engineer, sports lifestyle, interested in 3D graphics and games

Report RSS iRessurection Build 2407 announcement

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Minor fixes to resource files, incl. removed music tracks that definitely will not be used in the future but took up space in the archives
Editing the descriptions of cards (as part of the gradual transition to the English steam version), editing the health of some monsters.
M1e1 provides a shortcut for quickly moving to the desired episode (now it is possible to get directly into episode 2), fixing broken doors to the landing pad.
M1E2 minor changes
M2E1 map is brought to the originally conceived idea for the main opponents
M3E2 balance changes, surface combat revision, pain elemental
M4E1 balance edits, minor monster spawn adjustments
M5E1 minor balance edits, monster spawn edits, hellhunter (analogue of the Baron of Hell from D1, D2)
M6E1 replacing the invul with an armored shambler and completing unfinished ideas
M7E1 refinement of enemy generation and completion of unfinished ideas
M7E2 removed power-ups and completion of unfinished ideas
M7E3 added ammunition, when leaving a location, added an indication of unlocking barracks gates, improved generation of enemies and completion of unfinished ideas
M8E1 hangman replaced the invul, the hellhnight part was replaced with hellhunters, pain elemental is now correct (the old variant of the horned flying demon is now called horned and will return to the game in the next episode)
M8E2 minor changes, map also added to build 2309
M8E3 hellhnight part replaced with hellhunters
M9e1 map redesigned (cyberdemon in the fog is still too bold a decision for the first episode) also added to build 2309
M9e2 opponents on the ground floor have been revised, on the second floor the panel opposite the elevator has been replaced with a green panel, the initially closed door further along the corridor has been replaced with a red panel - the map has also been added to build 2309
M9E3 edits some dangers.

Build 2407 will be uploaded here immediately after testing.
PS ..and then I can focus on new episodes of the mod

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