Silverfall is an immense, intensely paced role-playing/action game within an amazing universe. In a kingdom where nature and technology are opposed, the forces of evil seize magic places in order to take over their power.

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To win, the player must take sides between the two great powers that share the world today: nature and technology. Throughout his adventure and during each quest, the player will be able to make choices leading to one way or the other.

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Sire Gort

Science or Nature 

To win, the player must take sides between the two great powers that share the world today: nature and technology. Throughout his adventure and during each quest, the player will be able to make choices leading to one way or the other.

The choices influence the game in several ways:

  • Recruitment of different allies for the final battle. The goblins of Cloudworks will help you if you choose technology, the Beast-men of Gaïan if you select nature.
  • Different weapons and armour have an influence on the battles and the visual aspect of the player.
  • Two separate skill trees each provide 10 special talents (lycanthropy or implant, insect invocations or radioactivity..). These skills are not offered to the player choosing the opposite way. A player who has the skill of lycanthropy instead of having implants will not fight in the same manner. Lycanthropy increases the player's force and speed of combat and gives him the "berserk" capacity. It is very interesting for players who have not developed their physical skills very much as this allows them occasionally to be very effective in melee combat. The implants, when received, provide specific skill bonuses. For example, a mechanical arm will provide bonuses in long distance precision shooting and the possibility of using firearms.
  • Modification of Silverfall, the principal city, according to the player's alignment. The city changes in appearance, the merchants do not sell the same merchandise, etc...

In Silverfall, a whole trove of skills is unlocked (gradually according the player's progression) that is inaccessible by choosing the other way (but which can be replayed in that way, as well).


Companions and gameplay

The companions are comrades-in-arms who help the player more or less efficiently in the quest. Their effectiveness is directly bound to the relationship gauge between the player and his companion. The higher the gauge the more effective the companion is in combat. The player therefore should build good relationships with his companions during the quest and dialogues. The diversity of these companions and their assertive personalities can make managing these relationships quite demanding.

Numerous secondary quests are also directly related to the player's companions, thus allowing more depth to be added to the game. A new companion will provide new quests. An extremely dedicated companion will provide more quests than an indifferent one.

The more the companion complements the strengths and weakness of the player the higher the possibilities of success. You can also impose an "attitude" on your companion in the beginning of combat (attack, defence, neutral, stay ready, etc.). The personality of the companion, his skills and attributes, the customisation of his behaviour, and his effectiveness varying according to the type of relationship are some of the ways variety enters into the combat.

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