This is the official thread of the renewed version of the then Beyond the Game multiplayer community MOD (originally designed on the forum C4P). The MOD has been redesigned from scratch to accommodate both multiplayer and single player play, but with a very strong focus on competitive multiplayer play. This new version have been tested and played with at the very least on weekly basis since January 2017, with rountinely more than 10 players having all won Club championship titles and all logged in individually I'd expect 5,000H+ of online play, so we're getting, we hope, to a very fine balance

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The new version 2.22 of Beyond The game is available.

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Here is the news about the Map of the mod beyond the Game

Beyond The Game v2.22

I've updated all mapscripts so they can be compatible with BTS, but of course some part of it will have no effect, I've named those parts (which you can enable via options) as 'BTG options' on each maps.

There are various and different for each map but they fall into larger categories in general :

  • Spectator Notes
    This is a set of notes (they don't "do" anything) on how to use the spectator features
  • Starting Position
    Normal or Top v Bottom - The later forces the starting position to be TvB when there are 2 teams
  • Starting Units
    Units of the human players start either normal (scattered around) or on a single tile
  • Type of Forests
    You can select between normal Forest, or Palm Trees (or a % for each). Palm Trees produce less hammers when choped
  • New Resources
    Include or not the BTG additional resources. Can be Yes, no, or linked to the corresponding gameoption being checked
  • Marsh
    Forcibly put some Marsh tile on the map. Marsh tile is like a plain (with an extra coin) but that can be sailed through by naval units


A map very suitable to give players similar amount and quality of land by creating their dedicating hub and linking them cardinally, perfect for long and balanced games

Best for
3v3 Modern
Ironman - Do 1 Line for up to 5P, otherwise 2 Lines.
Ironman for 9 players - is the best setting with 3 lines x 3

Key Option
Line counts as mentioned above
Mirror Hub shape and position give equal distance between each players start


Based on the Grid map, but gives you an extra "continent" to capture for yourself once Astronomy is available, a bit like Terra maps.
Players are placed in a single line vertically, and (the map being toroidal) have the equivalent amount of land reachable via either their west our east

Best for

Key Option
Americas Shape - You can select North America or Caribbean, with the later, there is connection between the new continents
Americas Links - You can have a single band of land (Ice or Marsh) linking the new continents to the main ones


Based on the Grid Map.
The amount of Hub is determined (in most cases 5, other possibility 9) in a "cross" shape
What's important is that it's made for 2v2 games because the hub in the middle, the only one that connects to 4 branches (instead of 2) is empty.

Best for
2v2 - Medieval or Renaissance Start (Early but not immediate access to boating)
CTON with 5P, select very wealthy hub for central hub

Key Option
Regions - normally 5. Can also select 9 or 4.
Central Hub - Can select to enrich (a bit, or more) the quality of central Hub. If you play with 5 players this will be the hub of 5 player.


Each player gets a large square of land but they're all interconnected diagonally to all the other squares (all the connections exist) and are separated by a relatively small 4 tiles of water.

The land at connection points is flagged up and can be forced to be a specific type of terrain; this include 'Marsh' which can then be sailed through by boats, essentially making all connections by boats possible

Best for
2v2 Any era start

Key Option
Bridge Terrain - Jungle / Hill / Peak / Marsh / Normal


A map tailor-made for the UU Madness scenario or any game that wants to put an important focus on resources. Beside the bare minimum normal resource (strategic resources like Copper, Iron, Horse, Oil, etc.) there is only a handful of resource type around the start of the player.

Instead, all the resources of the game are spawn as a distance from the middle point (represented by an Icy Volcano). The more important the resource, the closer from the middle, and the rarer (some are once for every two players, some are for every 3 players etc).

The map adapts differently the shape depending on amount of players to keep distance to middle the same for each. There is also external water to a lesser extent.

Best for
UU Madness Scenario as single player for any amount of players up to 9 players
UU Madness teamers
4v4 Teamers of any era start (Ancient Classical primarly)
Multi-team teamers (i.e. 2v2v2v2).

Key Option
Line counts as mentioned above
Mirror Hub shape and position give equal distance between each players start

Polar Circle

Based on donut map, optimized starting position so that 2 teams can face top versus bottom, so that each player has access to a different side of the sea.

The seas (internal and external) have all their ocean tile randomly filled with impassable ice tile, creating a different mazy shape each time.

There are also islands in the 4 corners which can be grabbed, but of course are more or less unsafe depending on the ice shape

Best for
3v3 or 4v4 teamers. Classi, Medi, Reny or Indus (best) start.
The advantage of this map for Industrial start is that it's difficult to coordinate a super early 9 rifleman rush with 3 Galleons since all players are on different seas.

Key Option
Eldorado Islands - can be larger and more wealthy
Center & External Regions - Artic Frozen
Starting Position- Top vs Bottom
Starting Plot- Coastal or Inland


Based on Calera map of Zholef (huge thanks for his feedback :
Fixed the values for specific MP scenarios and added few options, like central land can be Frozen so that you could not land everywhere, changed the balances of resource a bit (guarantee strategic resource on land for example) etc.

The map is the closest representation of a mediterranean shape we have, "New world creation" option is interesting because it forces either sinuous landmasses you have to go around, or a "free" full of ocean middle of the map

Best for
3v3 or 2v2 Teamers
Classical Start with "Encourage" new world (middle is ocean)
Medi Start
Reny Start
Industrial Start (best, but you'll want to make the middle Artic Frozen and the size 1 notch larger).

Key Option
New World creation - Encourage / Discourage
Size Factor
Central Land - Normal or Artic Frozen

Mirror Inland Sea

Based on map of Shizanu for

Works only if you have 2 teams (or obviously 1v1) for the game.
It does an axial symetry of the land and mirror left and right side of the map. The starting positon are set too and it's the specific case of the "V" shape for 3v3 for example.

Best for
3v3 Renaissance
3v3 Medieval
1v1 Ancient, 1v1 Epic, 1v1 Random

Key Option

Inland Sea

Of course you know this one but added typical BTG options and more interestingly the option to force top versus bottom and/or randomize impassable ice in the middle

Best for
3v3 Medi
3v3 Reny

Key Option
Starting Position - Either Top Vs Bottom for 2 teams; or you can chose template "V" or template "L"
Central Land - Normal or Artic Frozen

Ring / Wheel / Hub for BTG

Updated with default option we use for teamers, and added all BTG options aforementioned
They were fundamentally the same code and have all kept like that and updated similarly

Usually played with Land color = Green (can be Super Green to remove deserts)

Best for
Ring - 3v3 Industrial with Central Hub Artic Frozen and Neutral Territory Islands
Wheel - 3v3 Classical in Cylindrical, Tiny Size. Can use this for 3v3 Renaissance too
Hub - Ironman or Teamer Ironman with Middle Territory Green

Key Option
See above suggest settings

Team Beyond The Game

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