Command a platoon of Sherman tanks over the most famous theaters of WW2. Take the commander’s seat and give specific orders to your crew, or open the tactical map to coordinate your actions with accompanying units.

Post feature Report RSS Dev Diary #5: Battle-Ready Urban Jungle

Get ready to storm the virtual streets of history in Sherman Commander!

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Hey there, Tank Commanders!

Our team has dedicated many hours, pouring sweat and blood into recreating authentic city architecture straight from the World War II era. This ain't no ordinary cityscape – we've gone the extra mile to make it historically accurate.

When it comes to developing historical games, it is crucial for the environment to accurately depict the reality of the time period, including its architecture, of course. That's why we delved into historical archives, unearthing footage of cities such as Aachen during World War II, carefully examining the photos and paying attention to everything that was characteristic of the time period. And not only was it worth it because we learned a lot about the architecture of that era, but we were also able to incorporate tons of small details into Sherman Commander.

That being said, we decided not to compromise to make the streets look real. It's not a matter of simply recreating the architecture. The devil is in the details. One remarkable example is our recreation of advertising signs that added character to those cities instead of being mere distractions like they are today. We couldn't simply overlook them. Instead, we invested efforts in capturing their essence.

We couldn't forget about the advertising poles that can still be found on many streets today.

And we also didn't forget about the roads, which are largely covered with the characteristic cobblestone of that time period…

And of course, we have the pigeon lofts, too!

That's not all! These constructions and other obstacles, like street lamps or wooden wagons, are not indestructible, and are also a great hideout for the enemy! You’ll never know if they are hiding inside a building, waiting for the right moment to rain fire from the windows. Fortunately, you've got the power to take those structures down, just like you would be in real life. It's going to be quite a battlefield. We will definitely come back to the subject of destroying the environment and enemies, cause there’s a lot more to tell.

So, gear up and get ready to face the urban jungle like never before. Dive into the gritty streets of history, as we bring the WWII city streets to life in Sherman Commander!

All best,
Sherman Team

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