Unlike the first game, Elite Force II is largely set onboard the USS Enterprise-E stationed in the Alpha Quadrant. The game's storyline is a semi-sequel to the movie Star Trek Nemesis, and the end of Star Trek: Voyager series. Many of the members from the original Hazard Team reappear. However only a few of the primary cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation did voice acting for the game, among them Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard, Dwight Schultz as Reginald Barclay, and Tim Russ as Tuvok. Several actors from Star Trek series provided additional voice acting: Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Commander Shran from Star Trek: Enterprise) as one of the main villains; Robert O'Reilly (Gowron from Deep Space Nine) as Krindo; J.G. Hertzler (Martok from Deep Space Nine, plus roles in Voyager and Enterprise) as Lurok; and Vaughn Armstrong (Admiral Forrest in Enterprise) who contributed with several character voices. (Taken from Wikipedia.org, for temporary use.)


The Star Trek: Elite Force II demo includes small pieces of the game it's Singleplayer. This is a German version of the official demo.

STEF2 demo (german)
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