Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. It features 32 explorable maps, reworked level design and level fixes, new original level, Trucks Cemetery, Full AI and A-Life overhaul, engine and script enhancements, Repeatable task system which bases itself on A-Life events, Customizable weather environments for every map as well as surges and psi-storms from AF3, Character creation which includes name, portrait and faction selection; Several optional modes such as Ironman mode, story mode and zombie survival mode, New achievements, rankings and reputation system, PDA leaderboard and enhanced PDA statistics, Companion system with keyboard issued commands, many optional side-features and community-made addons . Call of Chernobyl was player's choice Mod of the Year 9th place in 2015 and 1st place in 2016!


Changes some of the factions relations, and also removes instant aggression from accidentally shooting a Friendly or Neutral NPC.

Dan's Faction Overhaul (1.4.22)
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Nebish - - 25 comments

Thank you!

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

You are very welcome:)

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λpone - - 1,884 comments

Zombies are neutral to Monolith in all games because they, too, are influenced by the Zone and Common Consciousness.
So, it does make sense.
Even a lot of mutants are neutral to Zombies and Monolith.

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

Yes, but the C-Con was destroyed. I consider these zombie stalkers as rogues now. They have no master anymore, so they attack everyone, including the Monolith. There is nothing around to keep them in check anymore. The same goes for all the mutants. All mutants will attack Monolith as well in CoC.

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yanovarich - - 149 comments

But the C-Consciousness is alive if you choose story mode

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

You can easily change it back if you like. It's a very simple edit. All you need is Notepad++. Just change the zombies and Monolith values back to 0 instead of -2000 in the community_relations tables. Literally takes 30 seconds to do. Just make sure you change it for both the zombies AND the Monolith.

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lukykaspar - - 1 comments

Very good mod, but i need to ask if exists some mod which displays stalkers, mutants and **** like that in Clear Sky, cuz i saw it when some youtuber played it. Do you know something like that for CoCH???

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NyamukSumatera - - 76 comments

yes there is mod like you want, but only show stalker not mutant unfortunately, and you can choose displaying only friendly or friend with enemy but friendly one separated download that you can find inside comment session, just search patiently in addon page

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robertreid161214 - - 42 comments

Only problem I'm having here is, I'm able to set Monolith and its other members neutral to zombies and vice-versa, but not to a Monolith player character.

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

There is a seperate chart for the player specifically. You need to change the numbers there as well. It'll say actor_monolith, "actor" in this instance is referring to the player.

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robertreid161214 - - 42 comments

Did that, set it to zero, zombies still attack. Unless the zombies on the Outskirts are specifically coded in a different manner, I have no idea what's wrong.

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robertreid161214 - - 42 comments

Got it. Check an extraction from the default settings. Unusually setting to the normal value for friend (1000) for the actors sets zombies to be neutral, while they remain hostile at 0. Not sure why that's the case.

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Mister_Vogel - - 886 comments

Wasn't there a PDA story in SoC about a Monolith squad encountering a group of zombies, and leaving only one alive to be "converted", while all the other zombies were killed ?

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Guest - - 698,102 comments

Sir, is it possible to get a version of the "Dynymic Fractions" implemented or is it allredy in?

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

No, that simply isn't possible I'm afraid.

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Vaarg - - 29 comments

Thank you for your answer!

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FastCheetah5 - - 121 comments

Not sure if i like the "auto friendly with your faction". I mean, you can't just ask people to join you without proving that you are a good member and unlikely to betray your faction. I am specially talking about Loners as they can be a mixed bag.

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

That's true and I get your point. But if you can't trust members of your own faction, then who can you trust? I'm not particularly fond of the "run around and do missions until someone trust's you enough to be your companion" system. It is more of a quality of life change than anything. You can justify having them join you however you want in my opinion. The game doesn't care either way. I rarely use companions myself because they tend to just get in the way and die very quickly, but it's nice to know that you have the option when you want it.

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TheRealSlimShady1 - - 39 comments

Well, I know when I was modifying quests for DocX's questlines that you could change the goodwill gained from jobs. For some reason ALL JOBS, including hit jobs, delivery jobs, and even toolkit jobs only give 50 goodwill, which means you have to grind endlessly to be friendly with a person or a faction. If you want, I could change that but I'd need to get the vanilla files first, though.

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

I like the sound of that. Certainly, some quests should absolutely give more goodwill than others. Just makes sense. Perhaps even making the first quest a Stalker gives you automatically make them your friend. But it would have to be a worthy quest, something along the same lines as a "rescue my friend" quest. I would think someone would be incredibly grateful to someone who saved their life or their friends life. Doesn't have to be that exact scenario of course, just have the same impact to the Stalker, something that is REALLY important to them. Or just make it so that everyone gets a dialogue option for a specific "companion quest". Then just create a set of important quests that the system can pull from randomly. Once the quest is completed, they instantly become your friend and are able to be your companion. Traders and other important characters would be excluded of course. I think the "companion quest" dialogue option is the better of the 2 options, but could take more time. I'm no expert at this, so honestly I don't know how hard it would be to implement something like that.

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TheRealSlimShady1 - - 39 comments

Well, it might be possible but I can't exactly say I'm the best modder myself, all I do is just change a few numbers and upload it on moddb. I do imagine DoctorX probably could do something like this though. What I was thinking was that if you keep doing several jobs/quests for one stalker or a group of stalkers, they would become your friend. I do like your ideas though, it would certainly add more diverse options in the game.

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RupSon - - 80 comments


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RupSon - - 80 comments

In zone you cannot trust no one. Because look: why good, honest guy, would want to risk his live for few thousands of rubles? That's right. Most of people in Zone are ones who escape from prison, or just don't have any other option. Stalkers aren't really faction, they're just mixed bags of ones who haven't decided to join any faction.

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TheRealSlimShady1 - - 39 comments

That's the thing, loners, while some may be bad apples and shoot damn near everybody, you would probably be able to win over the majority of them by saving their friends, or doing other things for them. It would be pretty difficult to simulate individual relationships on the X-ray engine, as Dan said before.

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Mihzvol - - 213 comments

I like most of the ideas here, just a few things that goes against the game lore at the end of CoP...

Military and Freedom should be enemies, because the military are still prohibiting free access to the zone, that goes against Freedom beliefs

Clear Sky should also be enemies with Freedom, because their main goal is to destroy the zone, or completely keep it under control, which means controlling who "uses it"

Mercs and Military should be enemies, since the mercs are a paramilitary faction that's illegally operating in the zone, but what differs then from the other factions is that they're operating for outside influence, everyone else is a 'insider"

Mercs should be neutral to Bandits while enemies with Loners, because Mercs want their missions done with haste, so they trade with bandits, which stole those things from loners, and that's exactly why loners hate the mercs

Hey, the last 2 are my opinion only...

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

Military and Freedom are enemies in this, for the exact reason you listed. I actually thought that was how it was normally in CoC. Maybe I just missed that as one of the changes. There were quite a few to keep track of.

Don't agree about Clear Sky and Freedom though. Like I said, Freedom doesn't care what anyone does inside the zone, even if what they are trying to do is destroy the zone. Freedom aren't the defenders of the zone itself, they just want everyone to be able to have access to it, no matter what the reason may be. If I went with your line of thinking, I would actually have to make Freedom and Monolith allies, and that just isn't happening.

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hhkk - - 3 comments

That's where you are wrong. Freedom has always been enemies with Duty BECAUSE Duty wants to destroy or at least contain the zone. Same goes for Clear Sky. Your logic conflicts with the original idea of the game.

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

Freedom and Clear Sky have NEVER been in conflict with each other. Clear Sky isn't trying to destroy the Zone, they are studying it just like the Ecologists. I don't know where you got that idea from. Yes, Freedom hates Duty because they want to destroy the zone and EVERYTHING in it. Freedom doesn't want that. They want it to be free to access and live in for everyone. THAT is exactly why they hate each other. They aren't the defenders and saviors of the Zone though. If the Zone were going to be destroyed of natural causes, they wouldn't try to save it. Basically, Freedom just straight up HATES authority, which is why they are in conflict with the Military and Duty. Freedom are nothing more than rebels.

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mickdick - - 79 comments

Clear sky leadership consists of scientists who worked at chernobyl and survived the disaster, they have an idea of what is happening very clearly spell out that they need to stop the zone's expansion at all costs before it swallows up the world.

The only reason freedom wouldn't be hostile to clearsky is because freedom simply isn't aware of clearsky's existence and/or motive.

Though in truth, if the zone wasn't expanding during clear sky like it was with the constant blowouts, Clear sky wouldn't want to stop the zone at all costs in the first place.

But yet again, having said that... There are blow outs and psi storms in CoC. Whatever timeline it inhabits includes clear sky, freedom, and blowouts (expansion of the zone). Which means Clear Sky and Freedom would definitely be at odds with one another assuming Freedom didn't understand the gravity of the situation. It's not like Freedom are fanatical about their ideology particularly, unlike Duty. They just hate the idea of being pushed around by government types who they think are just power hungry shortsighted fools who would rather stagnate or personally attain power through the zone rather than benefit all of humanity.

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NyamukSumatera - - 76 comments

it seems game treat clear sky same as ecologist, which is in shadow of chernobyl they hostile to freedom if coc take faction logic from shadow of chernobyl

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Pennypacker - - 262 comments

Save game compatible? :)

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments


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hhkk - - 3 comments

Is this compatible with AO3?

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Guest - - 698,102 comments

It is.

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Guest - - 698,102 comments

Can I improve relations with factions? When I click on "Relations" (value mode) it shows 0 even after completing some tasks.

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

No. That is only possible with DrX's Dynamic Factions mod. You can't improve relations with factions even in base CoC.

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Krokx - - 208 comments

Is your mod compatible with DrX's Dynamic Factions mod?

And if yes, does it make sense to install it for a save game with already installed DrX's Dynamic Factions mod? Since the faction relations already evolved in my save game.

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Vaarg - - 29 comments

I think he allready wrote, that isn´t possible.

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L3d - - 761 comments

dockterx dynamic quest thingy is gone ! only findable by using the search box annywho i deleted all that and sticked with this ;)

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Krokx - - 208 comments

DoctorX's Dynamic Questlines are a different thing. This addon changes faction relations, does not give questlines.

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SayuriInBlack - - 140 comments

''Purposefully murdering your allies is not cool, even for a Bandit'' Cheeki Breeki or not Cheeki Breeki that's the question...

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[oO] - - 35 comments

Oh god! I've been looking for this relation overhaul for sooooo long!
Thank you a lot kind sire!

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Kostov - - 1,829 comments

Hey. Can I upload by myself, and if not, send you a modified file where the Monolith are okay with zombies and where mercenaries are hostile to the military?

It just seems to make more sense. Zombies do have morals and emotions, they're just very ambiguous. I'm pretty sure they'd be okay with the Monolith - they are in Call of Pripyat, after all. Same thing with the mercs and military.

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

You can totally just upload it yourself. However, it isn't hard to just change the file yourself to suit your own needs:) It's very easy to do. However, I think it would be best to do it for yourself only so we don't end up with dozens of mods for the same thing with tiny differences in them.

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Mihzvol - - 213 comments

Warfare compatible?
Starting a new game right now

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

Absolutely. Just added an update to help with Warfare as well. Makes trader faction hostile to monsters and zombies.

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Mihzvol - - 213 comments

Ok, I see what you did there, gonna try it to see if it fixes Warfare bug

EDIT: Tried it, mutants still don't attack, nor are attacked in either older games and new ones, the guards just stand there watching...

Maybe some warfare setup?

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

Yeah, I just tried it to. Didn't work for me either. I thought for sure it would, in fact, I just assumed it would. Apparently this bug is much deeper than I thought it was. Gotta edit my description to remove the update notification since it apparently doesn't do anything:(

I have no clue what is causing this or how some NPC's are even being labeled as "Trader" faction when they shouldn't be. I hope Werejew can get it figured out.

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Mihzvol - - 213 comments

You tried the faction relations grid, while I tried the monster relation grid, both didn't work though, looking up the warfare script to see if I spot something, sometimes I get lucky

EDIT: Yep, I figured it out, there is a command in warfare.script that completely turns any squad there offline, there's nothing anyone else could do here other than editing warfare files itself

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DeadlyDanDaMan Author
DeadlyDanDaMan - - 161 comments

Yep, and I'm not touching that whatsoever. It's there because Werejew put it there for a reason, and I'm not about to mess up his work and my game. I'm okay with it now, now that I understand why it's there:)

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