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If you want to know what I am doing right now, and where I am, then prepare to hear:

Basically, 7 months ago I went to Turkey, then crossed the border to Syria and joined the Islamic state.

YES you heard it right. Islamic state. ISIS, ISIL, DAESH, whatever you call it.

I joined IS like many people to become a fighter in its military.

If you're a Muslim on the truth, you would most likely know me as a mujahid, protector of Islam, soldier of the caliphate, helper of the nation of Muhammed.

Anything else, and you probably call me: a terrorist, khawarijite, takfeeri, agent of XYZ, etc.

And why did I join? Was it for adventure, "sex jihad", or being fed up with life?

No, to all of these. The reason was to come to practice the religion of Islam. Islam which is the way of the messenger of Allah (honor and peace upon him) and his noble companions, and the prophets of old, from Noah, Abraham and Moses to David, Solomon and Jesus, and more.

Islam which has nothing to do with the shiias, sufis or madkhalis, all deceptive deviants.

And that is what happened to me.

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ultim8CODkillaz - - 162 comments

Long Live HAMAS..
Death to the SISL and IDF.

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RighteousFighter Creator
RighteousFighter - - 1,991 comments

HAMAS are nationalist shiia loving secularists. They fall because of that. Only Islam and the caliphate will liberate Palestine. Long live Dawlah Islaamiyah!

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ultim8CODkillaz - - 162 comments

ohh I See but HAMAS is the only one fighting for freedom.

by the Way shiia are just piece of dumb look how they beat themself and Quran says hurt even your body is a sin because you are a soul and hurting your body is type of hurting others this also clears about nude bodies that even seeing your own body with negative thinking is a sin.

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RighteousFighter Creator
RighteousFighter - - 1,991 comments

Fighting for "freedom" is a concept produced by the West. Do you support the cause of Obama?

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ParkWonil - - 999 comments

Freedom is a concept produced by the west? The Chinese army is called the People's Liberation Army, liberation means to bring freedom. North Korea claims they are fighting for freedom against American Imperialists. The motto of Iran is Freedom, Independence, Islamic Republic. I believe the Shias and the Sunnis should unite as one, they are all Muslims after all.

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RighteousFighter Creator
RighteousFighter - - 1,991 comments

Specifically the idea that people are free to do what they want regarding issues of society. That is a satanic ideology, aiming to lead man away from Allah. Muslims fight to rise word of Allah the highest and establish rule of Islam on all the lands.

Shiias do so many disgusting things that leave them out of Islams fold, that to doubt their disbelief is to have disbelieved yourself. Shiias are closer to Jews than to Muslims are are all so eager to backstab Muslims and aid Non-Muslims.

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ParkWonil - - 999 comments

That is the problem with Muslims! They split themselves into to different groups and fight amongst themselves! Each group claims they are the true followers of Islam and, claim the Islamic group they are fighting against are, false. If you want the Caliphate to return, you must unite the Muslim people. I like Iran because, they are a strong middle eastern nation that opposes Israel and America, and they look around the world for allies. They do not refuse an alliances with non-Muslims. Which side do you support in middle eastern conflicts? I support the government of Syria, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah.

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RighteousFighter Creator
RighteousFighter - - 1,991 comments

Islam is a religion where authenticity and evidence is important, and Quran & Sunnah are important in deriving what is right and wrong. If someone adheres to something said to be of disbelief in the scriptures then such person can't be of Muslims. Shiias, Nationalists, extreme Sufis and the such go outside Islams fold by engaging in stuff like associating partners with Allah.

Btw one of the Islams nullifiers is befriending and allying non Muslims. Person is of the people he lives with.

My support goes to the Islamic state. They have already announced the caliphate. You may think them small but everybody started small. IS has gains huge amounts of success with the permission of Allah, such as capturing city of Mosul, clearing Deir ez zour province of the Syrian rebel groups and just recently cleansing division 17 base of Assads troops in Raqqah province.

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ParkWonil - - 999 comments

You sound like an orthodox Muslim that wants to keep Islam pure. Every ideology becomes distorted over time whether, it is political or, religious. Ideologies like communism, national socialism, democracy, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. All of these ideologies in their present form are almost never pure. True communism and democracy was, never achieved. The idea of not befriending and allying with non-Muslims ridiculous! Muslim nations have allied with non Muslims several times throughout history. Muslim nations should to try to get all the help they can get, especially when confronting the Zionists and their powerful western allies. I only support nation states with the exception of Pravy Sector. IS is not a nation state with nation states as allies around the world. If IS fought Israel and NATO, they would not stand a chance. Iran on the other hand, has a strong army, more advanced weapons in addition with allies around the world. Does IS even have an air force? My religions beliefs are agnostic. I have a theory that god could be an alien race many years more advanced than us but, I am not definite about that.

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ultim8CODkillaz - - 162 comments

assalam o alaikum Friend.

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RighteousFighter Creator
RighteousFighter - - 1,991 comments

wa aleikum salam.

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