Watch us on YoutubeEach month we bring to you new and old (updated) game and mod playthroughs, trailers and weekly recaps covering the mod and indie gaming scene.

So sit back, grab your popcorn and enjoy the best the mod and indie communities have to offer.

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Noesis Developer Interviews

The guys over at Noesis have kindly partnered with us to get some footage from in and around the modding scene. Last February at GDC, they had the chance to track down a few mods teams and ask them a few questions on tape. The first in the GDC series is an interview with Scott and myself. We took the time out of our hectic schedule to answer a few questions they had about this site and its future.

Flipside Mod Team

Eternal Silence Mod Team

Previous Release Spotlight Videos

Each month, a new mod spotlight video will be released showcasing the mods released. To browse all of the videos and writeup, jump to the ModDB TV features section.

June 2008 Spotlight

May 2008 Spotlight

April 2008 Spotlight

Spotlight is a brand spanking new segment here on ModDB where we take a step back and show you a few short clips recorded from the various mods actual gameplay unedited and uncut so you can see how the game looks, feels and sounds. This is a fantastic opportunity for both the developers (for extra advertisement) and the community (for those who missed the releases). Plus who wants to read text when we can see flashy colors...!

Mods Featured

So guys now that another month is done and dusted we can only have very high hopes for the next month of amazing releases! Till next time mod away my good friends and watch this group for updates.