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Hi everyone, Wargaming has released great new recently !

German Battleships will arrive around next month and furthermore, a first French Battleship, the Dunkerque will arrive on the premium shop before the end of the year !

Wows Dunkerque 5

Wows Dunkerque 6

Wows Dunkerque 3

Some information about Dunkerque :

In short: Eight 13 in (330mm) guns in two guadruple turrets (more like two twin double turrets in fact, separated by an inner amored wall to prevent entire turret disabling by lucky shots, it proved efficient).

Those guns are better than most 14 in (356mm) guns on Japanese BBs and on New York due to high muzzle velocity. Only New Mexico and Arizona do better.

225 mm Belt armor but angled so it is a little better than just 225 mm.

150 mm Deck armor which was good for the time.

Three 130 mm quadruple turrets secondaries, dual purpose they ca fire (only at long range) on aircraft.

and a 29.5 kts top speed.

As would Eurobeat say:

So keep your bow directly at enemy ship, because your frontal armor is a giant middle finger to enemy AP shell, plus you don't have to worry about any rear turret since all your main battery firepower is concentrated on the forward section. (unlike Izumo, all turrets can fire together)

Don't show your broadside and lower hull to enemy team if you don't want to end up their list of favorite things to shoot.

Take advantage of terrain to sneak up undetected and caught cruisers off gard !

This ship is a cruiser killer. It can do against lower tier battleships, but keep clear of higher tier ones ! Or of the ones baring bigger guns than your armor can handle (ex: Warspite, so you'll prevent the whole Mers-El Kebir disaster to happen all over again)

But we are still waiting for British ships, some of them should come for the end of the year, probably cruisers.

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