Salsa_Shark is a screen name I started using in December of 2004, it comes from the 1994 movie Clerks. I'm known elsewhere on the internet as Devious_Malcontent or DeviousMalcon_t depending on character limits.

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BaconCheeseLettuce and tomato

Update to all the things!

So I know I've been promising this for a while now, back in December actually, so I'm only four/five months
out. :) Quite a lot was happening in my life back then, Quite a lot has happened since then, and now at
the moment of writing this, things have finally settled down to a state where I can finally get myself
back in to a normal routine.

I think the hard part now will be figuring out what information here is still relevant.

My Game project

Relic Of Sin

Starting with my game project, since I posted those screen shots back in December (in case you missed
them I'll embed them down below) not much has been done (mainly due to university), I'm still working
on the games design document, I'm actually pretty sure I've finished it, but I seem to have misplaced it on
my computer somewhere.

I know I made a post about possibly changing the name from Relic of Sin, (which was a working title
anyway) to Demonia; from the word Cacodemonomania meaning possessed, but I have since decided to stick with the name Relic of Sin.

December screenshots:

Dat wall

New direction

Still works


I did speak to a composer recently about getting some music made for my game, because it's one of the only things I can't do is compose music, they said they'd need time to pull some ideas together, but they seem
pretty confident. In the meantime I know I need to setup the games Moddb page! I know I'd promised to
do it almost a year ago, but I really keep getting distracted from this project; one of the main reasons I
haven't gone ahead and made it yet is because I don't want to make a promise on something that I can't
deliver on, which brings me to my past projects.

Past projects

I was asked recently about some of my past projects if they are still alive or on hold specifically the
War of the Worlds Game I started ages ago with Marc1k1, as far as I'm aware that projects been well and
truly dead for quite a while, but I wouldn't be able to give a definite answer since I haven't had anything
to do with that project for almost three years now.
And then I was also asked to help with a mod called War of the Worlds: Earth Under the Martians, which
I had every intention of working on, this was about a year ago now, but at that point in time, (I'm not willing
to go in to too much detail about my personal life) but my then at the time girlfriend ended up in hospital,
so I guess I just forgot about it altogether, up until recently when I was politely reminded about it, but I
since haven't heard anything from the developer.

So those are the two main reasons why I don't like making promises on things I can't deliver on.

Country edits

Since I've been asked more than once how I added a new country to my profile I decided I'd explain in detail here. It's really simple, it's just this picture here: encased in a div tag using
the following code below.

html4strict code:<div style="z-index: 1; position: absolute; width: 300px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; height: 30px; top: 660px; right: 20px;">

<img src="" alt="" title="Repubic zof ÖMGWTFBbq (This is a real place. 0_0)"" /


The code is then added to the end of my last blog post, but please be aware depending on what way you
view your profile; the image might appear out of place, for instance, as a guess the image appears above
an ad, as me viewing my profile the image appears just above my normal flag, and from what I've been told, provided you don't change any of the code (aside from the image URL and alt tag) it should appear in place when other members view your profile, It's to do with how the sites engine renders each page dynamically.

Also be aware some people have had trouble removing it, so use this code at your own risk!

I had intended to make a video tutorial on it but just simply haven't had the time. :\


My overall experience with University so far has been a mixed one, I would love to go in to detail about it,
but that's actually the reason why this updates been so late coming, it's a very different learning style to
TAFE I can tell you that.

I'm really enjoying my programming fundamentals class, its actually very close to a unit I took last year for
TAFE called Automated Processes, here is a snippet of what I've been creating:

Some code

I basically wrote the same program in three different languages, using the same methods we learnt in the
unit. The main reason why I choose to write my programs in C++, Java and C# is because in the IT industry
these are the three most important languages to learn (as much as I hate the .Net platform).

I am intending to release the code to these at some point, but I'm not sure because I wrote them as part of
my portfolio.

Gaming life

Lately I've been playing some of my old favourites (mainly Spyro the dragon) from the good old days of PlayStation one, since my system is over 15 years old it no longer works :\ but my games still do, so I've been playing them on my computer through a PlayStation one emulator called pSX

PlayStation one emulator

PlayStation one emulator

PlayStation one emulator

I have a Logitech gamepad so it's almost the same experience.

My computers health

Recently one of my fans broke, the main case fan stopped working so I replaced it with a much smaller fan
from another computer, which seems to work fine, but I have had some issues with my system overheating
when I play memory demanding games such as Minecraft.

I have intended to order a replacement fan, but you know me, super lazy...


In the lead up to the last Christmas holidays I took on a lot of things, as well as TAFE work, since I was in a
rush to get my last three units finished I lost sight of everything, and over that whole brake I became burnt

If I have promised you anything with in that point time, between now and then, I have probably forgotten
about it.

I'm hoping to say that I'm back to my old self again, but most of my time is still dedicated to completing my university work, I'm hoping to have some time set aside in the near future where I can get back to some of
my writings, and drawings and other things I like to create, and sharing it with you guys here. :)


Holy crap I can't believe the draft for this was over 17 pages!! :O


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Tamagakure - - 5,106 comments

Fantastic blog~!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Salsa_Shark Author
Salsa_Shark - - 1,293 comments

Thanks! :D I was worried it might have been a bit ranty. :S

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sab3rr - - 2,477 comments

Classic delayed blog is classic :D
and I think all that dust might have killed your fan ;)

ps. dat end logo

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Salsa_Shark Author
Salsa_Shark - - 1,293 comments

Classic delayed response is even more classic :)

I have a strange feeling you may be right about the fan; I have since mounted my computer up higher from the carpet and it's not getting as dusty so quickly, the hardest part is convincing my dad the dust is caused by the relatively new carpet since its only 4 years old and its meant to last 17 years but it's disintegrating more and more each day. :\ and the stupid carpet people keep saying the dust is caused by a nearby coal mine, umm... last time I checked coal dust isn't blue! They can go fu*k themselves.

Oh yeah the end logo, I got the idea to put it at the end of my blog from this other guy on the site; you wouldn't know him, he draws dinosaurs but with wings xD

I should probably give an explanation to its origins and meaning since some people have asked me about it before; it is not meant to represent a satanic symbol in anyway shape or form.

It's a Trident which is carried by a Daemon to symbolize a software daemon's forking of processes, traditionally in Unix/Linux environments a daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, so it's meant to represent hacking and programming 'n ****.

I made it back in 2009, and adopted it as my default avatar in 2011.
I've seen the circuit board on yours so no doubt that has something to do with you being an electronics engineer :P

Long rant is long derp.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Sab3rr - - 2,477 comments

Some rooms are more dusty than others. Vacuuming often helps allot even it it mean s vacuuming your carpet to oblivion xP

about the logo: If ppl think it's satanic, they are just dumb.
That is just the standard symbol for a USB connection modified slightly to have all points end in an arrow instead of just one. I don't think it's a trident lol, but it does look like it and the meaning you gave, although maybe abit out of scope is still valid.

It's a damn cool logo none the less!

haha the logo at the end of my blog is my BF3 clan logo. Our theme is techi in a way. The symbol represents connectivity and brotherhood. While the circuit background was my idea to go with the tech theme. :D

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Salsa_Shark Author
Salsa_Shark - - 1,293 comments

I vacuum often, in fact I vacuum a little too often :\ blah, I'll hopefully move out of home soon so that won't matter. :D

And I forgot to mention it did derive from the USB symbol, although most people already work that out, well at least the smart ones :P there is a derivative of it where the tail is longer and that's the one mostly older computer illiterate people normally associate with the devil :\ derp.

I made the logo before I made the back story\meaning for it, eh, if it fits go with it! :D

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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