Specialist Technician. PC Gamer. Stargate and Star Wars Fan. Computer Geek. Military Enthusiast. Science Enthusiast (Nut). Mountain Biker. Photographer. Cinematographer. Audiophile. SketchUp Modeller. Video Editor. Audio Editor. (No, my name isn't really Shane M. Schofield...it's an inside joke.)

Report RSS Lancer - Class Star Destroyer Mark II Finally Finished

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Just uploaded the Lancer II model to the 3D warehouse. It's been a WIP for about 5 years or so, with it getting some attention a few times a year when I don't have anything else to do. Over 117 changes were made, most of which are documented in the previous post, which was changed to be the change log (linked because I didn't want a wall of text...)

Check it out at the 3D warehouse: 3dwarehouse.sketchup.com

The video tour will be uploaded when I can be bothered to make it. :P

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