Fonline Last Breath is a solo game build with Fonline engine. It take place in east of europe. The player will have full freedom in his action, you ll can be a raider, a simple merchant, a protector... There will be npc faction with warzone. The world wait you.

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All 3d model of weapons armors item characters are now in game. Next week i'll set up more location and begin some quest creation/craft recipe.

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Project is alive

Add all 3d models in game => done

Here some screenshot of new 3d models:

New 3d modelsNew 3d modelsNew 3d models
One of 3d armor model (Thanks to karpov)


- Turn all npc 3D
- New location
- Begin creation of quest
- Better interface/menu
- Maybe set up server for 1/2 days to test 3d models and fps with alpha tester.
- Video In game to show some location ( actual video on 3d are obsolete now, i need to swtich them to new)

Ps: Im looking for people who want join my project (mapper, script, music, translate)
PM me if interested.

Wip: lets begin map!

Lets begin map!

Next Update: Begin of the next week!
Stay tuned, doon.

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