Aspiring game developer, designer, dreamer. Multi-talented guy who currently creates projects as a Solo dev. I also compete in Strongman, and train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I'd love to somehow incorporate those things in a game in the future!

Report RSS Devlog March 25, 2024

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A lot of progress has been made on the 2D JRPG. I created an entire Mode Selection Menu screen, and added all functionality to each button. From that screen the players will be able to go back to the main menu, or select to launch any of the 3 game modes. I'd like to add in a 4th game mode, to make it worth peoples time however I just haven't pin-pointed what I want that mode to be.

I also finished up adding in dialogue to each level. All the levels now have dialogues of the character talking to himself along his journey. Basic things like "Maybe I should jump" or "I hope I get there in time" etc. This also gives the player tips as to where they are and what they need to do. The other new addition to the story is that I completed the 3rd level. The story now has 4 levels and a bossfight level. I'm considering adding in a 5th level to the game as well. I'm also debating a cutscene intro, however I am now a great animator and would need to do some research to get that up an running. My focus for this game is content. And I realized I want quality content, not filler content. I think one good story mode, with the 3 bonus modes if perfectly fine. The Extraction Mode and BossFight MiniGame are basically done. I think no further changes need to be made, and they are accessible through the mode selection menu. I'd like to spice up the UI and create the 4th game mode before launching this. The other thing I would like to add is a save feature for the story mode. All I need is a simple save feature to start the player at each level they are on in the Story. I will be implementing that before launch as well.

In regards to my newest project, I added a bunch of assets, and started designing the frameworks for some more of the areas in the game. I haven't added any new jump scares or anything yet, I'm really just focusing on the level design and environment art at the moment. I want to refine the story and really draw the player into the games story.

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