After studying scenic arts (theoretical and practical research in theatre, the new media and especially in between ;)) at the university of Hildesheim, Germany, I am now looking forward to become a writer and editor of texts for games and other media! :) My interest in modding is not only scientific (diploma thesis on the deve- lopment of computer game modifications) but also artistically minded, as in my first project, the Far Cry "SturmMOD", in which William Shakespeare's play "The Tem- pest" meets Far Cry... Although I`m currently busy writing for commercial adventure games, I try to help where I can, so if you got a problem or questions or simply want to chat, don`t hesitate to contact me! :)

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A fellow cultural science researcher, Christian Huberts, asked me to participate in an interview regarding atmosphere in games due to my practical experience in creating an explorative take on Prospero's Island from Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and posted my answers among those of other developers on his blog:

So if you, too, have developed/are developing an interactive experience in which the environment has equal if not even more importance than the gameplay, don't hesitate to help his research by becoming an interviewee. You'll find the questions and further information about the project on the blog mentioned above! And thanks for sharing! :)

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