Just some dumb PVE-Vanilla++ mod i made for myself to make playing Generals alot more fun. Just read the installation instructions carefully in the files section and hopefully it'll all work out. It was my intention not to release it to the public, but eh, minds change and makes me wonder what people think of my crap mod. It's not of quality and shows some basic to semi-advanced INI modding but really it's not much of quality; it's not much but it's honest work. But hey, at least it's playable, makes QOL improvements of the base game, and introduces a new faction into the game!


Added new unit to the Ivory Groundforce, being the MRT (Mobile Repair Transport). Has two drones that fly around and repair your units within the new heal area indicators. The Ivory Airforce Maintenance Drone has a slightly nerfed heal range as well as now a new Heal radius indicator. Fixed up some wrong cameos and text strings. Added bridge to upper north-west cliff area in general Granger's Generals Challenge map to access the Easter egg easier, which can only be triggered by ground units now.

Ivory Invasion Main Mod Files--v0.5.5
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