Hi there, I'm a gamer... My favourite games are: 1 - Deus Ex (trilogy)/2 - Silent Hill (0, 1, 2, 3, 5)/3 - Half Life (1, 2 complete)/4 - Civilization III /5 - The Suffering (1&2)/6 - Hidden and Dangerous (1&2)/7 - TNM /8 - MYST (the original!)/9 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (SoC) /10 - Duke Nukem 3d and Forever /11 - Serious Sam FE, SE, BFE /12 - Splinter Cell series.

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October 2014

Hi there.
In the meantime (the meantime of life) I've done a little scripting for my little child (9 years old) who wants to become a programmer (nothing less!).
My little boy has invented an fps game (CUBE based, obviously!) with an original plot (the HALO plot, practically) and he has tried to create a demo of it! In the images section, in video section and in download section you shall see by yourselves his progress with the Sauerbraten free engine.
Let's make a cheer for little Karim! :-)

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June 2014

Unfortunately I cannot work on my projects yet, 'cause some serious job I've got to do in the meantime.
Anyway, I'll be back as soon as I can.
In the meantime I suggest to watch the incredible DeusEx FanFilm in the video section!
Have a nice week!

May 2014

Here again. Some little news, for those that are interested about it.

City Project: I'm going on slowly, very slowly. Cube Engine is very good but I haven't much time to dedicate to this work. In the meantime I've posted another little video-demonstration about some nice flare and particles effects.

Unreal Game Project: for the moment, modelers are working with the programmers. Nothing new. If someone else wants to join the small workgroup you can contact me via pm or mail.

JC2D: In a short time I will work on it again...

Syd Black: before apply on JC, I want to translate my game so someone could play it! :D

The Cellar
: unfortunately FPS engine v.9 crashed definitively and backup files are gone. Probably I'm going to remake this game concept on another engine, but is early to say.

That's all for the moment!

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