Just a guy who interest in shooting games and some good ol' masterpieces, also interesting in historical contents from some certain video games and make some interesting reviews for them in STEAM. If anyone wants to talk with me personally, please just add me as a friend and leave a message ;) Also, my English is not quite fluent.. but don't worry, I keep trying to improve it!

Report RSS Historical Inaccuracies in Call of Duty: World at War and suggestions (Part 3)

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Here is the third part of my topics about Call of Duty: World at War's historical inaccuracy and other mistakes, also suggestions on how to improve it.
This part will mainly focus on the issues in "Their Land Their Blood", the 5th mission of the game.
For Part 1 -> Moddb.com
For Part 2 -> Moddb.com

MAIN PAGE: Moddb.com

Their Land Their Blood
- Cutscene mistakes, during the Battle of Moscow (1941/42) section only:
1) German Waffen SS troops with LATE-WAR uniform + camo and Panzer IV Ausf.H (or J), certainly anachronistic.
WISB: Regular Wehrmacht troops with either M40 tunic+trouser uniforms or M40 Greatcoat (as for October 1941) or both, and Panzer III Ausf.G.
2) Soviet soldiers with M43 uniform and T-34-85, also anachronistic.
WISB: Either M35 tunic+trouser uniforms or M41 Greatcoat or both, and T-34-76 with 1941 model.
3) Casualties figure belongs to the Battle of Stalingrad, not the Battle of Moscow.
- From a description of this mission in the menu section: "Breakthrough the German defenses in the town of Seelow." But from the real 'BATTLE MAPS' of the Battle of Seelow Heights, 3rd Shock Army NEVER directly attacked into the town of Seelow.
Judge from the 3rd Shock Army's REAL direction of the attack (since April 16th), they had advanced into a MIDDLE area between the town of Wriezen on the north and Seelow on the south. Those who attacked Seelow directly were the '8th Guards Army' and the 1st Guards Tank Army. While the 5th Shock Army and the 2nd Guards Tank Army were advancing in the area between the 3rd Shock and the 8th Guards.

- For the original Seelow signpost in the area where players have to destroy German tanks, it had a fictional town called 'Wendee' and also 'Zug Station' from Switzerland on it. UPDATE: The 'Zug Station' could just mean the "Train station." But the RIGHT WORD to use is "Bahnhof" as many suggested. And for my recommendation, see below.
WISB: Change the names - Wendee -> Wriezen, and Zug Station -> Müncheberg.

- A color of German's ammunition box should be changed, recommend making it darker.
- For tin cans (prop) in this game, all of them are anachronistic.
WISB: Change textures - replaced the ribbed aluminum with a plain one. And don't include pull tabs for the new versions.
More info: Steamcommunity.com.
- For Soviet's M43 gimnasterka (tunic) uniform: While the 'Tan yellow tunic + Brownish khaki breeches/trouser' is a corrected one, the greenish color on a second model's tunic is seems to be TOO LIGHT and quite inappropriate for the Red Army during the Battle of Seelow Heights and Berlin.
WISB: Replace and add more models with an appropriated colors (varied extensively from olive green through to pale brown). Example:
1) 'Olive' shade of khaki tunic + Olive khaki trouser, Brownish khaki trouser, and tan trousers.
2) Tan yellow tunic + tan trouser.
3) Brownish khaki tunic + Brownish khaki trouser and tan trouser.
For more interesting information: Artizandesigns.com
- For Reznov tunic (inside his overcoat), remove the collar tabs (insignia of ranks) and replace them with a proper M43 tunic's buttons and buttonholes.
- Apart from M43 tunic, the regular Red Army soldiers certainly have worn 2 other kinds of uniforms during the battle:
1) M41 Shinel/Greatcoat + regular belt buckle and jackboots (as mentioned in Part 2).
The insignia of ranks are unnecessary for them. But if Treyarch wants to make it, they should use the insignia on the shoulder boards with '1943-45 style' and M43 collar tabs on the coat's collars.
Infantry color (on both shoulder boards and collar tabs insignia): 'Khakis color with Raspberry piping'. And they can be used since this mission until the end of the game.
For more information: En.wikipedia.org
2) M43 Telogreika/Wool-padded jacket + regular belt buckle and jackboots.
Based on the original cut content from this game and COD 2 version. The insignia of ranks could be featured on the shoulder boards also (same color for infantry, as mentioned in the greatcoat section).
- [Optional] Add Yefreytor and other NCOs models among the Soviet troops (NO CORPORAL RANK in the RED ARMY).
Overall appearances:
1) Their insignia of ranks on the uniform could be 'Yefreytor' (equal as Lance Corporal or lower), 'Junior Sergeant' and 'Sergeant'.
2) 2-3 models per 1 Soviet's 'Rifle section' (9-11 men, randomly appeared).
3) Yefreytor can be equipped with SVT-40 and a regular M91/30 Mosin Nagant (Random).
4) 'Junior Sergeant' and 'Sergeant' can equip with PPSh-41.
- [Optional] Judge from his roles throughout the battlefield, Dimitri could be 'Yefreytor' instead of a regular private/rifleman (or promoted later in the Ring of Steel mission).
- New Sgt. Reznov's facial model in BO4 can be used in the reboot version.
- As mention in PART 2, I'd recommend to include a few amounts of 'Asian' lookings face/head models for Soviet troops, which represent the Asian ethnicities that actually existed in the Red Army.
- In the original game, every Red Army soldier is wearing ankle boots with foot wraps/puttees. While only Reznov and Chernov wear the Soviet army’s jackboot (Sapogi/Kirzachi).
WISB: The Greatcoat models, Wool jacket models, and (the optional) NCOs models should wear the jackboots also.
- [Optional] New GEAR for some of the Soviet models: Add a Shinel 'Skatka' bedroll, carried over their left shoulder.
- It would make more sense if the original Soviet's belt buckle is worn by only NCOs like Reznov.
WISB: for the common soldiers: They should have worn a regular style of the buckle instead.
- A majority of the headwears among Soviet soldiers should be Ssh40 helmet and Pilotka (field cap). While the Urshanka (fur hat) can still be maintained in the entire Soviet campaign, but it should be decreased in numbers.
And the same with tunic, base colors for the Pilotka could be various, depending on the color of each tunic: Tan yellow, Olive/Greenish Khaki, and Khaki shade of brown.
- For Ssh40 helmet: a regular version of the helmet with no marks or insignia on it could be appeared along with the original helmet with marks (it could be appeared as a majority, honestly).
- A Soviet soldier who failed to escape from his burning T-34-85 tank should be REPLACED by a Soviet's 'Tank Crew' with a PROPER uniform.

- A STANDARD M91/30 version of Mosin Nagant rifle MUST appear as a STANDARD rifle among the red army soldiers. While the appearance of the original M38 carbine model should be decreased.
Some can be attached with a bayonet as well (NOTE that M38 carbine version CAN'T be attached with a bayonet).
- PPSh-41 with a LATE-war 35-rounds ammo clip can be appeared randomly along with the 71-rounds drum magazine.
- As mentioned in PART 2, few of DP-27 and SVT-40 can appear randomly among the Soviet troops. Since this mission until the end of this campaign.
- New weapons for the Soviet troops:
1) PPS-43 (highly recommended for variations among Soviet's weaponry) - A new SMG with 35-rounds mag. Some of them can appear among Soviet troops, especially the OPTIONAL NCOs.
Overall performance (compare with PPSh-41): Lower rate of fire, slightly faster reloading, slightly better accuracy, and firing range.
NOTE: Although it got the same ammo cartridge with PPSh-41 (7.62×25mm Tokarev), its 35-round magazine cannot be used in the PPSh-41 (not interchangeable).
2) M44 carbine (Mosin-Nagant) with a 'folded bayonet' - They can appear randomly with M91/30 version but in a fewer number (as for this mission). And it could be either appeared along with or replaced the M38 version. Also, it got the SAME ammo supply with other Mosin variants (7.62×54mmR).
Overall performance (compare with M91/30, same goes to M38 carbine version): Lighter, shorter time to aim and swap, and faster reloading. But with slightly lesser accuracy and firing range.
- Replaced the American Mk2 grenade with 'F1 grenade' for Soviet troops.
- Recommend to add more 'Turret Marking' for T-34-85 tank (variations), as for example; white stripe markings (quite common among these late-war tanks).

- New and modified Uniforms/Models for the Axis forces, separate by different units
1. Heer - Base on 309th Infantry Division (Seelow), 25th Panzergrenadiers Division (Seelow), 18th Panzergrenadiers Division (Seelow & Berlin) and Müncheberg Panzer Division (Seelow & Berlin).
1.1) Either field grey M40 (from PART 2, as the easiest choice for the model) or M43 version of tunic+trouser.
1.2) Headwear - Regular helmets (PART 2), M43 field cap, rubber band and wires on the helmet, Camo covers on the helmet (Wehrmacht Splinter, Tan and Water pattern).
1.3) Camo uniforms with Wehrmacht Splinter and Tan and Water pattern (lesser appearance than regular field grey models) - Smock/anorak, camo trouser (+ field grey tunic), and Poncho Zeltbahn.
1.4) Proper Wehrmacht insignia on the uniforms, belt buckle and headwears. And some decorations like Ironcross ribbon can be featured on some models.

[UPDATED] According to PanzerMan, Smocks/Anoraks in the game (cut contents) are SS M42. Proper Wehrmacht versions are needed for them.

2. Waffen SS - Mainly based on the FOREIGN/NON-GERMAN Volunteers: 11th SS 'Nordland' Panzergrenadiers Division. As a 2nd branch of the 5th SS 'Wiking' Panzer Division, they mostly consisted of foreign volunteer units from Scandinavian countries, Belgian and other European nations. In the Battle of Seelow Heights, They served as reinforcement since the midnight of April 17th/early morning of 18th and fell back into Berlin during April 19/20th.
But strange enough, although they never appeared in-game, Treyarch DID mention this unit on the Ring of Steel cutscene as 'Panzergrenadiers Division 11'.
2.1) Field grey M40 tunic (with BLACK shoulder boards) + trouser.
2.2) Headwear - Regular helmets, M43 field cap, rubber band and wires on the helmet, Camo covers on the helmet (Plain tree, Oak Leaf summer, and Oak Leaf autumn pattern).
2.3) Camo uniforms with SS pattern (randomly appeared with regular field grey models)
- Smock/anorak and Poncho Zeltbahn: Plain tree, Oak Leaf (both summer and autumn version) camo pattern.
- Camo trouser (+ field grey tunic), and full Camo tunic+trouser: Dot 44 pattern.
2.4) Proper Waffen SS insignia on the uniforms, belt buckle and headwears. And some decorations like Ironcross ribbon can be featured on a few of the models.

***[UPDATED] - According from several war-time photographs, Waffen SS tunic Dot44 camo should have NO SS COLLAR TABS. Well, there might be some soldiers sew their collar tabs on it, but it was not by default and not very common. Mostly among higher ranks or tank crews. (Credits to Halftrack, COH's Immersion 44 mod creator)

2.5) [Optional] Special insignia on Field grey M40 tunic (on left arm, apart from SS eagle rune): Norwegian flag and Denmark flag, also 'Norge' and 'Danmark' cuff title.
2.6) As the best way to depict foreign SS-men, their battle cries should be NON-NATIVE German languages. Optionally mixes up with some of the Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and Belgian languages/dialogues.
2.7) For this mission, they should appear in a fewer number than regular Heer units. Mostly accompany with armored vehicles and stationed in several defending positions.

[UPDATED] Extra note for the Waffen SS and other SS related forces (including the new SS units in the next discussions): It's acceptable if removing the SS insignia from the uniforms is still necessary. But highly recommend using proper SS CAMO patterns and NOT USING WEHRMACHT INSIGNIA to replace the original (removed) ones.

3. Volkssturm - Base on several Volkssturm units in the Battle of Seelow Heights and Berlin, also German conscripts among Wehrmacht divisions and other units.
3.1) M40 Greatcoat - About half of them could be equipped with Volkssturm armband (red-white-black and yellow version).
3.2) Headwear - Regular helmets and M43 field cap (with no insignia/decals).
3.3) Young teenagers and elderly men face/head models.
3.4) Poorly equipment and gears (mostly), no insignia of ranks.
3.5) Randomly appear along with Wehrmacht but in a fewer number.

4. Fallschirmjager - Base on paratroopers from the 9th Fallschirmjager Division (Seelow & Berlin).
4.1) Paratroopers 'Jump Smock': A regular/no camo version (greenish, grey and brownish khaki smock), and with 'Luftwaffe Splinter' pattern version.
4.2) From above, those with no camo version can appear as a majority of the models. As to represent the lack of proper equipment during late-war for German forces. Also, inexperienced Luftwaffe men who were thrown into the battles, and many of those were filled into this division, mix with the veteran paratroopers (camo).
4.3) Headwear - M38 FJ helmet: Both non-camo covers (decals are unnecessary for the Late-war period) and with camo covers version (Luftwaffe splinter). Also M43 field cap.
4.4) Proper Luftwaffe insignia on the uniforms, belt buckle and headwears. And some decorations like Ironcross ribbon can be featured on a few of the models.
4.5) For this mission, they should appear in a fewer number than Heer and Waffen SS. Mostly stationed in several defending positions and among those who equipped with Panzerschreck (mix with Waffen SS).

5. [Optional] Luftwaffe cadets/trainees - Base on several inexperienced Luftwaffe personnel who were thrown into the battles and filled into several German divisions (notably, 9th FJ Div and 25th Pzgd Div).
5.1) M35 Luftwaffe tunic + yellow collar tabs + shoulder boards with yellow piping (yellow = color for an infantry unit, while red = artillery unit). Also a white undershirt and black necktie.
5.2) Headwear - Luftwaffe helmet with Luftwaffe eagle decal on the LEFT side only.
5.3) Proper Luftwaffe insignia on the uniforms, belt buckle and headwears.
5.4) For this mission, they should appear in a fewer number than Heer and Waffen SS. Mostly appear along with Fallschirmjager troops, and occasionally with Heer troops.

As already mentioned in 'PART 2'
1) A regular tunic with sleeves (formal-looking) can appear along with the original rolled-up sleeves version.
2) A position of German epaulettes/shoulder boards MUST be in a corrected direction (original version is backward/opposite).
3) [Optional] Add 'Button-up collar' version for the German models, mixed up along with the original opened-collar (casual style) version.
And the opened-collar in the original version should be a bit narrower.
4) A grey T-shirt inside the tunic should be replaced by a regular undershirt.
5) A paper bag on some of the German submachine-gunner models could appear in a fewer number.
6) The Pertrix flashlight no.667 (torch flashlight) that originally used on some of the German models is LIKELY to be anachronistic (post-war).
WISB: Use the older model of torch flashlight, but for the EASIEST way: Just simply remove it, it's unnecessary for the models.
7) Not every German model had to be equipped with the 'suspenders', according to several real war-time photos.
WISB: About half of them could have 'cotton webbing' suspenders, while some models like the optional NCOs could equip with the original leather ones and no suspenders for the rest.
8) [Optional] As for field tunic models, recommend to include some of the models with 'EXEMPTED' enlisted men insignia for them.
Overall appearances:
8.1) Their insignia of ranks on the uniform could be 'Obergefreiter' and 'Gefreiter' (both were equally as Lance Corporal).
8.2) 2 models per 1 German 'Squad/Gruppe' (10 men).
8.3) Those who equipped with 'Light Machine Guns' can be Gefreiter.
9) [Optional] as from above, at least 1 German model per 10 soldiers (squad) could be 'NCO'.
Insignia of rank: Either 'Unterfeldwebel' (Sergeant) or 'Unteroffizier' (Corporal) on the shoulder boards and collars (white stripes).

- [Optional] For SS, recommend to include models with 'EXEMPTED' enlisted men insignia for them also.
Overall appearances:
1) Their insignia of ranks on the uniform could be 'Rottenführer' (Obergefreiter) and 'Sturmmann' (Gefreiter).
2) Apart from chevron on the sleeve, their insignia must appear on collar tabs also.
3) 2 models per 1 German 'Squad/Gruppe' (10 men).
4) Those who equipped with Light Machine Guns and Panzerschreck can be Sturmmann.
5) [Optional] At least 1 Waffen SS model per 10 soldiers (squad) could be 'NCO'.
Insignia of rank: Either 'Scharführer' (Sergeant) or 'Unterscharführer' (Corporal) on the shoulder boards.
- [Optional] For Fallschirmjager and optional Luftwaffe personnel, recommend to include some of the models with 'EXEMPTED' enlisted men insignia for them also.
And in the original cut contents version, every single one of them got an 'Obergefreiter' insignia. It has to be changed. Overall appearances:
1) The majority of them should be 'Flieger' (private).
2) For exempted enlisted, their insignia of ranks on the uniform could be 'Obergefreiter' (got a special shoulder board also) and 'Gefreiter'.
3) Apart from chevron on the sleeve, their insignia must appear on collar tabs also.
4) 2 models per 1 German 'Squad/Gruppe' (10 men).
5) Those who equipped with Light Machine Guns and Panzerschreck can be Gefreiter.
6) [Optional] At least 1 model per 10-20 Luftwaffe soldiers and paratroopers could be 'NCO', and the model can be equipped with Luftwaffe VISOR CAP. Insignia of rank: 'Feldwebel' (equal as staff sergeant) on the shoulder boards and collars tabs.
- Add 'Ankle/Low boots' with 'Gaiters' for a half of German models (used extensively during the late war period). Highly recommend for the camo trouser + field tunic and camo tunic models.
- More face variations for every Axis troops, especially Volkssturm (as mentioned) and foreign Waffen SS.
- For Zeltbahn (originally carried by Submachinegunners):
1) Some can be equipped by regular riflemen also.
2) Camo - Wehrmacht Splinter and Tan and Water pattern for Heer, Oakleaf summer and autumn for Waffen SS, and Luftwaffe Splinter for Fallschirmjager.
- [Optional] Special camouflage among Wehrmacht and Waffen SS troops.
Leibermuster - developed by the German military in February 1945. Saw only limited usage among Wehrmacht and SS forces.
Info: German World War II camouflage patterns from Wikiwand - Wikiwand.com
And Leibermuster from the same website - Wikiwand.com

- Kampfmesser (German knife) handle needs a proper wooden color.
- Kar98k (originally removed from this mission for unknown reason) MUST be included and portrayed as a common weapon among Axis forces.
Some of them can be equipped with bayonet just for variation.
- Fewer MP40 and Gewehr 43 among Axis troops and few STG-44 can be included in this mission also.
- New weapons for Axis forces (highly recommend):
1) Panzerfaust - As a MAIN Anti-tank weapon of the Axis forces, the player can pick it up from some areas to destroy tanks and watchtowers. Recommend to use the '60M' version for its model.
2) Hand-held MG34 (as mentioned in Part 2) - Despite the introduction of MG42 back in 1942, MG34 still being used by several Axis troops during Late-war. Also, it should be compatible with MG42's ammunition (got the same ammo supply and use the same drum magazine).
3) Gustloff Volkssturmgewehr 'VG. 1-5' rifle, a.k.a. MP507 (regular version) - It uses the same 30 round magazine and a cartridge with STG-44 (7.92×33mm Kurz) and was specially made for the ‘Volkssturm’ unit during the last year of the 3rd Reich. This one already featured in Sledgehammer’s COD WW2 as a full-automatic SMG. But by the historical fact; although some of the VG.1-5 rifles were made with capable of selective fire function, the rest of them were only made as ‘Semi-automatic’ weapons.
3.1) [Optional] it should appear in Single-player as a regular semi-automatic rifle only.
3.2) Few can appear among Volkssturm men only.
3.3) For Multiplayer, it should appear as a Tier 1 weapon first. Then it would gain its new attachments like foregrip (MP508) and selective fire/full-auto ability.
NOTE: This gun also displayed in the Seelow Heights Memorial Site and Museum. From German Third Reich Historical Visit 2013, Heritage Bn. Website - Corregidor.proboards.com
- Same as Part 2, captured weapons like PPSh-41 and (optional) SVT-40 can be used by a few of Axis soldiers.
- Same as Part 2, additional sidearm like 'LUGER P08' can be used by a few of Axis soldiers (recommend to be the optional NCOs).
- For MG34/42 50-rounds drum magazine, as from this info: Imfdb.org
"...Note that this isn't how the MG42's belt drum actually works; using the belt drum, in reality, requires the top cover to be opened and the belt in the drum to be correctly positioned. It seems that the developers instead thought that this was an actual drum magazine, rather than a container for a belt."
WISB: A proper drum 'container' for a belt magazine instead of the original one, also with an appropriated loading animation.
- For Panzerschreck: From this info - Imfdb.org
"...The rocket (which currently seems to be misaligned with the tube) is simply shoved in, without pressing down the contact pin on top of the contact box (not visible in this shot, as it is on the left side of the launcher, off of the edge of the screen); furthermore, considering how the Panzerschreck's rocket's tail had to be lined up carefully by manipulating a locking lever, loading the launcher like this would quite possibly lead to the rocket simply falling out of the tube. And given that a Panzerschreck is 65 inches (1.65 meters) long while the average WW2 soldier was ~68 inches (1.73 meters) tall, reloading like this would probably require a box to stand on or the muzzle to be shoved into the ground."
WISB: This might could be changed properly in the new version.
- The real FG42 held only 20 rounds, not 32 (for Single Player only, the Multiplayer version has done it correctly).

In conclusion: Primary firearms for each unit, as for 'Their Land Their Blood' and 'Blood and Iron' mission (not including Anti-tank weapons).
Heer -> Kar98k = 60%, MP40 = 15%, MG34 and 42 = 10%, STG-44 = 5%, Captured firearms = 10%.
Waffen SS -> Kar98k = 35%, MP40 = 15-20%, Gewehr 43 = 5-10%, MG34 and 42 = 10%, STG-44 = 20%, Captured firearms = 10%.
Volkssturm -> Kar98k = 70%, MG34 and 42 = 5%, VG 1-5 = 15%, Others = 10%.
Fallschirmjager -> Kar98k = 35%, MP40 = 10%, Gewehr 43 = 5%, MG34 and 42 = 15%, STG-44 = 15%, FG42 = 15%, Captured firearms = 5%.
[Optional] Luftwafee trainees -> Kar98k = 70%, MP40 = 15%, Captured firearms and others = 15%.

- In the original version, there is only KING TIGER tank that appeared in this mission. And they can be destroyed TOO EASILY, by just a couple of Panzerschreck rockets. WISB:
1. Replace the 1st and 2nd tanks with Panthers (fight to the death with a couple of T-34-85).
2. Both 3rd and 4th tanks (where the player has to use Panzerschreck for the first time) can be replaced by Panzer IVs.
3. Both 5th and 6th tanks (near the house and barn) can be replaced by Panthers.
4. Only 7th tank that hiding in the barn can still be a King Tiger.
5. Both 8th and 9th tanks (final section, get destroyed quickly by Soviet's Yak-9) can be replaced by Panzer IVs.
- Each tank should have its own 'weak spot' (like in the rear and engine), so it'd take a lesser rocket to use for taking down the tanks.
- In the original ver, KING TIGER can be destroyed TOO EASILY, by just a couple of Panzerschreck's rockets.
WISB: 6-7 rocket rounds to take down the King Tiger, 4-5 if the player could be able to hit it on its weak spot.
- As from above, it should take at least 4-5 rockets to take down the Panthers, only 3 on its weak spot.
- [Optional] A new recommend vehicle: A 'Tank Destroyer' that existed in the Battle of Seelow Heights and Berlin: Jagdpanzer 38(t) (aka 'Hetzer' as the most known alias after WW2).
By the info from Masterful Defense at Seelow Heights by William E. Welsh (originally made as a book); Warfarehistorynetwork.com
Showing that there were dozens of Hetzer (mostly serve under SS battalion command) were being used to repel the Soviet’s 47th army and 3rd shock army advance. And 3rd shock army itself facing heavy resistance from German units which also back up by the Hetzers. And info from a book called ‘Zhukov at the Oder: The Decisive Battle for Berlin' by Tony Le Tissier also said the similar thing about Hetzer tanks in the Battle of Seelow Heights.
As for my suggestion, few of them can be featured in 'Blood and Iron' mission and also optionally as a few wreckages (prop) in 'Heart of the Reich'. As for this mission, at least 1 Hetzer can replace the 5th King Tiger. And the player can use Panzerschreck to destroyed it by 2-3 hits on its engine (backside).
- [Optional] For Panzer IV, some of them could have a 'Schürzen' - side/rear armor plates attached with them (more variation).
- [Optional] Add 1-2 more variations of camo pattern on German tanks, truck, and Half-track. Especially Panzer IV, it should have a proper Late-War camo pattern.
- The original German Division's insignia/decal on the Half-track belongs to the '16th Panzer Division' (used since COD2), which NEVER PARTICIPATED in the Battle of Seelow Heights and Berlin.
WISB: Recommend to change the 16th Panzer Div insignia into a 'Sunwheel' insignia of 11th SS 'Nordland' Panzergrenadiers Division. And optionally add SS version of its license plate also.
- From above, Axis units that accompanied the half-track could be the foreign Waffen SS men. But IF Treyarch still wants the Half-Track to belong to the Heer forces, then I'd recommend changing the decal into what's belong to either '25th Panzergrenadier Division' or '18th Panzergrenadier Division'. And those who ride the Half-Track could be Heer soldiers.
- [Optional] New 'Barn' event: As an attempt to buy more time for the player to fire their Panzerschreck (about 2-3 rounds) on the King Tiger that's coming out from a barn.
After the tank came out from the barn, there should be 1-2 Soviet soldiers from the 2nd floor of a nearby house firing their Anti-tank weapon (either Panzerschreck or Panzerfaust) on the tank. Before they are ultimately killed by the King Tiger.
[SPECIAL Optional]
- Honestly, I think it would make more sense and more appropriate if Reznov and the gang belong to the "8th Guards Army" instead of the 3rd Shock. Since it was originally the '62nd Army' from the Battle of Stalingrad, and it was one of the armies that directly attacking into the town of Seelow also.
And after the Eviction mission, they would have later joined the 3rd Shock Army to assist them in taking the Reichstag.
- As from above, if these changes have been accepted, then the presence of German paratroopers (9th Fallschirmjager Division) should have been increased also. Since their defending positions were certainly in the area of the town of Seelow.

UPDATE: Special for Volkssturm unit - Regular German battle cries + new voices (elder German voices) and new dialogues with more desperation and hopeless feelings.

Extra historical accuracy details according to The Frosty 1's video - "Listing Every Historical Inaccuracy in Call of Duty World at War":

Their land their blood

- In the cutscene, Norway should still be occupied by German until the end of the war.
- **For every Soviet/Eastern front mission: Judge from how Dimitri (players) holding MG42, he should get burned by the heat from firing the gun.
- **For every Soviet/Eastern front mission: Dimitri's get American lighter from nowhere. But since it was from 1930, it's still possible that Dimitri might get them from somewhere or somebody special before the war, or even during the war (taking from lend-leash crews or something).

[UPDATED] PanzerMan info:

- M43 tunics for regular soldiers did not actually have breast pockets. Those who have it are usually NCOs and officers.

That's all for Part 3! If you have any disagreements, questions, or even more suggestions, feel free to leave it here in the comment section or contact me personally in a private message box.

See you guys in Part 4!


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