Portal is a first-person puzzle game. Players must solve physical challenges by opening portals to maneuver objects, and themselves, through the enigmatic Aperture Science Laboratories.

RSS Reviews  (40 - 50 of 1,188)

This is my favorite game of all time and the only game I am a fanboy of.


Snaap says

Agree Disagree

Portal good game


10 cakes out of 10

Great Game And Its Easier For Me :)

Would play again

i love how fun the game is i love messing around with the portals and its just a really fun game.
but im trying to find out how to mod portals



Probably the best games i ever played and got me in the first person puzzle game genre it was good in 2007 when i first played it and is still good now i suggest you play this and portal 2 while it is old it is still a good puzzle game.

juuuuuuuuuust play it for yourself. game's got great story, humor and puzzles themselves (which is quite obvious)

Very unique game.