This co-operative action horror FPS takes you and your friends through the cities, swamps and cemeteries of the Deep South, from Savannah to New Orleans across five expansive campaigns. You'll play as one of four new survivors armed with a wide and devastating array of classic and upgraded weapons. In addition to firearms, you'll also get a chance to take out some aggression on infected with a variety of carnage-creating melee weapons, from chainsaws to axes and even the deadly frying pan.

RSS Reviews  (50 - 60 of 479)

A good sequel that expands upon the base concepts of the original game. A great deal more challenging, but it is worth it for the depth of additional weapons, items, and gameplay modes.

Going to start this off with a "Back in my day!" kind of approach.

The main goal of zombies used to be to survive and aim for the head... But in L4D2 you can kill them just as fast by blowing their foot off! It's a good game... but to me (as a zombie critic) I say that they (Valve) just made what they were good at: A first person shooter, (and added enemies that look like zombies.)

They should have added more of a "destructible body" too(like their goal was)... - They made it so you can cut limbs off for a nice amount of gore, or blow a piece out of their stomach... but when I shoot a zombie I want it to be realistic. - I want its head to blow to pieces in all directions and see chunks of flesh missing when i shoot them with a shotgun (and see them shambling towards me with no legs)... I know... I'm sick. xD But it's how zombies should work.

I'd recommend the game to anyone that likes zombie themed games, though... - It's pretty good (and the price is better now that it's not $50 (PC) and $60 / 360 or PS3...) so it might be worth a try... But it got old fast.

The story mode was very well written, but it didn't make me "wow" as much as as I expected to. They made it sound like it was going to be L4D but ten times better, and to be honest it was maybe .5x better because of some new guns and zombie types.

Overall I would give the game an 8/10 though... Despite its design issues and crappy take on the zombie genre. The sound quality is good, the graphics are nice, and the characters all have a unique personality (I have to admit, though. - The zombies do look good... They just need to act more "zombie"...). - In my personal opinion, though... If you took L4D1, added a few maps, guns, and characters, and sent it back out to the public to take as much cash from your loyal customers as you can - that's Left 4 Dead 2 in a nutshell.

8/10. - Good... But not great (and by far, too.)


Left 4 dead 2 has all the things which make a game good.
I can just reccommend.


So chaotic, soo good.


arieas says

Agree Disagree

Brought it later, about a few months (not because of a little boycott). Later brought it after l4d got very quiet, and was tempted.

Does give it a different gameplay style with the new enemies, than l4d.
I liked the varied environments and of course finally day time was welcome, and well set in New Orleans. The campaign levels also have much more variation, such as the hotel, the float in The Parish, the Dark Carnival rush into the stadium, and the moments of escape were much more urgent.
Scavenge is a fun game mode, and the mutations are occasionally fun when its a good one.
The bot AI, seemed to act a bit slower and less responsive when the player is in distress. Its all good mimicking real players, but when you play alone, its not so fun when the bots all seem to get taken down, and have no sense of self-preservation when fighting the tank.

The recent expansion was interesting and fun at points though lacked something that the original levels have. Felt a bit lacking in any direction, other than to get to the sacrifice.


Funny, but sometimes a little bit too brutal...then it makes not so much fun anymore...
Lustig, aber ein bischen zu brutal...dann macht es nicht mehr so viel Spaß...


I really like this game. ///9

A L4D more complete than the previous game, with all the original survivors, all the original levels, new characters, new levels, more weapons, and more infected.

Whats not to like?

A repetitive sequel with dull characters, cartoony graphics and bad atmosphere.

Rating is supposed to balance out those who give an underseved score.


Togranigdo says