A fast Action RPG at its core, I Shall Remain combines role-playing elements with survival and strategic aspects, and creates a blend never before seen. Through complex, real-time character progression and RPG system, over a hundred abilities to learn and shape your experience, dozens of weapons and enhancers, thousands of Infected, over twenty mutations, tens of NPCs and teammates, within a twenty hour long story campaign, ISR offers plenty for everybody. Don't miss being part of our Beta release!

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Thanks again everybody for your participation, bug detection and suggestions, everything makes a difference.

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Note: Since a lot of logical changes have been made to Doctrines and Weapons, it is suggested to start a new game in order to have it working correctly (the game won't crash but the doctrines and weapons won't do what people were used to have them doing)

I Shall Remain

Key features in the I Shall Remain Sixth update.

- Ellis Island map extended and updated
- Two new maps are in (Holland Tunnel Subway and Alphabet City)
- Doctrines have been revamped and updated, 28 new doctrines have been added (128 in total now to shape your character)
- New doctrine effects (avoid explosives, max encumbrance, pierce armor, more scraps from weapon dismantling)
- Weapons have levels now, the level influencing their characteristics (damage, repair cost, most of the weapon effects, serum cost)
- We can now upgrade our weapons by spending scraps/serum (Enhance ammo, Increase rarity, Increase Level, Add random weapon bonus). This opens up new possibilities to upgrade and improve your weapons
- Weapon Enhancer loot items added (these represents an effect we can apply on a weapon, from range to damage or inflict weakness). This opens up endless possibilities to customize your weapons
- 10 new Infected mutations added (Regeneration, Burden, Drain, Osmosis, Enrage, Rejuvenation, Acute sense, Aura, Armor, Crowd), each with its own logic to improve the infected behavior and statistics. We have now 22 mutations the Infected can have in any combination)
- Added "Unique' rarity. 8 new Unique weapons created, all given as quick-events rewards. Some of them have special names :)
- Large texture overhaul. Recreated many textures and adjusted others. Generally higher resolution, new normal mapping and sharper details overall
- Main and secondary quests and content added and updated (new quests from Andrea, Thomas, Jim, Chain, Jay, Cathy)
- 12 new music pieces are in
- New teammate - CJ Hodges (Sibling and Commander abilities)

I Shall Remain

Other changes

- Secondary textures and materials for all Infected types are in
- We can now fight other humans (will continue to improve over the AI in the next releases)
- Doctrines UI updated
- Weapons loot drop from Infected increased
- Support for teammates to signal they want to talk to you
- Many of the maps adjusted with more bosses, most bosses updated to use some of the new mutations
- Two new common zombie types added (Lurker, Strider)
- Tiredness renamed to Fatique
- Tommy's flashlight ability replaced with Chemist (improves blood to serum conversion)
- After rain preset specular adjusted
- Reverted specular power in sewers (was wrong since the rainy days specular was changed)
- Adjusted damage calculation.
- Fixed "reading a book doesn't unlock Apprentice doctrine" issue.
- Fixed reflection parameters (it was marked as 3d but we were using only 2d one, reflection factor is back to 1 now)
- "highest" option added for Shadowing (difference between high - highest is the Lightning shadows), default is Highest now
- All infected have glowing in the dark eyes now based on their rank (default, Elite, Boss)
- Fix not showing 0 damage for invulnerable teammates.
- Bosses always drop at least rare weapons
- Adjust infection/fatigue hints
- Now leaders have 1-2 additional mutations and bosses have 3-4 additional ones
- Stamina damage floating text support added
- Adjust loot generation algorithm
- Mutations parameters adjusted
- Do not apply penalty for chance to hit in case of low stamina.
- Coloth doesn't use the Defense mutation from now on
- Add more experience to Survival skill from blood-serum conversion action.
- Add floating text for weapon losing durability and repair weapon.
- More hints added
- Dialog changes to have multiple characters talking with the same NPC
- Adjust boss location trigger size in cp1 (to match special event trigger size and position).
- Increase time for Beizel quick event.
- Switch Tommy's abilities (now he starts with Cartographer and unlocks Chemist after 3 levels in squad)
- Update monster UI info while shooting from tank.
- Reduce leaders weapon loot chance from 33% to 25%.
- When we die, teammates current's command defaults to regroup (since we restart the scene or from a checkpoint)
- Show correct heal value as floating text in case of heal using medical kit.
- Add more info in mutations tooltips.
- Adjustments to bazooka projectile
- Fixed the character translation in fixed camera character controller in some of the maps (looked bad when walking/running)
- Grass updated in some of the scenes
- Give random loot for teammates also (not only the main character).
- NPC material in survive mode adjusted (was looking bad)
- Adjusted the font size for teammates tooltips.
- Adjusted weapon contextual menu (inventory and equip slots).
- Adjust upgrades tooltip.
- fix for zombie baby dying with explosion (they weren't going through the same code other zombies did when die so there was no loot thrown and boss music never stopped because of that)
- Add filters buttons for skill doctrines.
- Health mutation will only add 100% health, not 200% how is currently setup
- Health level adjustments for normal zombies
- Instant rejuvenation adds 15% for bosses, 25% for the rest now
- Adjusted teammates health in UI after load.
- Add Medical kit and Water to doctrine traders in safe havens.
- Mines won't get activated by barrels anymore
- We do not show doctrines in skill info window anymore
- We do not flicker skill UI in character window anymore
- Show how many upgrades are available for each skill in doctrines window.
- Use loot bonus from doctrines for loot weapons.
- Upgrade doctrine's prices.
- Apply noise inhibitor for snipe rifle.
- Increase next serum shot value when using Infection Kit.
- Several adjustments to scene from a list of issues reported by a player
- Fix "cannot replace a weapon bonus when the weapon already have 4 bonuses" issue.
- Add Z0M81 Virus item.
- Increase the time for cp1 Infants quick event.
- Adjust Infected window to show more mutations
- Infected tissue items added
- Adjust the "Morgue", "Ammunition stash" and "Investigate the shooting" quests to start them when enter in certain locations.
- Made Julia a trader.
- By default newlyborn halflings have regeneration mutation on
- Mantis has 25% chance to leg hit
- Added option for an NPC to show/hide as told by the spawner
- Added "go to main menu" fail condition to quick events.
- Set Can_be_controlled_by_player property for teammates spawners in existing scenes.
- Reinforce cost is now equal with the weapon's level / 2
- Enhance ammo using serum cost is now equal with the weapon's level / 2.
- Adjusted weapon bonus item price regarding the effect.
- Adjusted the loot chance for weapon bonuses.
- Mouse cursor fix to show after we exited and re-entered from the desktop
- Fixed "Do not use monster resistances in case of teammates". This made teammates level up a lot slower, this should improve that.
- Knife larger hit angle 45, it is possible to fight correctly with the knife now
- Maximum number of bonuses is rarity dependent: 3 for Uncommon, 4 for Rare and 5 for Elite.
- Gain experience from upgrade weapons operations.
- Show messages for starting, completed and failing quests.
- Send "goto main menu" event when changing scenes to fail defend area quests and quick events.
- Made Beizel less powerfull
- Correction when show the damage for weapons in weapon tooltip.
- Mutations reset correctly when we exit the game now
- Overall mutations parameters adjusted

I Shall Remain

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