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Report RSS Fallout 3 Quest Mods Review #92 - Farmer Brown's Letter

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Fallout 3 Quest Mods Review #92 by TrickyTrack00

Mod Name: Farmer Brown's Letter

Mod Type: Quest

Original Creator: Celticgirl

Original Links: Farmer Brown's Letter


Nice little quest that integrate new gameplay mechanic of getting milk from brahmin with lore-friendly implementation. Now all these empty milk bottles will have a proper function in the heal/food items category, and you, as a player, can unlock new consumable to heal radiation.
Main quest worked without any bugs or broken scripts, storyline is pretty simple but, for this kind of mod and it's final goal, there's no need to make grand multi-staged quest.


No conflicts or problems in compatibility were encountered by me, should work perfectly with every major story or location mod quests.
It's good to see little stories like this without big events or another "enormous threat" to the Wasteland, and it's more immersive to help regular wastelanders in their mundane life like with old Brown.


Should you try this mod in 2024? Of course, 20-25 minutes of new questline with useful perk-reward for people who don't have high rad-resistance already.
Endorsement and kudos from me.
EDIT 30.05.23: Will conflict with My Brahmin Betsy if you already acquired "Dairy Farmer" perk. You won't have an option to "talk" with Betsy until "Dairy Farmer" activated. Either you need to manually remove new perk (I did it with no problems) or just use My Brahmin Betsy without Farmer Brown's Letter quest, because Betsy also provides option to "milk her" (he-he). So, little warning for potential players.

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