His life in ruins, Max Payne finds himself back in the NYPD. During a routine murder investigation he runs into Mona Sax, a woman he thought dead, a femme fatale murder suspect. She holds the keys to the questions that haunt him. But nothing is simple in the dark and tragic night of New York City. An army of underworld thugs stands between Max and the answers he seeks. His journey deep into his own personal hell continues.


music.txt & soundid.h files manually boosting voice volumes and also lowering some ambient ones for Max Payne 2. WARNING: If you do not have issues on your hardware with the audio mixing of MP2, then don't download this, this boosts massively from default values the voices while lowering some other ones, so it would probably sound awful for you, this is specifically for people who still get issues with quiet voices even after all other recommended fixes.

MP2 manual audio mix tweaks
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