Finest Fable is an unusual Turn based RPG set in the fictional world of Magi. The Dark Lord runs rampant in the country of Nationia, seeking to regain its lost power after being defeated by AlGore, the Legendary Hero of Light, 25 years ago. Many heroes have been chosen to take AlGore's place after he mysteriously disappeared, however, you're not one of them. You're a Drunk Ex-Royal Guard set to defeat The current Legendary hero of Light after he stole your drink. Chase after him and get in more trouble than you can possibly imagine, after all, the fate of the world is in the Hero's hands, but you don't care, do you?This comedic take pokes fun at the fantasy genre while adding its own twist, inspired by games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.

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It's been a year since the first iteration of finest fable. I wanted to show you the works in progress through these past 5 or 6 months of work. I've got a lot to show, but i'll start with the very first thing. The world map.

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Nationia is vast, mountainous and very intricate in secrets. The very first area of the game is a rural town in the middle of nowhere, where adventurers go to simply have a few drinks, rest and possibly enjoy the view.
Compared to the old one, which was closer to the sea and had a port, which didn't make sense for the region's economy.

I pay very close attention to stuff like this so to make sure that things made sense I did a little bit of a revamp.
Here's what I got to show!

World Map Before

World map After

It's concise, stunning and shows off the humble beginnings of a new adventure that is right about to start.
This is exactly what I envisioned and I hope it's to your liking as well.

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