It’s been a long time. How have you been? I’ve been really busy being dead. You know... after you murdered me?

RSS Reviews  (30 - 40 of 477)

Who wouldn't give this game an 8 or higher? I mean, it has (almost) everything from Portal 1 and even more! Whoever gave it a 1 live in caves or are people who were trapped in Aperture Science's rubble. From the faith plates, to wheatley, to lasers, it's all just perfect. Plus the co-op and PETI map editor! Does Portal 1 have this? No. Does Half Life 1/2 have this? No. Does Half Life 3- Oh wait. nevermind. But come on, whoever doesn't like this game probably just don't have it. If you don't like the regular game, get mods.

Portal 2 was the most amazing game in 2011. A few other great games came out that year, but this one took the cake. The story's great, the characters are wonderful, unique and have a great sense of humor and the gameplay is wonderful. The puzzles are a good challange and the Coop Mode is definitely a nice way of playing a game together, even with people that live too far away to invite over.
This game is also a huge step up from the original Portal - Portal was also a nice game, but Portal 2 has a lot more story and atmosphere that lets you sink into the depths of Aperture Science.
So, in a nutshell, it's a wonderful game in a series I hope that will not be discontinued!

The best game of 2011


Vikom says

May contain spoilers Agree (1) Disagree

Amazing game with funny dialogues like "I was just reading. SO I AM NOT MORON!!!"

One of the best co-op games and story-based games that I have ever played.

Since first part this game made giant progress in story, gameplay, amount of characters, cutscenes...
Portal 1 simply can't be compared to Portal 2 - the games with different world. Portal 1 shows 10% of world of Portal 2 :)
And Portal 2 is something that can make players forget about Half-Life 3 for a long time - really nice game, growing up on people's eyes.

Amazingly funny, with an encore of great game play

And here is another copy-paste of my Steam recommendation. I really should take the time to write decent reviews and replace these copy-pastes.

"Very enjoyable sequel. Although I've encountered a 'game breaking' bug (which was gone after restarting the game) the game feels very polished and of a high quality. The majority of the levels isn't too hard in singleplayer, but there are some hard levels in co-op, which by the way is a definite must play! Nothing more fun than thinking with portals x 2."

yep, this game is amazing


One of the best PC games of all time.