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This is a mod for BF1942 based on the Conflict in Somalia...It will focus mostly on the fighting in and around Mogadishu, but it will also cover other battles in the Operation. You can view our site at for more information and updates on our mod! -Sherrill

Report RSS Black Hawk Down

The 2001 blockbuster, Black Hawk Down can now be played on your computer. This mod takes concepts from the movie, with a little bit of their own ideas to make, for you, an awsome mod to watch out for.

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I did an interview with Sherrill, the creator of blackhawk down, and this is what he had to say about it all:

moddatabase: Hi. Firstly, tell us a bit about yourself. Like where you come from, what you do for a living.

Sherrill: Well my name is Blake Sherrill, I live in Texas, United States. I currently am out for a year of college. So right now I have lots of free time.

moddatabase: How did you come about creating this mod, 'Blackhawk Down'? What made you do it?

Sherrill: Well of course, I have been interested in the events that took place in Somalia ever since the movie "Black Hawk Down". Just like most people out there. Then while playing BF1942 for awhile, a friend of mine suggested the idea of a Black Hawk Down Mod. Well my mind starting turning ever since then. But in no way can anything ever show the true tragic that took place in the events.

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moddatabase: Well, I loved the movie myself, big fan, got it on DVD too! Anyway, back to the mod. How much like the movie will it be like. I mean, Trucks covered in skinnies? Team comms? Do you plan to make it using the movie as a base for ideas? Or are you coming up with your own plans.

Sherrill: Yes the movie is a base for the ideas, but some of it still was historically inaccurate so we have looked beyond that and made sure this mod will be as historically accurate as we can make it.

moddatabase: Should be quite interesting. I have a question which I'm sure everyone is asking. How the hell will you fly the helicopters? Will it be like a normal plane in BF1942, or will you nee L337 skills.

Sherrill: Well we have had some staff test out the helicopter code so far, and no negative feedbacks. If your an alright plane pilot in BF1942 then you will do fine with the helicopter. Everyone who has used the helicopter coding so far can do rooftop landings on the little ammo buildings and have been able to fly easily into the hangars currently in BF1942. Also it is very fun to hover in the helicopter. We will also be including fast roping on the Blackhawks, we have figured out it is possible and we will definitely include it.

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moddatabase: Ok stop it, your making me drool thinking about it!! I just have a few more questions though...I'm wondering, will you be changing all the HUD images for helicopters and hummers and all that? I know it's not easy to do with BF1942, but you have to be doing it right?

Sherrill: Yes of course we will be changing the GUI of BF1942. Once you get in the Blackhawk, you will have your blackhawk icon at the bottom, etc..

moddatabase: I noticed while looking at your Models they they seem rather high poly then normal, do they work ok in game? Because they look great!

Sherrill: Actually they look high poly but they arent. They are about the same as any other vehicle/weapon in BF1942. So if BF1942 plays great on your computer, the mod will play great also. Thanks to our amazing low-poly modellers.

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moddatabase: What about maps. In the movie, the map was basically the city. Is that how it will be with maybe the airfield for the choppers to take off from, and the convoy of course! ;)

Sherrill: Well right now we have a couple maps planned out. We will be adding some of the other battles that took place in Somalia. But our main focus is Mogadishu. We will have 1 big map with the airfield to the city. Then we will have mission type maps. 1 is where the chalks have to keep the corners and not let the somalians take any of the corners. Another is where 1 Blackhawk is down and the Rangers/Delta have to get to it as quick as they can. Somalians will be spawning around the crashsite and the Rangers/Delta will be spawning father off by the Target building making it where teamplay is crucial. We have many more maps in mind that is just a couple.

moddatabase: Well, I can't wait for this mod! I have been watching it since it was started and like me, I'm sure alot of other people will drool over it when it is released. Do you have any finals thoughts or thanksyou's for anyone?

Sherrill: Yes, I would first like to thank DICE/EA for producing such a game as BF1942, it truly is a great game. 2nd I would like to thank the mod community, it is a great community and helps out anyone in need. And last but not least I would like to thank my staff for helping me and the rest of the community to have a great mod to play.

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moddatabase: Well thanks for your time Sherrill

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Sherrill Creator
Sherrill - - 4 comments

I just would like to thank the ModDB Team especially Forkman for this.


Reply Good karma+1 vote
azzDB - - 1,077 comments

Nice interview ;)

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Sherrill Creator
Sherrill - - 4 comments

Thanks :P

Reply Good karma+1 vote
INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

That donkey and kart just looks soo sweet. Secondly fine work as always forkeh!

From what I have been told (by forkeh) this mod is shaping up sweetly.

Oh and on a side note, good to see you use the image upload feature. Cool uh forkeh? :D

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ForK Author
ForK - - 721 comments

very :D

you da man as allways :D

Reply Good karma+1 vote
HuntEr - - 227 comments

he didn't know it was there untill I told him about it :p

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SUSR_Gen_Stackout - - 1 comments

cool maby ill try it when i get MOHAA!

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ForK Author
ForK - - 721 comments

I dont think you can try it when you get MOH:AA coz the mod is for BF1942 ;)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
sarrous - - 1 comments

This looks like one nice Mod.
Can't wait to get it.

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MatseMann - - 1 comments

This is the mod i have been waiting for!!=D how do you make it? its fantastic!!
I just can't wait to get the downloaded the mod!=D=D

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SSGPenleyUSA - - 1 comments

Where can I go to get downloads for different screens on the MP demo

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-Cyph3r- - - 1 comments

where the hell do i download it from?

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Daniel_B86 - - 1 comments

where and when does this mod come out

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wolfmannetje - - 1 comments


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QuickSilver402 - - 8 comments

Now the interesting thing here.... you said that the helicopter code is fine for any good piolt in BF1942. Is it by any chance as "good" as the code in the mod Desert Strike. If you havnt played i let me sumarize. you hop in. There are two seats. Pilot starts the blades in two seconds lifts off gets high altitude tries to turn... keeps on turning tried to counter turn turning dosnt stop. Tries to cut power to the blades. They somehow automatically stop and it plumets right to the ground? tries to turn it back on again and the heli needs about 50 metres to start back up instead of the two. And its very hard to destroy a helicopter. Anyway I myself am a very good pilot in Bf1942 (I cant do dogfights for Sh*t though:P) but I can do various acrobatic stunts which are very hard to do. Anyway my question is, do u kinda have some auto hover or auto stabilize system on the helicopter?

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