Jellyfish Games has a wide and vast range of game it experience, spanning from mobile games to MMORPG. It was founded by former triple-A developers Dave Williams, Adam Blatula and Daniel Dahl in May of 2013. Our first project is Astrobase Command, a RPG 3D starbase builder inspired by '70s and '80s science fiction.

Report RSS Pray for our Programmer: Save System in The Works – Astrobase Command Weekly Update, 22 Sept 2017

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Daniel – @Polygonatron

Hi Everybody!

This week I’ve got to spend time adding neat stuff into ABC again! Yay! What the alpha players out there might have already noticed was an update to the animations used during conversations between crew. They are not perfect by any means but they are a marked improvement over the previous animation used. I also set up some more animations that you’ll be able to see as soon as we get the time to hook them up. And after that I put some time on a project I’ve been plugging away on in my spare time. What that is you’ll hopefully be able to check out in the near future.

Dave – @Dave_Astrobase

Hey guys,

Lots going on this week! In the beginning of the week did a number of small fixes that should have a large impact to playability, as an outcome of lots of playing our awesome game. Then switched over to marketing and other non-development behind-the-scenes work that necessary to the business end of things. Also worked on categorizing Daniel’s animations to be further integrated with the personality system moving forward.

Adam – @adam_blahuta

Hey Space-Friends!

Started out my week wrapping up a new build with some last-minute fixes, including info panel placement (thanks Discord crew for reporting that!). After knocking out some much-needed admin, I rolled up my sleeves and got underway with our Save System! If you worship a deity that might bring favor, pray for me!

Max – @Max_Shields


This week has been shared between working through marketing tasks with Dave and starting the design process for the notice system. We’ll see how my time in the Army will help with in-game information management. Hint: it probably involves paperwork. 🙂

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