After studying scenic arts (theoretical and practical research in theatre, the new media and especially in between ;)) at the university of Hildesheim, Germany, I am now looking forward to become a writer and editor of texts for games and other media! :) My interest in modding is not only scientific (diploma thesis on the deve- lopment of computer game modifications) but also artistically minded, as in my first project, the Far Cry "SturmMOD", in which William Shakespeare's play "The Tem- pest" meets Far Cry... Although I`m currently busy writing for commercial adventure games, I try to help where I can, so if you got a problem or questions or simply want to chat, don`t hesitate to contact me! :)

Report RSS WASD 6, modderview and new column on modding!

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December 1st not only saw the reprint of the out-of-stock first edition of the German game culture bookazine WASD being available again to which I had contributed an essay on troll and parody mods.
The date also marked the release of the WASD 6:
For the third time I wrote a column about modding, this time in regard to retro gaming, and for the first time my column features a copy of a series of interviews I did with modders which will be released one after the other in upcoming WASDs. Here you can see what such a `modderview` looks like (in part):

WASD - Modderview 01 (part)

If you'd like to read the whole interview, you can buy the WASD 6 here [apart from the modderview all other texts are only in German!]:

But this is not the only important thing which happened at the 1st of December...
It also was the first monday of the month, from now on referred to as 'mod-day' as I will contribute a regular column to the Austrian game blog "Videogametourism". The first edition is on the mod "Trouble in Terrorist Town" [and only in German]:

Have fun reading, looking forward to your feedback and enjoy the holidays! :)

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