Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. It features 32 explorable maps, reworked level design and level fixes, new original level, Trucks Cemetery, Full AI and A-Life overhaul, engine and script enhancements, Repeatable task system which bases itself on A-Life events, Customizable weather environments for every map as well as surges and psi-storms from AF3, Character creation which includes name, portrait and faction selection; Several optional modes such as Ironman mode, story mode and zombie survival mode, New achievements, rankings and reputation system, PDA leaderboard and enhanced PDA statistics, Companion system with keyboard issued commands, many optional side-features and community-made addons . Call of Chernobyl was player's choice Mod of the Year 9th place in 2015 and 1st place in 2016!


A-life simulation is enabled in every location, even if you aren't there. Unlike standard, simple A-Life, stalkers here do not just walk around the zone, now they occupy certain points, which they did not notice before. Now the factions are starting to fight more against each other, but there is not a full-scale war. ATTENTION! Increases the load on the computer! Perhaps you will have to reduce spawn stalkers to 0.25-0.5. Author - Skelja.

Living Zone by Skelja [1.4.22]
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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Previously, the groupings had restrictions on location. Each had its own habitats. Now everything is different, the restrictions are removed. For example, the monolith could not go beyond the territory of "Freedom", but now they can go as far as Cordon. "Monolith is coming"

Give "NO" to restrictions!

Reply Good karma+26 votes
EGZOdaw - - 108 comments

Wow, awesome! Big thanks to you for uploading :D 10/10

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Villainz - - 367 comments

I dont understand why it would be restricted in the first place being a free play game.. but the devs felt the need for it i guess. Thank you for this very much appreciated

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Argoon - - 1,082 comments

I assume they did that because of performance reasons, AI calculation is still a very demanding task, for example the guys making Kingdom Come Deliverance are suffering from same problem.

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Mustang_Esp - - 77 comments

This should have a high RAM consumption, right?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

"ATTENTION! Increases the load on the computer! Perhaps you will have to reduce spawn stalkers to 0.25-0.5."

If the computer is weak, then it's better not to install this mod. You can try to put the population at 0.25. Maybe everything will be fine =)

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Jimmy400 - - 3 comments

Does this work with warfare? Has it been tested?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Conflict with him

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DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

Warfare DOES NOT need this. It is already enabled.

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alexkfridges - - 4 comments

Hey Dan, i wanna have a desolate zone but with full simulation and no restrictions..

(aka your/drx desolation + living zone) but it seems that no matter what i set population to, living zone makes the game a massive cluster ****, even with long 4 days respawns as added in your desolation mod.

Does living zone essentially overwrite and do it's own spawning? Is there a way to make them work together as intended?

Thanks :) (also love your work)

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DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

This mod shouldn't affect spawning in any way, so it shouldn't be conflicting with any Desolation mod (mine or DrX's). However, it will make the zone feel A LOT more active because ALL of the NPC's from every map will be moving around. The only suggestion I can make is to make sure that you don't go above .50 on the Population Factor in the CoC options for NPC's. Obviously, the more NPC's you have at the start of the game, the more NPC's that will be traveling around the maps.

All that being said, I've never tried this mod (I just us the regular Full Sim A-life mod, which he has listed in the description), so this mod might be a lot more aggressive in moving NPC's around than that one, which could be causing the issue. You might want to give the regular Full Sim A-life a shot as well, I've never had any issues with that one.

And thank you for the compliment, I'm really happy you enjoy my little mods :)

Edit: After reading through some of the other comments, yeah, this mod is indeed far more aggressive than the regular Full Sim A-life mod, so that is absolutely what is causing the issue. The Full Sim A-life mod still has some restrictions as to what factions can go where, this mod however has none of those restrictions, so you can end up with any faction in virtually any area of the game. That is going to cause a lot of battles to happen throughout all of the maps, and can even lead to some areas becoming far too heavily populated which can crash your game. Personally, I don't recommend you use this mod.

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Guest - - 698,017 comments

Did you remove the neutral zones completely so you cant go there anymore or did you just remove their neutral status?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Previously NPCs did not touch each other in these territories, although the player was offended... Now there is no injustice. Military, for example, can go into the village of beginners and start a genocide =)

Yes, removed their neutral status

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IGotzNoSkittles78 - - 101 comments

***** sake man, this is fun xD

I already increased the mutant amount by 2-3 squads per spawning, so after installing your mod over Call of Misery, I experienced hell in Aprogram as Duty.

Starting off, I checked my inventory and put on my clothes, and not even a minute later I hear that the loners in the area were under attack. I step outside of my building and saw a barrage of mutants completely destroying the complex. As the brave man that I was, I ran to a more secure location, where I turned on the PDA, and there I saw, dozens of white dots completely invading the complex, until the last glimmer of yellow disappeared into the abyss.

Can't wait to explore this living hell, reminds me of the original Oblivion Lost 2.2 mod, in terms of NPC activity <3

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HUNTER2K4 - - 441 comments

What ??? Really ??? This can used with COM ???

Time to re-installed the game and back to with COM now ^^

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-Ghost- - - 256 comments

When it says "removed neutral areas," what does that mean? Are those people still there, but other factions can take over the rookie village, etc?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

"Previously NPCs did not touch each other in these territories, although the player was offended... Now there is no injustice. Military, for example, can go into the village of beginners and start a genocide =)"

I wrote above. There were simply territories where NPCs were not killing each other, now there are no such zones.

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NyamukSumatera - - 76 comments

What a great mod, I want to play your mod, but reducing their population seems kill my enjoyment cause I love to see and fight huge number stalker and mutant at master level, would you mind to add option to choose "removal neutral areas" only, please?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Maud does not make the population smaller. Just because of the included A-Life, everyone moves freely around the map. Some locations for NPCs are not interesting, they go to others. You can try to put the population 1.

I myself am not the author of this mod, so I can not do "removal neutral areas", I'm sorry. =(

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NyamukSumatera - - 76 comments

Thank you for reply and posting a great mod

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kazeniruchi - - 195 comments

does it work on COM?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

It was created for CoC. From above was a comment of the man who put it on CoM. There will be no mistakes, only the population can change.

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DeltaPRM - - 35 comments

In the description you recommend to use the A-Life with DoctorX Dynamic Faction Relations, but this mod should conflict with A-Life, no?

Can you give a precise install order, please.

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Kahvana - - 201 comments

This mod can safely be used with DoctorX Dynamic Faction Relations. I don't see why it should conflict, as the faction relations are handled in seperate files (game_relations) that do not have influence (in terms of programming) on eachother.

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boredgunner - - 2,072 comments

I am getting some crashes now, and the only new mods I'm using are this and DoctorX Dynamic Anomalies. I'm not sure which is the cause. These crashes leave no error in the log file, just an empty stack trace, and right now it is in a specific location (mid way through the burning tunnel in Wild Territory).

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brankovich - - 143 comments

Dynamic Anomalies is prone to crashes and should not be used untill he fixes it fyi

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boredgunner - - 2,072 comments

Thank you!

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

I played with dynamic anomalies, they cause errors. Perhaps this is due to the included A-Life, since they change their position throughout the entire zone

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boredgunner - - 2,072 comments

I see, thanks. I will wait for updates.

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Updates of this mod will not be until version CoC 1.5

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poomanchu - - 65 comments

I believe by alife he means this mod. He should just call it by the mod name.

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

This is already A-Life, just upgraded, more restrictions are removed.

Installation is simple ... Just put in a folder with the game

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Guest - - 698,017 comments

Do the military able to attack the Monolith Base in Pripyat or CNPP more frequently after turned off the brain scorcher ?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Theoretically they can. Here the factions do not have a war goal, it's not a warfare, just the restrictions are removed and the troops can capture any points, but they do not have the goal of destroying and capturing bases.

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mickdick - - 79 comments

Funny thing, the moment I left cordon (approximately 20 minutes real time play), was instantly ambushed upon loading into the garbage pointblank by a squad of monolith, and after going through the gate, met 3 more monolith squads backed up by 2 zombie squads.

It was good thing, I had already gotten a full condition saiga for that first encounter. Though I'm not sure how the hell monolith managed to push all the way to cordon in such a big war party like that in 20 minutes... Very strange. Especially for what were all full strength squads. I find it hard to believe such force of monolith could punch all the way through to cordon without being harrassed.

Is the a-life offline combat simulation active or able to be activated? It doesn't seem to be. I even encountered in the Bar, somehow a mercenary squad managed to get right in the middle of of the area without killing the duty gate guards?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Here the matter is that the units move on the map completely different than the player. Plus, it is possible that additional units will appear. Himself ofigel from the fact that the monolith wanders around the Swamp, zombies in general everywhere. Himself stumbled with the fact that the mercenaries were in the center of Bar, was in shock, but the Duty they still then removed.

If you want less insanity, then you can install a clean A-Life, there simply turn on life in all locations

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mickdick - - 79 comments

This modification modifies spawns?

It adds monolith to the swamps and zombies a little bit everywhere?

What else, and why is this not mentioned in the mod description?

After reading the title and the description, one would almost certainly conclude this modification does not affect NPC spawning at all, as there is no mention of it.

My only other question is if offline combat is possible, as it seems apparent that it is not activated, or if it even can be.

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Earlier there were points on the map, where the groupings could not enter, now the restrictions are lifted and different units can be anywhere. Since NPCs do not move like a player, here are some strange cases.

In the COC, the points on the map have an access list. For example, a tower on the Swamp can be captured by bandits or a clear sky. And the mod removes restrictions, now the tower can take military and even a monolith.

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mickdick - - 79 comments

Right, understood. The question is how a universally hostile enemy (zombies and monolith) of which Radar and further north they are spawned... How did they manage to get to Cordon, especially with no casualties in their squads, and no apparent damage done to other stalkers along the way (AKA: Duty, or bandits, etc)

I believe we are experiencing language barrier, so I will attempt to simplify but also elaborate further for clarity.

1. Monolith spawn in Radar and Chernobyl NPP and Pripyat and Limansk.

2. Very early in my game, there was huge amount of monolith + zombies at cordon entrance already

3. The monolith and zombies had full squads despite travelling through intensely hostile territory

4. To top it off, the hostile territory is left unscathed.

Possible Conclusion: Offline Combat Simulation is not in effect. Offline travel of NPCs disables all combat possibility until activated in vicinity of player.

So you see, you're going to end up with a lot of very strange situations where monolith is in cordon. Which is utterly ludicrous. They would have to fight through all of duty + loners in the Bar, or they would have to fight through the entire city of Mercenaries, they would have to fight through all of freedom PLUS bandits, and any other random nasty surprises in between.

Monolith SHOULD NOT be capable of reaching Cordon, even though they TECHNICALLY can. The only logical reason they made it to cordon is no one got in their way. They could pass right through The Bar in Off-line mode travel without fighting.

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Basically I agree with you. As I wrote above, there is a version of A-Life where the restrictions remain, the Monolith does not wander all over the map. The only thing they can grab a point on the "Dump", where the passage to the "Bar", but below they will not go.

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Guest - - 698,017 comments

I believe he is saying that the NPC squads that roam the Zone are in "Offline" mode, meaning that they don't necessarily engage the enemies on a physical level (Unlike "Online" mode). I read an AI article stating that within "Offline" mode, the AI is placed in a very low level of AI in which whenever they stumble across other hostile "Offline" AI, the game simply does a check if an engagement is necessary/in their best interest, as well as just completely ignore battle altogether.

With that, the author is saying that he is unable to predict or control this because this is just how the AI is handled by the game, ESPECIALLY since the "Offline" AI roaming restrictions are completely lifted due to this Mod.

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pauliusLT1 - - 57 comments

First of all, i love a idea about living Zone! But i think there are some problems with this addon.

First problem NPC's spawning. I started a new game as Bandit in Cordon's car park. In front of my eyes, at center of car park spawns zombified stalker squad.
After that a monolith squad from spawns at railroad embankment and kills me and my companions.

Other problem is NPC's offline combat. I think it doesn't work at all.
By using other addon "Displaying units like in Clear Sky v2" i seen many times how Freedom squads move through Rostok and Bar, shows up at Garbage where i'am and starts fighting duty at outpost.

Why all this is happening ?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

"i seen many times how Freedom squads move through Rostok and Bar"
I had mercenaries in the "Bar", but there is no freedom.

"Why all this is happening ?"
As I wrote above - removed all the restrictions, so the locations are more random, but not everyone can like this.

I've added a link to the usual A-Life in the subject below, there are less disgraces, groupings behave more habitually.

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avve91 - - 31 comments

Played with it for a couple of hours and I like the concept but it needs some refinement.

There's a lot of corpses lying around with free-loot that kind of breaks the economy

Too many strong mutant spawns. Pseudodogiants, bloodsuckers etc. have become really common even at 0.25

Might be an issue with 1.4.22 but when I played as a merc clear sky are hostile to me but not other mercs

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Guest - - 698,017 comments

Is there a possibility that you can enable a option or just remove the ''Neutral zones disabled'' option?

I really like the mod but I prefer having neutral zones where I can meet other factions and see what they have to say and stuff but with that option I no longer can.

Can anyone try to fix this or make it seperate?

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

It can be returned, but I do not know how, I'm sorry.

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Kopistko - - 17 comments

Okay, if you set spawns on 1.5 and 1.5, try not to sleep for long in Rookies Village, or you get id_generator.h crash due to, as I googled it, having too much squads on one spawn or smth like this. Didn't tested other locations yet.

Anyway, great mod, thanks.

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EliteDetaTeam - - 73 comments

If my game crashes, that's due to overload right? I just want to make sure that my game isn't corrupted where when I enter some levels like radar, it crashes.

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

As could be seen, there are no reports of errors. Maybe your computer just does not cope, or the problem is with other mods.

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vassapol - - 106 comments

the only problem made me sometime don use this mod is zombie and monolist is every where and freedom got attack by militery so many that (i don know how to spell some word sorry) i can't go in there with out got shot i middle
Loner prtol faction patol good but zombie are full and every where

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vassapol - - 106 comments

last thing clear sky faction i play often got attack by freedom and molist in fisshing helmet and when i clear out it have 1 weak group
that die again can you make a little capture that make this game have a goal but all of it good mod(sorry that i spell very suck)

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Aktuarus Author
Aktuarus - - 258 comments

Try playing with the usual full A-Life, it's more balanced.

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vassapol - - 106 comments


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