I appreciate fine pony art and music that has been made by the Brony community, see, we DO have talent... Luna is best alicorn, I also run the "Bronies of Moddb" group.

Report RSS Trying My Hand (Whoof?) At Fanfiction

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I thought I would start reading a fanfiction today, never have before.

I'm currently reading "Tough Love - Luna Vs. Celestia" by Aegis Shield, it's a dark adventure fic.

Description from the author:
After her complete defeat at the royal wedding, Celestia's ego is shattered. Luna promises to whip her sister back into shape, because it'll take far more than a few laps around the palace to put a grown alicorn at the top of her game. But, with Celestia coming home each day with a new set of bruises and a slightly more forward royal attitude, her subjects begin to fear her more than love her. Is Luna's ... special training turning her into a monster, or is it all according to some greater plan? It's time for some tough love!

(Warning: Dark tag for some Celestia abuse.)

It's only 120 pages long, or 51,816 words, so i'll be here for a while :)

The Fic: Fimfiction.net

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