The goal of this mod is to make combat look more realistic while maintaining balance by adjusting squad cost and training speed. To determine how strong a unit or weapon is I consider how its described in the lore, how it looks ingame and its relative strength on the tabletop. Most units do not use squad or vehicle cap, and the few that are limited have a lore reason (like the leman russ vanquisher) or balance reason (artillery). - No squad limits on most units. - Dozens of new units. - The AI can use all the new units. - New AI profiles for all factions. - Campaign and multiplayer compatible. - Greater emphasis on macro-management and aggressive gameplay. - Knockdown is now very rare. - Better vehicle pathfinding. - Research removed. Each races traits are more pronounced, space marines are more elite, eldar are faster, imperial guard and orks are big horde armies, necrons are hard to kill but slow, tau still like their gunlines.


Bug fixes and balance changes for soulstorm. Click read more for details.

Cinematic Battles Soulstorm patch 1.9.4 (OBSOLETE)
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