of kroot hounds from 24 to 30
increased burst cannon damage against infantry and heavy infantry
balanced tau commander wargear
all tau hovercraft now have a limited jump
all tau hovercraft increased acceleration and deceleration, should result in smoother movement
increased gun drones to 40hp and reduced power cost, reduced squad size to 9
increased piranha cost
reduced pathfinder cost to 25 req
increased tetra cost
added reinforce cost to crisis suit honor guards
reduced krootox cost
increased plague marine health
reduced cost of plague and rubric marines
updated chaos unit descriptions
updated eldar unit descriptions
balanced chaos lords wargear (campaign)
increased defiler health to 350 from 300
gave space marine Chaplin the rosarius ability which grants 80% damage resistance for 20 seconds
added dozens of units to the army painter
the ai can now use the lord of change spells

Known issues:
leman russ turret texture not loading in campaign
some chaos unit textures not loading in campaign
hydra aa guns are black
crusaders don't have a syncdeath animation
ai can't use wierdboy spells

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