Hey there, I'm hxc_hermit, a new indie game developer passionate about creating unique and engaging experiences. Currently, I'm working on a 2D game set in a near-future dystopian city reclaimed by nature, inspired by my love for classic titles like Zelda and Final Fantasy. My project combines tactical combat, farming, and base-building with a captivating story centered around a mysterious event called The Bloom. While I'm good at coding, I consider myself bad at art, so I'm currently practicing to improve. I'm dedicated to crafting a game that feels immersive and rewarding, with a pixel art style that’s both nostalgic and charming. I believe in involving the community throughout the development process, so I share regular updates and love getting feedback. Join me on this journey as I strive to bring my vision to life, one pixel at a time. Your support and feedback mean the world to me. Let’s create something amazing together!

Report RSS Urban Harvest Dev Diary #3:Rising from the Art Abyss

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Hello Urban Harvesters!

It's been a few weeks since my last update, and I’ve missed sharing the journey with you all. Life has been a whirlwind, juggling game development and being a dad to a spirited three-year-old girl, but I’m back with some exciting news and a sneak peek into the story we've been crafting.

The Art Struggle

Let's address the elephant in the room – art. If you've been following my updates, you know that while I love coding and storytelling, my art skills leave much to be desired. My attempts at creating game assets could generously be described as "abstract" – a polite way of saying they look like the abominations from a child's nightmare.

But here’s the silver lining: I recently received a message from a talented artist who shares my passion for games like Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley. They have experience in pixel art and various other art mediums. We’re currently in discussions, and I’m hopeful they’ll join the team to transform my artistic monstrosities into something truly beautiful. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!

Introducing the Story of "Urban Harvest"

Now, onto the part I've been pouring my heart and soul into – the story. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working tirelessly to create a captivating narrative for "Urban Harvest." I’m thrilled to share a sneak peek into the world we’re building.


A few decades before the present events of the game, a cutting-edge research facility in a bustling metropolis embarked on an ambitious project. The goal? To combat global food shortages by accelerating plant growth. But as with all great ambitions, unforeseen consequences lurked in the shadows.

Key Characters:

  • Dr. Eleanor Grant: The brilliant lead scientist driven by a desire to solve world hunger.
  • Dr. Marcus Hayes: The government liaison with hidden agendas, pushing the project for military uses.
  • Dr. Rebecca Morgan: A geneticist specializing in human-plant hybridization.
  • Eva and Liam: Human-plant hybrids created to explore and manage areas affected by The Bloom. Eva, compassionate and nurturing. Liam, aggressive and conflicted.

The Beginnings of PhytoGenesis Serum:

Dr. Eleanor Grant and her team, including geneticist Dr. Rebecca Morgan, developed the PhytoGenesis Serum, a groundbreaking formula designed to accelerate plant growth. The project was initially focused on addressing global food shortages by enhancing crop yields and making barren lands fertile.

Military Involvement:

As the project's potential became evident, the military, represented by Dr. Marcus Hayes, took an interest. Seeing the serum's power, Hayes envisioned applications far beyond agriculture – he saw potential military uses. Under his influence, the project's scope expanded to include creating human-plant hybrids, resulting in the birth of Eva and Liam.

The Catastrophe:

Intense experiments pushed Liam to instability. Dr. Hayes' careless revelation that Liam was merely a weapon led him to madness. Consumed by rage and confusion, Liam used his powers to weaponize plants and convinced Eva, who was initially meant to cultivate plant life for humanity's benefit, to join him. They combined their abilities with the PhytoGenesis Serum, unleashing uncontrollable growth and mutations. This act of desperation triggered the catastrophic event known as The Bloom. Dr. Grant’s attempt to use a defoliant to stop the spread backfired spectacularly when Liam tampered with it, replacing it with more PhytoGenesis Serum, which only accelerated the disaster.

The Aftermath:

The city was quickly overrun by mutated plants, creatures, and hybrids, leading survivors to form isolated communities. This wild and dangerous landscape sets the stage for our protagonist, Alex.

The Game’s Beginning:

The game opens with Alex, a resilient member of a caravan of survivors. The caravan picks up a faint, crackling radio transmission from within the city, hinting at a possible cure for The Bloom. This message ignites hope and urgency, prompting the caravan leaders to send Alex on a mission to uncover the truth and find the cure.

What’s Next?

As we move forward, I’m excited to integrate the artwork of our potential new team member and bring this story to life visually. The journey has its challenges, but with your support and the growing team, I’m confident we can create something truly special.

Early Development Stage

Please note that Urban Harvest is still in the very early stages of development. Elements such as names, story details, and designs may evolve over time as the project progresses and as I receive valuable feedback from the community.

Thank you for sticking with me through this journey. Your encouragement and feedback mean the world to me. Keep an eye out for more updates, and feel free to reach out with any thoughts or questions.

Until next time, happy harvesting!

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