The Elements Nation: Origins is an online open-world cooperative RPG set in a futuristic eco-fantasy realm within a dynamic, systemic world, presenting a timeless aesthetic. Our entirely original IP revolves around the concept of eco-science, geo-engineering, and the preservation of natural balance. We've combined various gameplay mechanics, including exploration, survival, terraforming (manipulating environments, resource management, and weather modification), and balance management. Beyond gameplay, The Elements Nation: Origins endeavors to playfully raise awareness about the crucial importance of environmental preservation.

Post feature Report RSS Key Art & cloning features [DevLOG]

Hi Guardians! We haven't post for a while, so it is time we get back in the game and share with you a feature that we enjoyed designing. It is not the final version neither the final size but a small glimps on what is comging!

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Guardians, be close to Nature and be its protectors! She will provide for you everything you need.
We have been working hard on The Elements Nation. Here is an well deserved update 🤩

Do not forget to join us on our Discord to give us strengh and be alongside of our dev team while we create a new world! It would give them tremendous amount of energy 💖
You can also follow us on other platforms


We are pleased to show you our Key Art! We worked hard on this piece of art since it is one the most important art that will be used widely accross platforms and must express our univers and gameplay.

TEN Key art official compress

On this artwork you can see 4 characters, a Faro wheeling Nife, a Tekoris injecting Succus into the ground, an Arakorian manipulating Helium3 to levitate and an Antairan standing in Cyanos. In front of them, a manifestation of Odium, who corrupted the environment contaminating a Source Node represented by a tree and a Sand Lezard creature who is preparing to attack our small group.

Are you hyped by this artwork? Tell us what you think on our art! What character does interest you the most and what tribe would you like to become the Nature's guardian?


As you will embody fervent guardians of Nature, you will have the power to interact with Nature's balance and modify the environment. To do so, we wanted to give you the capacity to copy/paste nature's most beautiful creations.

Empreinte 4mb

Energetic genetic material capture

Cloning will allow you to gather genetic material of your environment and capture it. But be carefull, as cloning genetic material requieres to use your native energy, you can lose this precious ressources if you take damages and lose all effort of preserving nature's creations.

Cloning energetic genetic material with a Tekoris

Coming up next, we will try to give you an hint on Tekoris Sanctuaries and some environment work on Faro which started past week!

On the business side, we are also working on the marketing part with a well known marketing/com agency that worked with AAA games on our Brand Book, stratgic positionning, etc.

As a small indie game dev studio, we also would like to be more pro active on our industry and we would like to talk more about how we live our adventure, so do not hesitate to join us on our game dev adventure! We are very creative and the world we're creating is very deep (we even have a 200 pages lore, many many many concept arts that we want to share with you!)

Come with our dev team on our Discord or follow us on other platforms!

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