my life is a dream of come true my mod i made halflife missionale mpoker pakate is finised and it makews people cry depp storyline and with aguns and god maps the bestest game of game you see my name is horúce leto an play runescape ad me

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hello gays welcome to first blogpst
today is a god day because is god birtday andi will make announcement
mcpoker will get release on a december 12 this year and wil have alot more levels finised and models too

for everone who not knows what mcpoker is a story in should read this text i post here below

mcpoker storyline
you wake up in facilitia on rises earth balck masea resarch facilty on ice and hot barney sees you he is scream in hole and yuo want to help but he wil die out xen alien and zombie you want to get out fast and fastr and you see scententist and run but he dead and weapons are hidden but no nono you wil hav guns alot guns god maps and guns to kil human and a xen alein in night it totaly action and no out ammo the main catogiricisation of mod was create new storyline alot other mods are not very god because evyrone see this before aleady in game not new you know but i am making new mod brilliant you wil like i sure

my anme is horúce leto and i want to thnak everyone of you for help and guns

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Btrea - - 243 comments

omg "hello gays" !? gays!? wait, wtf there, ussually we're saying: hello guys not gays

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McPoker Author
McPoker - - 92 comments

uh no

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Btrea - - 243 comments

btw nice mod, i complete it two times, and want more ;D

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SpeedyClaude - - 1,506 comments

Set a fire,
Set a bomb

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