Journey into the gritty and not particularly pleasant world of Max Payne. This third person action game features a strong storyline and an altogether interesting antihero. Max Payne is a gritty journey to the present day New York City during the worst winter blizzard in a century. The thriller pulp story keeps the players guessing right on till the end. The game shoots from the lowest slum pits to the greatest skyscraper heights, leaving behind a trail of corpses, splatters of blood, and empty brass rolling on the floor.

RSS Reviews  (20 - 30 of 199)

BEST GAME OF ALL TIME!!great story and gameplay

A Classic.

An amazing game, from start to finish. You must be able to go throw all the trouble to love the story and the gameplay in order to finish the game.



My all time favorite game.

Literally NOTHING is wrong with Max Payne. The action. The Story. The Characters. The Levels. Everything is simply perfect. :D

Good Site Good Enginers Good Mods

Oh my ****** god thankss


HatemKhaled says


werewolfmachine says


deleted10101 says


H3llBaron says