Aspiring game developer, designer, dreamer. Multi-talented guy who currently creates projects as a Solo dev. I also compete in Strongman, and train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I'd love to somehow incorporate those things in a game in the future!

Report RSS April 13, 2024 Devlog

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A lot has changed over the last month. I've decided to scrap the 2D JRPG. I've lost the direction of the game and have lost the urge to create all of the content in it that I desired. I'm going to remake it into a 2D platformer, that is more advanced than a normal platformer. There's a few reason for this, but ultimately, I'm not prepared to create as much content for this game as I desired. So I'm going to be going back, and recreating this as a platformer with Cowsins engine from the ground up. It's going to be an advanced 2D platformer. It'll still have a JRPG vibe to it, as there will be a basic story. However, this is going to be rebuilt from the ground up as a simple platformer, no extra modes, just a fun platformer with guns. I hope to release this game later in the year. This will be a free or very very cheap game. Like I'm talking a dollar if not just free.

My energy has shifted into my new game, the Murder Mystery with some horror elements. The name of the game is "The Mysteries of Beanville." All of the characters are based off of "Mighty Beans" if you recall those in your memory. I plan on releasing this game later in the year.

The Mysteries of Beanville has gotten off to a great start, with all of the my previously mentioned features implemented. Since my last devlog, I've added more levels, set up the scenes for the basic cutscenes, and begun sculpting the terrain for the large level, where you have to find clues to who the killer is and find the missing person in the woods. I also added a big river in the level however, there's no swimming and you won't cross into the water, it's purely for decorative effect.

I'm planning on adding in a weapon, and a part where the player is attacked and has to fight the friends of the killer. This will add some FPS type of play to the game. This will most likely take place in the scene after finding the players dead friend.

Ultimately, for now, we'll be rebuilding the 2D JRPG into a more standard, Platformer game. Along with, creating and developing the Murder Mystery game. I'm planning on releasing the platformer by the end of summer, and hoping to release the murder mystery game towards the end of the fall of this year.

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