Aspiring game developer, designer, dreamer. Multi-talented guy who currently creates projects as a Solo dev. I also compete in Strongman, and train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I'd love to somehow incorporate those things in a game in the future!

Report RSS Dev-log June 24th, 2024

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Since my last blog post a couple weeks ago, not a lot has changed drastically. I've done a ton of work on the FPS game, getting the terrain modeled, 3D modeling some buildings, downloading assets, and setting up the terrain. I've also added in a particle system for the snow, and there is a lot of snowfall during the game. The first level is still far from complete, and I have more AI to add. I also need to get the current Spider Ai animated and functioning.

In my Murder mystery game, I've... somewhat changed the story. Moreso adapted. I'm considering changing the name. For now I'm sticking with the Mystery of Beanville but I'm considering a name change. Ultimately, there is no murder mystery anymore, and it's just portraying a story. But.. there is still somewhat of a mystery within the story. So that's an ongoing battle in my head that I've been having. I think just "The Horrors of Beanville" could be a sufficient name for it. I've also come to the conclusion that it's essentially a 3D Visual Novel, so I've decided to drop the price tag. I just want it to be a game to show that I can portray a narrative as well. I think I may setup a donation link but, I don't for-see it being worthy of a price-tag. Especially since I will be putting a price tag on the FPS game. With that project, I've begun developing the next set of chapters, and I've almost finished all of the dialogue. My next plan is just finishing the dialogue. Then, after that I'll add more gameplay tweaks and refine it a bit more, then, get to work on some basic cutscenes. My goal is to have this out by December of this year, so I'm hoping to at least have the gameplay done within the next two months. I'd also like to begin working on the cutscenes that'll be in the game, however if that ends up being the last phase of development then so be it. As I mentioned previously, cutscenes are one thing I've never done, so I'll be learning how to do them. I'm planning on keeping them very basic and simple, so hopefully it'll be simple. On that note, if any readers have good Unity Cutscene tutorials, please feel free to drop them in the comments of my post here.

Going back to my FPS game. I have the story set, however it isn't completely written. I also have a LOT of work to do on the environment and I'd ultimately like to really show off my level design skills with this game. I have a lot of 3D modeling to do. For this game, I'd like my demo out by December of this year. Then, I'd like the game to be out sometime in the first quarter of 2025. Hopefully by the end of February.

My next step, in terms of marketing, is to have Steam pages up for these games. I also want to get a bit more of the game polished, so I can at least have trailers up for each game by the end of summer. I'd like to have the steam pages and trailers up by the end of September of this year for each game.

For now, I'm still getting to work on both of these projects as much as I can. I'm overall enjoying the process of developing these games again as I'm learning new things, and ultimately I am excited to get these two projects out there in the world.

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