Just a guy who interest in shooting games and some good ol' masterpieces, also interesting in historical contents from some certain video games and make some interesting reviews for them in STEAM. If anyone wants to talk with me personally, please just add me as a friend and leave a message ;) Also, my English is not quite fluent.. but don't worry, I keep trying to improve it!

Report RSS Historical Inaccuracies in Call of Duty: World at War and suggestions (Part 6)

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Here is the sixth and FINAL part of my topics about Call of Duty: World at War's historical inaccuracy and other mistakes, also suggestions on how to improve it.
This part will mainly focus on the issues in the Heart of the Reich and Downfall, 14th and 15th missions of this game.
For Part 1 -> Moddb.com
For Part 2 -> Moddb.com
For Part 3 -> Moddb.com
For Part 4 -> Moddb.com
For Part 5 -> Moddb.com

MAIN PAGE: Moddb.com

Heart of the Reich
- There are several mistakes appear in this mission, mainly in the term of environments/buildings. ***Based on the REAL battle maps, war-time photographs, and aerial photographs.***

1. Starting section
1.1) In reality, there wasn't any U-Bahn station in that sector at all (including Ministry of interior ~ Kroll opera house areas).
WISB: Change the U-Bahn entrance into a part of regular sewer/underground tunnel that collapses by artillery shells/aircraft bombs (and Reznov could be able to drag Dimitri out to above ground from there).
For the other side of the U-Bahn entrance with the German 'SS Honorguard' corpse and 'death card' inside, it should entirely remove. While for the corpse with 'death card' it should be moved to somewhere else, my suggestion is inside the Kroll Opera house (will be explained in further sections).
1.2) Judge from the location of the starting area and its distance from the Reichstag, the road in the starting section is likely to be 'Zelten Allee' (probably John-Foster-Dulles-Allee in present days).
Thus, every building on the right side of the starting section should be removed entirely. Since the entire right areas of the map (unreachable for the players) is the quite well-known "TIERGARTEN" park.

2. Left flank buildings (the fictional hotel and library)
- Judge from the location of the starting area and its distance from the Reichstag, both buildings MUST BE REPLACED by the 'KROLL OPERA HOUSE' (Krolloper). Please not confuse with the 'Berlin State Opera' located at Bebelplatz.
Unfortunately, there is only a couple of plans/layout of the opera house I can find for now (the first floor, see a link below). Nevertheless, here are my ideas about what should be appeared inside the building.
For more interesting info, please see "CONCERT-HALLS AND ASSEMBLY-ROOMS. By ERNEST A. E. WOODROW, A.R.I.B.A. Chapter 18" - Fig. 8 and 9 (images): Arthurlloyd.co.uk
2.1) Players need to run through the larger open area to reach the backside of the building (the building's main entrance is facing toward the Reichstag). Some of the debris and wreckages between the area can be used for cover from the enemy MG fires.
2.2) Players can enter the building through the collapsed wall (a giant hole) at the center of the backside of the building.
2.3) After the players get inside the building through the hole, they could be either appeared at the 'STAGE' section of the main theatre (main hall) or have to fight their way to the stage.
2.4) From above, there should be a single or couple of MG42 at the stage front which could be used by the players to finish off the remaining enemies inside the hall.
2.5) After the 'Reichstag fire' event on Feb 27th, 1933, the opera house became the seat of the Reichstag. That's mean Treyarch's NAZI decorations inside the Reichstag can also be used here.
Note (historical): The giant nazi eagle inside the 'vanilla version' of CoD WaW's Reichstag is actually the decoration inside the Krolloper's main hall (during its time as the seat of the Reichstag).
2.6) According to several war-time photographs, the opera house was seriously damaged by Allied's bombing raids. Thus, most parts of the building should be left in ruins and the main hall should have no roof left at all (or partially left).
2.7) The main entrance (exit) should have been blocked. So after the players clear the main hall/theater, they should proceed toward the 'Romans hall' (southern hall of the opera building).
2.8) From there, the players can jump out from the windows to proceed toward the next area.

Note2: The Kroll opera house that featured in Company of Heroes 2 has an unrealistic interior and entrance, so I'd not recommend to use it as an example. But for the best exterior, please see the 'Konigsplatz' map of the Red Orchestra 41-45 game. ***And for the BEST VERSION by overall, please check the Kroll Opera map from the online game called ENLISTED.***

3. The area between Kroll opera building and the Königsplatz (the main plaza in front of the Reichstag).
3.1) Just across the street in front of the Kroll opera building, there is a group of small buildings on the north-eastern side, they should be included.
3.2) There is a single Flak 37 (88 mm) at the intersection not far from the south-east of the opera building, which can be used in the "Our tanks will have to find another way around" sequence:
- Before the players jump from a window of Krolloper, a couple of T-34-85 tanks should be coming along the street from the north before one or both of them get hit by the Flak gun.
- However, another Soviet tank (either T-34 or IS-2) appeared behind the Flak (Southern side of the street) and finally manage to destroy the Flak and its crews for good.
- Then the tank (and maybe accompanied with other 2-4 tanks) then continue to proceed toward the further section of the plaza (flanking onto the right).
For more interesting info of the Flak positions in the Reichstag area, please see here: Vn-parabellum.com
(however, you need to use 'Google Translate' in order to change Russian into English).
3.3) After players across the street, they could proceed toward the inner section of the Königsplatz by jumping into a 'trench ditch/tunnel' which can be longer than what's appeared in the original version.
3.4) Several corpses of Soviet soldiers and Soviet tank wreckages (can be used for cover) should be scattered around the area. As to represent the prior waves of Soviet soldiers that failed to capture the plaza (Reznov and his crews are among the final and successful wave).

***For the BEST VERSION of the map by overall, please check the Königsplatz map from the online game called ENLISTED.***

4. Königsplatz - Should be bigger and longer than the original version.

***For the BEST VERSION of the map by overall, please check the Königsplatz map from the online game called ENLISTED.***

4.1) First section
- The exit of the trench line should be located here.
- During the charging sequence, the players have to run across the open area before they reach the 'middle section' of the plaza.
- In the open area, players have to avoid the German artillery barrages by both running and hiding in their cover.
Historical note: Artillery fires during the Battle for the Reichstag were coming from both Flak guns in the plaza and the Flak guns on a top of the 'Berlin Zoo Tower.'
- In the open area, corpses of Soviet soldiers and Soviet tank wreckages (can be used for cover) should be scattered around the area. As to represent the prior waves of Soviet soldiers that failed to capture the plaza. Some of the remaining survivors can be included.

4.2) Middle section (statue area)
- Similar to the vanilla version, this is the area players have to destroy the MG positions and a couple of Flak guns in order to proceed toward the next area.
- From the important info on this website: Vn-parabellum.com (Google translate is necessary), there should be 3 Flak guns in the area.
However, one of the Flak guns (No.4 Flak) is located very far for the other two (No.6 and 7). So I'd recommend the farthest Flak gun (No.4) should be unreachable for players, and it should be destroyed quickly by one of the Soviet tanks.
- The other two Flak positions should be done correctly (No.6 and 7).
- The main statue and surroundings can be created freely like the vanilla version or similar.
Note: In reality, the entire areas should have been reduced into rubble by a bombing raid and artillery barrages. But as for the vanilla version, it seems like Treyarch 'revision' it as if Allied had done lesser damage to the areas or something like that.
- The infinite spawning system for the enemies is unnecessary in this section.

4.3) Water-filled ditch
- A long water-filled ditch, located just right behind the statue section.
- A large water pit/basin should appear on the left side (left-ended of the water ditch), but unreachable for the players.
- After players already destroy two Flak guns (No.6 and 7), the players have to cross a small bridge behind the statue on the left (see battle maps or aerial photographs).
- However, the bridge gets blown up by the German tanks that guarding the further areas.
- The explosion should throw the players into the water-filled ditch, then either Reznov or Chernov help to get them out of water.

4.4) Bunkers and museum buildings (last section of the plaza)
- There should be 3-4 german tanks guarding the area, at least two of them should be the King Tiger. These enemy tanks also destroy Soviet tanks that approaching the area.
- After players get out from the ditch, they need to rush forward then clear a BOMB SHELTER building in order to reach a new checkpoint. However, they have to move from cover to cover to avoid MG fires and shells from the tanks.
See more about the shelter from here: Vn-parabellum.com (Google translate is necessary).
- After the players exit the bunker, the German tanks should be retreating backward and getting out of the area completely.
Historical note: There was a group of German tanks participated in the battle of the Reichstag. However, all or what's remain of them were ordered to fall back into the safer zone, to participate in the 'break out' attempt in the next 2 days.
- Next, the players should move cautiously from cover to cover to avoid MG fires and to destroy the remaining Flak guns.
- For a position of the real remaining Flak guns, please see from here again: Vn-parabellum.com
There were 3 Flak guns in this section (No.1, No.2, and No.3). However, the No.3 Flak is located too far from the other (should be unreachable to players), it should be destroyed by upcoming Soviet tanks.
- [OPTIONAL] As from the info above, not far from the No.3 Flak there was also a single "2 cm Flak-Vierling 38 auf Selbstfahrlafette (Sd.Kfz.7/1)" located behind the Flak. And the same as above, it should be destroyed by upcoming Soviet tanks.
- After the players finish clearing Flak guns, they could proceed toward the abandoned museum ruins. After that, they must proceed toward the entrance section (main staircase) of the Reichstag like in the original version.

5. Reichstag exterior
- In reality, the building was badly damaged since the Reichstag fires in 1933, then further damaged by air raids and during the Battle of Berlin. But as a part of Treyarch's revisioned history, it seems like the building got minor damage by the bomb and such.
- The iconic quote: "Dem Deutschen Volke" on the main façade of the building is missing for no apparent reason. It should be included.
- The height of the 'concrete wall part' of the Reichstag's dome (the one with a misplaced half-circle hole) should be shorter like in reality.
- By the matter of fact, the giant half-circle hole was supposed to be located at the BACKSIDE of the dome, not on the front. You can see its image from the 'Anti-aircraft' section of the site: Vn-parabellum.com (Google Translate is necessary).
- The 'Germania statue' on atop of the building (above the main facade) is missing, further details will be included in the 'Downfall' part.

***For the BEST VERSION of the building by overall, please check the Königsplatz map from the online game called ENLISTED.***

6. Backgrounds and other unreachable areas
6.1 Left side
- Ruins of the Swiss Embassy and other buildings nearby should be featured on the left of the Königsplatz (beyond the large water pit/basin).
- Spree river should appear on the very left side, and other building ruins can appear on the other side of the river.
6.2 Right side
- The HUGE Tiergarten park should appear on the right side, ruins of the Berlin buildings could be seen in the far backgrounds (edge of the map).
- The most famous landmark of Berlin, the 'Brandenburg Gate' MUST APPEAR on the south-eastern side of the Reichstag (the distance between both landmarks is approximately 275 meters).
6.3 Behind the map
- The further part of Tiergarten should appear in this section also.
- The 'Berlin Victory Column' (Siegessäule) should be visible on the edge of the map.

***For the BEST VERSION of the map by overall, please check the Königsplatz map from the online game called ENLISTED.***

- Similar to what I mentioned about the cut-scene for the Battle of Peleliu in Part 4, Treyarch also used and mixed up other WW2 video footage that doesn't relate to the Battle of Seelow and Berlin at all. The most obvious one is the footage of the Swastika symbol at the Nuremberg stadium (Zeppelinfeld) blown up by the US troops on April 22nd, 1945. But at least it's not out of the place like in Black Ops 1 (for example, 1975 'Fall of Saigon' footages in 1968 missions).
- The time setting in this mission should be an evening since the Soviet soldiers manage to storm into the building around 6 PM.
- As mentioned before, the charge led by Reznov should be the last wave of Soviet attacking and it's a successful one.
- Friendly AIs are seriously NEED to be increased in this mission, especially during the charging events at the plaza and the very last section of this mission (staircase).
- Compass in this mission and the Downfall mission is literally broken. The front and entrance of Reichstag are facing directly toward the 'WEST', NOT TO THE EAST.
- At the starting section, Commissar Makrov seems no surprise at all when he sees Reznov and the gang coming out from the hole after they went missing for several days (as for the original version). Probably, Reznov might have already gotten out first and reported to the commissar, before going back to help Dimitri (players). However, there is no further explanation about this.
- Nevski from Black Ops 1 can appear in this mission (as his chronological debut) and the Downfall.
- The red army soldiers with Plash-Palatka (raincoat) from the Eviction mission (Part 4) can appear in this mission and Downfall.
- [OPTIONAL] At the staring section, several kinds of Soviet and German weapons can appear at the weapon crates for the players to choose with.
- The majority or half of the Soviet tanks that appeared in this mission should be T-34-85. While the rest can be IS-2 (certainly have to be included, since they were 100% existed in the Reichstag areas and the entire Battle in Berlin), and the optional SU-85 (mentioned in PART 4).

- NEW UNITS FOR GERMAN/AXIS FORCES, should appear in this mission and Downfall:
1) "Kriegsmarine Naval Infantry" - Based on the 'Grossadmiral Dönitz Battalion' (sent by Grand Admiral himself, and reach Berlin in April 25/26th).
***Highly recommend to include, since they were one of the defending units in the Reichstag sector.***
- Randomly appear among the defenders in fair numbers.
- Dark blue sailor service tunic + Blue-collar tabs + 2 rows of the golden buttons + Golden eagle on a right chest (same position as Wehrmacht soldiers).
- White inner shirt + Black necktie for most or half of the units.
- [OPTIONAL] From above, the rest shouldn't have the inner shirt, just only a small part of 'sailor scarf' could be seen emerging from the outer tunic's collars.
- Golden navy belt buckle.
- [OPTIONAL] Black shoulder straps/webbing, but this is unnecessary.
- Casual-wear trousers are not tugged into jackboots for the majority or EVERY navy personnel.
- Headwears for navy personnel:
1) Regular Wehrmacht helmets - Either with or without Kriegsmarine decals on both sides of the helmet (Golden eagle emblem on the left and regular 3 colors emblem on the right).
2) Dark blue M40 Field cap - with proper Kriegsmarine insignia.
3) [OPTIONAL] German sailor’s cap called 'Matrosenmütze' with proper insignia.
- [OPTIONAL] The insignia of ranks on the left sleeve (chevron) = Since Matrose (no insignia) ~ Matrosenobergefreiter. [UPDATED] While for the right sleeve, they can have the Kriegsmarine star decal (like in Fall of Berlin mod).
- Other corrected Kriegsmarine insignia.
Weapons for the above units: The majority should equip with Kar98k, the rest are MP40 and [OPTIONAL] MP-28. Some can operate the MG emplacements.

For better example in overall, please play the "Fall of Berlin" mod: Moddb.com


2) [Optional] "SS Honor Guard" - Based on the 'vanilla' SS Honor Guard in the original Heart of the Reich, Downfall missions and Zombie mode.

*****According to Panzer Man aka Pionier_Paul - "Honor Guard" (Reichskanzlei guards in reality) at the time of the game events (Late-War) already wore the usual field-gray Waffen SS/Regular SS uniform. Thus, their presence in the game is optional.

- Appear in a fewer number than any other units (or as same as the Allgemeine SS).
- Black M32 tunic + white shoulder straps/webbing + Allgemeine SS shoulder boards.
- White inner shirt + Black necktie.
- SS black helmet with SS decals on both sides.
- Equip with SS version of the Nazi armband with the swastika.
- [OPTIONAL] Cuff title insignia: 'Adolf Hitler' (SS men from the 1st SS Panzer Division LSSAH).
- Honor guard SS 'enlisted' belt and buckle.
- SS Dressed boot.
- [OPTIONAL] The insignia of ranks = Lower/Enlisted ranks ~ NCO ranks (Schütze/Mann ~ Hauptscharführer).
- Other realistic SS Honor Guard insignia. And majority of them should have a regular party badge instead of the Golden Party Badge (vanilla version).

Weapons for the above units: The majority should equip with Kar98k (many can be attached with bayonet), the rest are MP40 and [OPTIONAL] MP-28. Some can only equip with a pistol (like Luger P08).
See more interesting info about insignia at Old.totls.com and En.wikipedia.org

- The rest of the Axis units were all mentioned in PART 5 (Eviction). But as to remind you guys again:
Since this mission until Downfall, these following units can be used extensively: Both foreign and German Waffen SS, Allgemeine SS, Hitlerjugend, and Volkssturm.
While other units like Heer (Army) and Fallschirmjager (paratrooper) can be used also but in a fewer amount.
- Everything else about Late-War Soviet and German models, weapons and other appearances were already mentioned in PART 3, 4, and 5.
- At this stage of the battle, some specific defending units could have gears with a medical 'bandage.' Similar to what's featured on some of the vanilla SS Hornor Guard.
- For the defender units that will spawn at the Reichstag's grand staircase (entrance) section: In the original version, there aren't any enemy AIs defending the staircase section until the players arrived at the museum ruins section. Which isn't making any sense and seems unrealistic.
WISB: When the players finally get out from the ditch or destroy 2 of the German tanks, some of the enemy AIs could be starting to spawn at the staircase section. More of them will be spawning when the players have arrived at the museum ruins section.
- In the original version, there were ONLY King Tiger wreckages (props) that appeared in this mission.
WISB: Other kinds of German tanks like the late-war Panzer IVs and Panthers can appear as wreckage props also.
- [OPTIONAL] Flak 88mm wreckage props at the starting section should be fewer.
- [OPTIONAL] Few or at least a single Pantherturm could appear at or near the starting section.
- According to the information and sources about flamethrower I had mentioned in PART 1, the flamethrower CAN'T be exploded easily by just a ‘bullet shot’.
From above, when Reznov shoots the German flamethrower who just mortally wounded Chernov, the flamethrower tank shouldn't explode by just a bullet. Instead, the dying flamethrower should just keep holding his trigger when he falls. As a result, burn remaining German/Non-German soldiers nearby.
- The German flamethrower should be Waffen SS.

[Special Optional] - Continuation from PART 3, 4, and 5:
- I believe it'd make more sense and more appropriate if Reznov and the gang belong to the "8th Guards Army" instead of the 3rd Shock. Since the 8th Guards was originally the '62nd Army' from the Battle of Stalingrad, and it was the army that directly attacking the 'town of Seelow' also.
And after the Eviction mission, they would have later joined the 3rd Shock Army to assist them in taking the Reichstag.

A link for the structures and flak guns outside the Reichstag (again), Google Translate is necessary:
- Vn-parabellum.com
- Vn-parabellum.com

- There are a vast number of mistakes in this mission, mainly in the term of environments/buildings. ***Based on the REAL photographs and the Reichstag's plans.***
- As mentioned in 'Heart of the Reich' section, it seems like Treyarch had revisioned a lot of things for the Reichstag building. And that makes most parts of the building look nothing like their real counterparts at all.
**Also, please remember that the Reichstag is facing directly toward the WEST in reality**

1. Starting section - The main entrance/WEST vestibule.
1.1) The corridor on the right is disappeared for an unknown reason.
WISB: It should exist, and at least it should be blocked by a barricade so the players have to choose the left pathway only.
1.2) The central door to the 'Halle' (foyer) section is disappeared too. And what even weirder is when we reach the entrance to the Halle section, the other side of THAT door can be seen behind the players.
WISB: It should be visible and blocked by barricades on both sides.
1.3) For the original corridor that leads to the 'Halle' section: Judge from the real maps/plans of the building, it should lead into the "Northern Wandelhalle" - a giant pathway on the north of the Main/Middle Halle instead.
1.4) From above, players have to run pass through the room with a staircase (can be blocked so the players can't access to the 2nd floor from there), next is run through a damaging wall of Post Office room (and optionally the reading room), then access to the Northern Wandelhalle from its west side.
For more explanation of this section: Moddb.com

2. Halle section (Treyarch called it as the 'foyer')
- Compare with its real counterpart, Treyarch's Halle is WAY TOO LARGE and extremely unnecessary. And because of its size, it simply ruins the other parts of the building (interiors) as well.
- Suggestion for the new version:
2.1) North Wandelhalle (foyer's north corridor)
- After players reach the west side of the corridor, they have to fend off the enemy that appeared on the eastern side. Both friendlies and enemies can use pillars and barricades in the areas for cover.
- Next, players have to reach the east side of the corridor then proceed to the middle 'Halle' section.
2.2) Middle area (Halle)
- [Optional] Before we reach the area, a group of Soviet soldiers might have broken the blocked door on the west side of the Halle (the same one from the entrance section).
But end up being killed by a couple of enemy MGs, one located on the 'eastern balcony' above the Halle section (2nd floor), while another is located at the end of the Southern corridor/Wandelhalle.
- From above, the players can destroy the eastern balcony's MG by throwing a grenade up above.
- Apart from other scattered barricades around the area, the statue of "Kaiser Wilhelm I" should be appeared either right in the middle of the Halle or blocking the east door (the entrance to the Sitsungzaal/conference hall area). Image of the statue: Moddb.com
2.3) South Wandelhalle (foyer's south corridor)
- As from above, there should be an MG located at the end of the Southern corridor. The players can use pillars and other barricades to get pass the MG fires, however, they have to eliminate any remaining enemy along the way.
For more explanation of this section: Moddb.com

3. Corridors between Halle and Sitsungzaal (conference hall)
3.1) In order to proceed into the conference hall, players must access this corridor from the right-end of the southern Wandelhalle
3.2) All the rooms located at the right side of the corridor (where German and Soviet soldiers perform hand-to-hand combat) should be removed completely.
Alternatively, just move them into the left side or make this hand-to-hand combat event to appear in the other parts of the buildings.
3.3) The 'Hof' or empty space of the Reichstag should REPLACE the right side of the corridor (players can see it through the windows but they can't access the area).
3.4) In the original game (vanilla), the corridor is situated on the second floor of the building (because of the fictional giant Halle part created by Treyarch).
But for the realistic version, it MUST be located on the 1st floor, same as Halle, Hof, and the lower area of the conference hall.
For more explanation of this section: Moddb.com
Note: Since the entrance section until the end of the corridor to the 'conference hall' section, there should be several Soviet corpses scattered around the areas.
As to represent the prior waves of attackers that failed to capture the building.

4. Sitsungzaal (conference hall or 'Hall of Diet', Treyarch called it simply as the 'parliament')
4.1) Size - This conference hall is way larger than the original, it left so many empty spaces on the ground part of the hall.
4.2) Decorations - In reality, the majority of interiors inside should be completely destroyed by the ARSON ATTACK in 1933 and it was never rebuilt or renovated until the partial restoration in the 1960s.
But seems like Treyarch had done an ALTERNATE REALITY once again... It looks like many damaged parts of the Building were already restored and decorated with newly golden NAZI eagle, flags and other stuff.
However, some parts were still under renovating/reconstruction (especially inside the fictional BIGASS Halle). But it seems like the restoration was probably interrupted by either intense Allied bombing raids or the arrival of Soviet troops at the Germany-Poland border.
Note: The golden eagle on the stage is actually the one that used in the Kroll Opera House, not Reichstag.
4.3) Seats - As I had mentioned before, the conference hall is way larger than the original, which is left so many empty spaces on the ground part of the hall. However, Treyarch still can remove a middle row of the seats to be empty just for the gameplay reason (the first German/Axis line of defense in this section). But this conference hall should be smaller for the sake of realism.
4.4) Staircases - Although vital to the storyline, but seriously, they need a better arrangement (relocation and such) to make it match like the real version.
4.5) Dome location - Most part of the 'Dome' area should be on the top of this conference hall (about 1/3 of the dome is on the top of Halle/foyer), the fictional and unnecessary LARGE Halle RUINS everything.
4.6) Balcony (both sides) - The larger conference hall also lengthen both sides of the balconies, this also needs to be changed.
4.7) Entrance to the left balcony (where Reznov and 2 other soldiers break the door), NEED TO BE CHANGED/MOVED into a realistic position.
4.8) For the Left/Northern Balcony, it should have been rearranged just for the sake of realism:
- Make it shorter, and the entrance to the lower floor MUST be moved into a real position.
- In the original version, the 'Great Imperial Salon' (des Großen Kaiserlichen Salons) seats is replaced by the fictional staircase entrance, it needs to be included for realism.

5. The corridor/passage to the dome section
Since most parts of this DOME (about 3/4) were supposed to be on the top of this conference hall in reality, so a NEW method to get up over there must be created for the possibly remastered/reboot of the game.
5.1) Change the original entrance that leads to the fictional corridor into the realistic 2nd floor's eastern balcony that appeared in the 'Halle' section (which mentioned in the 'No.2').
- [OPTIONAL] Move the Downfall's DEATH CARD into the balcony.
5.2) For the new entrance, here are my ideas to cover this up:
- Move the entrance (also staircase to the dome part) into the backside of the stage on the 2nd floor.
- One of the Red Army soldiers break the door behind the "Great Imperial Salon" seats and call Reznov to follow him to the dome.
- Reznov and the gang have to access the new path by following the soldier into the door, then pass through damaged rooms and corridors on the northern side of the conference hall.
- After they reach the exit, they shall appear at the staircase that leads to the dome part (backside of the stage).

6. Dome (Treyarch simply called it as the 'roof')
6.1) The two large corridors that appeared on the left and right side of the large empty hole are certainly fictional. But they're quite acceptable for the gameplay reason.
6.2) As I told in 'Heart of the Reich' part, the giant half-circle hole on the 'wall' was supposed to be located at the BACKSIDE of the dome, not on the front. You can see its image from the 'Anti-aircraft' section of the site: Vn-parabellum.com
6.3) The height of the 'concrete wall part' of the Reichstag's dome should be slightly shorter like in reality.

7. Last section
7.1) Judge from real photographs, Treyarch missed the 'glass stain window' in the middle of the last section (it was above the Halle section). The glass stain could be destroyed by the Katyusha rockets.
7.2) Treyarch missed the 'Germania statue' on the top of the building's facade (located between a top of the main facade and the glass stain window) for no particular reason. It could be severely damaged by the rocket, then Dimitri (the players) and Reznov should be able to climb up on its rubble to proceed to the main facade (plant a flag event).

For more interesting pictures and info of the Reichstag (written in Germans, you're gonna need Google Translate):
Page 14: Stadtbild-deutschland.org
Page 15: Stadtbild-deutschland.org

More interesting info of the building, including the picture that mostly covered the dome part, top of the conference hall (around Page 4):

Interior of the Reichstag from Southern side: Laits.utexas.edu

1st Floor map: Divisare-res.cloudinary.com
2nd Floor map: Divisare-res.cloudinary.com

- Since one of the intro cutscenes featured the first sniping event from the Vendetta mission (Battle of Stalingrad). The texts after this cutscene, "1945 Enter Berlin" should be changed into "Road to Berlin 1943-45" And optionally, the death of General Amsel should be included in those cutscenes as well.
- Hitler died on April 30th, not May 1st, 1945
- By the historical fact: the Soviet flag (Victory Banner #5) was planted on atop of the Reichstag's dome during the NIGHT-TIME, around 10 ~ 11 PM of the April 30th.
However, there are some other sources claimed that there was a 'RED FLAG' that appeared on the main facade around 2.25 PM. But this might be a mistake by Capt. Stepan Neustroev of the 3rd Shock Army himself. And also, there is a fact that the whole group of the Red Army soldiers wasn't able to reach the Reichstag building until around 6 PM.
Note: According to the old artworks of COD WaW, Treyarch was originally planning the mission to be set during night time. But it was later changed into a daytime, likely because of the 'mistaken' 2 PM flag and possibly the visibility problem.
- By the fact above, there should be light from most of the spotlights and chandeliers inside the building.
And during the last section of the mission, the light from a burning city and spotlights should be enough to make that section visible to the players.
Recommended example: Night-time missions from Sniper Elite V2. And images for the old artworks: Moddb.com
- By the historical fact: The remaining of Reichstag defenders were actually retreating and fended off the Soviet attackers in the 'cellar' part of the building. And they finally surrendered the next day later (May 1st, 1945). But Treyarch never mentioned anything about them at all in this game.

- [Updated] By the historical fact, it's possible that the real details of the "Victory Banner No.5" is just a plain red flag + white (or faded white) hammer and sickle + white star. Not a yellow one like in the original game. Source: Escholarship.org

- In certain areas, Reznov shouts 'fire the Panzerschreck' repeatedly, even if he doesn't finish saying his other dialogues yet. This might be an error.
- A proper Panzerschreck MUST replace the US M9 Bazooka (might be a place holder that Treyarch forgot to change it).
- Kar98k should appear in this mission too. Mostly used by Volkssturm, Kriegsmarine infantry, Allgemeine SS, and Hitlerjugend.
- Everything else about Late-War Soviet and German models, weapons and other appearances were already mentioned in PART 3, 4, 5, and Heart of the Reich section.

- [UPDATED] There were 7 special German quotes that originally used for the SS Honor Guard on the DOME part only:
1) "Für die Ehre des Reiches!" - "For the honor of the Reich!"
2) "Gebt euer Leben für den Führer!" - "Give your lives for the Führer!"
3) "Berlin wird niemals euch gehören!" - "Berlin will never be yours!"
4) "Gebt euer Leben für das Deutsche Reich!" - "Give your lives for the German Reich!"
5) "Nehmt Sie mit euch!" - "Take them with you!" (prob refer to Hitler's death)
6) "Für den Führer!" - "For the Führer!"
7) "Deutschland über alles!" - "Germany above all!"

All thanks to my friend "K-Nyne" for the updated translations!

Note: 1,2,4,6, and 7 are taken from the COD Wikia. While 3, 5 are taken directly from one of the original game file called 'ber3b_anim.'
And to make it even more interesting, there is also an unused line in the game: "For Germany - For the Führer!" (fur_deutschland).

[OPTIONAL] WISB: These dialogues could be used for the entire mission, compatible with some specific units like Allgemeine SS, SS Honor Guard, and Hitlerjugend. And more dialogues can be included.
- The last German soldier at the end (the one who shot Dimitri/players, then get rekt by Reznov) could be either Allgemeine SS or SS Honor Guard member.

- [UPDATE] In Call of Duty Vanguard multiplayer map called 'DOME' (remastered version of the same map from WaW), Sledgehammer (devs) done their historical research quite better than Treyarch. Such as: They got the frontal part of the dome right (no curvy part outside that part of dome like in WaW), add Germania statues (although all 3 of them should be combine as a single statue on the top of Reichstag's facade), add Kroll Opera house (need to be located a bit farther from Reichstag, however), Tiergarten park, Brandenburg gate (off the map), and even the Victory Column (Siegessäule) which you can see it very far away off the map.

- [OPTIONAL] Idea for the weapon selection menu, also 'lend-leased' and 'captured' weapons.
1) After the players finish playing the entire game on any difficulties that are not Veteran, there should be the weapon selection menu (similar to Black Ops 2) appear after selecting the missions that not so specific like Vendetta and Black Cats.
2) At first, the weapon selection menu will only give you proper weapons for the Allied faction you have to play for each mission.
3) After finishing the game on Veteran, 'lend-leased' and 'captured' weapons system should appear on the selection menu as well.
3.1) Lend-leased -> Some weapons from difference Allied factions. For example, M1928 + M1A1 Thompson, M1 Garand, BAR available for Soviet missions.
In addition, there should be specific places in each mission to collect the ammo for the lend-lease weapons.
3.2) Captured weapons -> Enemy weapons that can be found on each mission.

- New Zombie uniforms (German): A proper Waffen SS + Allgemeine SS + [Optional] Honor guard SS are recommended. Wehrmacht and Fallschirmjager are optional.
- [UPDATED] Richthofen uniform: His Wehrmacht 'Major General' insignia on his uniform could be changed into either SS-Brigadeführer or SS-Gruppenführer (both tunic and visor cap). While the color on his uniform can still be the same as the original, since his 935 unit is purely fictional anyway.

[UPDATED] Extra info according to The Frosty 1's video - "Listing Every Historical Inaccuracy in Call of Duty World at War":


- Soviet national anthem in the game is using post war 1977 version.

That's a wrap! Thanks to everyone who supports and follows this little project. And I might come back with another similar project in the future!


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