AtmosFear is a mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call Of Pripyat that tweaks and expands the vanilla weather system to be more realistic and various.

RSS Reviews  (10 - 20 of 253)

warif says

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Good mod!


nice work


Love the options per map, icing on the cake is with reduced grass distance and height it improves the performance of Misery 2.2 on my antique pc. Awsum work, well done!

There is no other mod like this. What else to say.


Awesome work!!


Higly mergable, easily tweakable, and the best of all: the eye candy!.

Recommended to use with the CoC mods: STWC + enhanced sunsets and sunrises. (yes, those two work if you use them in CoP).

Name is perfectly describes the mod and it's purpouses.


Fantastic! Thank you.


Amazing mod. I played SoH with the author's AA mod and in both cases now game performance was significantly improved over vanilla. That alone speaks to the quality of Cromm's mods. I really did not like the color palette of CoP, it looked like green diarrhea. This mod makes makes the game look beautiful and more immersive.