Fonline Last Breath is a solo game build with Fonline engine. It take place in east of europe. The player will have full freedom in his action, you ll can be a raider, a simple merchant, a protector... There will be npc faction with warzone. The world wait you.

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We have finally move to 2238 sdk and delete all old stuff. We are curently working on different script for gameplay (housing and build system)

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=> I am currently looking for people interrested to help me for Last Breath project, Pm me if interrested .

First step

- real time build system


=> companions

First step
-New companions system in relation with karma and quest
(your action will increase or decrease repution with companions,
watch your back ;) )

We ll upload a small track of ambient music we have create for fonline breath soon.

Stay tunned


Hot News!

Hello guys , Good news, yep Last Breath is alive!
Working alone on this is crazy but its hard to find people interested.
So for the next weeks i'll have to do some cleaning in my ressource before work
on next feature that i want see in Last breath.
More info Soon.


Project is alive

Hot news

-Finally i have a clean SDK! 3d/worldmap/some location added
Clean Sdk


I have finally set up most of 3d armors/weapon/item (thans to karpov for his help)
Ill make a video for show some new 3d models:) (new character body too/choice...)

But before i'll have to work on some locations/quest/craft recipes/

A random screenshot in game tonight / Im looking for people to join the project(map,script,or other, PM me if you want)

One of 3d armor model (Thanks to karpov)

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