Fonline Last Breath is a solo game build with Fonline engine. It take place in east of europe. The player will have full freedom in his action, you ll can be a raider, a simple merchant, a protector... There will be npc faction with warzone. The world wait you.

Post news Report RSS Planned major update for nexts weeks

Hey all! Curently we are working hard to clean all bug for new world map We also begin creating new interface for menu/worldmap/invotory Creation of maps have begin too and we looking to add location on worldmap.

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First major update planned

-New interface (menu, inventory, worldmap)=>WIP

-New music

-Add location to worldmap (wip)

-Towns creation (wip)

-Clean all old stuff of tla=> merge 2238 SDK=>ok

Work in progress (map)
*Here a map we are curently working on

PS: We are looking for a second mapper Pm me if interested.

Stay tuned

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