A group of 19th-century scientists discover ParaWorld, an alternate universe where dinosaurs never became extinct and the primitive human tribes live alongside them. When they learn that ageing stops there, they decide to remain and rule...

CEP (seasmod) was the very first big community project of ours. Since development has stopped years ago, it is outdated no longer supported. However, we integrated it into Mirage which includes all the CEP features and many more!

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CEP (seasmod) was the very first big community project of ours. Since development has stopped years ago, it is outdated no longer supported. However, we integrated it into Mirage which includes all the CEP features.

Main features:

  • Customizable gameplay mechanic
  • Flying units like War blimp
  • Multi-Defender maps
  • Epoch 6 (with Scorpion and Avatar)
  • Phantom-mode
  • New animals and textures
  • Mappack included
  • And much, much more!

Mirage also enables the SEAS as playable faction; they are almost completely redone with lots of new units, buildings, skills, specials, and more. Beautifully reconstructed models and audio files from the original game give them a natural feel, like they've always been there, just waiting for you to join their ranks!

water units

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