Salsa_Shark is a screen name I started using in December of 2004, it comes from the 1994 movie Clerks. I'm known elsewhere on the internet as Devious_Malcontent or DeviousMalcon_t depending on character limits.

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BaconCheeseLettuce and tomato

New Blog Theme!

So it's not much of an update, but I just wanted an excuse to try out my new blog theme, taking inspiration from other members on this site I decided to get creative and create my own, and here is the result.
Feedback is most welcome if you are having display issues etc please let me know! :3

Nyan dog

Here is another random picture I made:
This might very well be the most magical thing I have ever created. =D

My Game project

Relic Of Sin

Finally did some more work on it, I made another brick texture for it, here is a preview:

Brick texture

Other things...

I'm going paint balling soon! Super excited, and I hope to get some awesome first person footage of me pwning noobz!
Yup, dats it piece out! \\m/

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