Heya mate, call me Simple.

Report RSS How to Play Xash FWGS in Coop (cross platform)

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What's this?

It's a guide teaching you how to install Xash and a Coop Mod that'll (hopefully) work for you. It's based on MY experience testing the mod. I played from start to finish so, at least for me, it worked.

I don't know how to set up an internet game in this case, so expect only LAN here. Make sure your friends and you are connected on the same WIFI, or just use a software for that case. If you understand about port fowarding, even better.

I'll only be covering Windows and Android here, but I guess if you understand everything said here, you'll be able to adapt this guide for your needs.

Please, if you don't like it, you can always explain your reasons. If you have a better idea, you're free to show it! Just make sure to be polite.

Player on Windows

PC Player

Player on Android

Mobile Player


  • Make sure you have a copy of Half-Life, please.
  • Download Xash FWGS for your devices (pc and/or mobile) here.
    • You can download Xash for mobile on Playstore.
    • If you can't find Xash FWGS for PC, download it here.
  • Download the coop mod here and the patch here.

Please, be aware that I'm using the version 19.2 from the Old Engine here, make sure you're downloading the same version for your devices, to avoid any kind of problem.

Installing Xash FWGS (Old Engine)


1. Extract the folder somewhere. Inside of said folder should be an executable with the Xash icon.
2. Go to your Half-Life folder and copy the "valve" folder.
3. Paste the "valve" folder inside the Xash folder you extracted.
4. Give it a try and see if everything is working fine. Try to play the Hazardous Course, for example.


1. If you want to install on your mobile device, download the apk provided or just make your life easier and download it from Playstore.
2. After installing, execute the app and find the option "Path to game resources", it's a path to a folder called "xash".
3. Go to your Half-Life folder and copy the "valve" folder inside it.
4. Paste the "valve" folder inside the "xash" folder on your phone.
5. Give it a try, see if you can play the game normally.

Installing the Coop Mod

Step one: Preparing the mod

1. Create an empty folder on the desktop. Yes, you need a PC.
2. Extract the coop mod inside of it.
3. Install the mod inside of that folder, DO NOT install on your Half-Life directory since it'll overwrite your files.
4. After installing, extract the patch you downloaded inside of the folder and overwrite the maps.
5. Now you have the mod patched and ready to go.

Step two: Putting it to work

1. Create a folder called "custom" inside of the "valve" folder (from your Xash folder, PC or Mobile).
2. Paste all of the contents of the coop mod (maps and sound folders, and the bat and text files) inside of the "custom" folder.
3. That's it. You can do it for both PC and MOBILE. Both host and client MUST have them to avoid problems and crashes.

Step three: Complicated stuff for PC, pay attention!

This topic is for PC only, regarding the .bat files. If you don't care for PC, skip this.

So, trying to be simple, a bat file is basically a text file, but everything inside it will be executed as a console script if you try to open it.

In our case, the bat files contain important commands for hosting the server, like how many players can connect, which map to be chosen and some extra stuff.

You can edit it with the notepad and see the commands, here's an example of the file "c1a0.bat" when we open it with a text editor:

@echo off
hl.exe +deathmatch 1 +map c1a0 +mapcyclefile c1a0 +maxplayers 8 -console

You can search online for the meaning of each command. To be short here, this file should be like this instead:

@echo off
xash_vc.exe +deathmatch 1 +map c1a0 +mapcyclefile c1a0.txt +maxplayers 8 -console

I changed three things here:
1. Added another "cd.."
1.1 This will tell the script to go back one folder. So if we are at "custom" we should go back twice to reach the game executable.
2. Changed "hl.exe" to "xash_vc.exe"
2.1 Since we're using Xash here, we should use its .exe instead.
3. Changed "+mapcyclefile c1a0" to "+mapcyclefile c1a0.txt", just added ".txt" after "c1a0"
3.1 Just do this, believe me, avoid a headache.

Hosting a server


1. Make sure you allowed Xash in your firewall, otherwise, the server won't show up for your friends!
2. Just create a server, like you would normally do.
3. After joining your server, type "restart" on the console to spawn all the npcs (it's a known bug from the mod).
4. That's it. See joining a server for more information.


1. Open Xash and go to the "Advanced" tab.
2. In the "command line arguments" field, you should have something like -dev 3 -log -game valve, don't delete anything.
3. After the code in that field, put the following code: +deathmatch 1 +map c1a1 +mapcyclefile c1a1.txt +maxplayers 8 -console
4. So, you'll end up having something like this: -dev 3 -log -game valve +deathmatch 1 +map c1a1 +mapcyclefile c1a1.txt +maxplayers 8 -console
5. Overwrite the "c1a1" names with the name of the map you want to play, for example, "hldemo1" for Uplink or "t0a0" for Hazardous Course.
6. You can save it as a shortcut, go to the "Normal" tab and find the button "CREATE MOD SHORTCUT". Rename it to something like "Xash Coop". You can create multiple shortcuts, for example, create shortcuts for Uplink, HL and Hazardous Course, be smart.
7. After joining your server, type "restart" on the console to spawn all the npcs (it's a known bug from the mod). You only need to do it once after hosting the server.
8. That's it, after inserting the commands, just launch Xash. See joining a server for more information.

Joining a server


2. Find the server and have fun!


2. Find the server and have fun!


I wanted to do this guide since I finished Xash in coop, but my English was even worse and I was having some problems with my PC. Well, time has come!

Also, I have a question for you! Should I add images for this guide? I don't want to pollute the guide with a lot of images. So, if you think it's a good idea, tell me why and which parts I should add them.

That's it, I guess. If you have any suggetions, I'll be glad to hear! Please, be polite.


Q: Why are you using the Old Engine of Xash FWGS?
A: Because the New Engine is still in development, I had some problems with it (even though it's playable). You can try it if you know what you're doing. You can find the New Engine here.

Q: Why don't you use that Xashcoop mod instead?
A: Because I wanted a more vanilla experience, and I don't remember a single session with it without experiencing annoying bugs, like spawning inside dev boxes.

Q: I'm just staring at the scoreboard forever! What should I do?
A: Wait five secs and then just press any button on your keyboard/screen. Weird, right?

Q: I can't see my friend's server!
A: See if you allowed Xash in firewall.

Q: I'm playing Uplink, and my friend is getting stuck on the ceiling in the first level!
A: Can't help with that, just load the next map, or host hldemo2 instead.

Q: Can I install more maps?
A: Yes, you can find some of them here. Make sure to read the descriptions.

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